View Full Version : Looking for Guild

04-27-2010, 06:05 PM
Looking to join a guild with my lvl 5 Rouge and lvl 5 Ranger. Casual player on almost everyday for 2-3 hours around 3:30pm to 6:00pm (EST) and longer on my days off. Helpful and willing to do what is asked. Just looking for a reliable group of people to quest with.

Jinson Targood
Level 5 Rogue

Lynnwood Yuengling
Level 5 Ranger

Plus I have 2 other toons I am working on a fighter and a monk. Oh and I have the monthly subscription so I can access just about anything.

04-29-2010, 10:26 AM
Take a look at the Silver Legion - good solid guild - web site is www.guildmedieval.com. if you decide to send an application, make sure to choose "other" as the realm, and Zip as your recruiter. We have a good group of people, and always have some sort of activity going on.