View Full Version : A 12 fighter kensai/8 Bard warchanter build

04-28-2010, 04:06 AM
I have bin thinking a lot about a mix of 12 fighter kenai (or maybe defender) combined with a 8 bard or probably 6 bard 2 rogue. Race Human.

What i am thinking is using the bard level 3 healing spell for some serious self healing with healing amp, have some decent songs with warchanter, be able to turtle up using light and darkness for tanking. The AC loss compared to a pure defender build should be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 8 AC if going kensai (including defender ring) or about 4 if going defender2.

Now the nice thing about this is that warchanter gives +2 intimidate so the intim score of this build will be the same as a full fighter.

My question is: I have newer played a bard before - are the songs on a lvl 6 or 8 warchanter useful (does it stack with things like GH), and could such a build be an effective tank in end game having a full intimidate score and good dr with a lower AC? Also would it be best to have 2 rogue?.