View Full Version : WF when should I drop Adamantine Body?

04-27-2010, 12:23 PM
I have a WF FVS and just wondering if most players keep Adamantine body - or do they replace the feat?

1) If you replace the feat - when does it make the most sense to switch it out?

2) And how is that dr replaced by better gear or levels?


04-27-2010, 01:04 PM
the dr wont be replaced really, just wont be that important, at low levels 2 dr + a couple enhancements cover a big % of your incoming damage, but later it matters much less, i would trade it about lvl 12 i think, for maximize...

04-27-2010, 01:24 PM
Adamantine body stacks with lord of blades DR, and Warforged enhancements.

I wouldn't trade it out at all.

04-27-2010, 01:57 PM
Adamantine body stacks with lord of blades DR, and Warforged enhancements.

I wouldn't trade it out at all.

Matuse, on my WF FvS, I'm planning on taking Improved Critical: Slashing, Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Empower Healing, Toughness and Power Attack.

Which of those would you recommend swapping out in that case? I'm leaning towards Extend, but I'm iffy on that because I love to spam Blade Barrier on my Human FvS.

04-27-2010, 05:43 PM
Adamantine body stacks with lord of blades DR, and Warforged enhancements.

I wouldn't trade it out at all.

The problem is I can't go pure FSV and get Damage Reduction Adamantine at 20 (if this is what you mean by Lord of Blades DR, I'm assuming so...)

The 6 that are core to my build and cannot be traded out are:

Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Empower, Toughness and Power Attack.

Even if you were to convince me to drop one feat of those 6 - it wouldn't give me the two I would need for Adamantine at creation and the DR Adamantine at 20.

04-27-2010, 07:16 PM
The problem is I can't go pure FSV and get Damage Reduction Adamantine at 20 (if this is what you mean by Lord of Blades DR, I'm assuming so...)

The 6 that are core to my build and cannot be traded out are:

Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Empower, Toughness and Power Attack.

Even if you were to convince me to drop one feat of those 6 - it wouldn't give me the two I would need for Adamantine at creation and the DR Adamantine at 20.

DR 10/adamantine doesnt cost you a feat.;)

04-27-2010, 07:27 PM
DR 10/adamantine doesnt cost you a feat.;)

Can you get the Admantine DR at 20 without Adamantine at creation?

I thought you couldn't?

Still leaves me with having to drop adamantine if I want these 6 core feats;

** Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Empower, Toughness and Power Attack.

1) Do you think gaining DR is worth losing one of those feats?

2) Which feat would you give up?

04-27-2010, 08:22 PM
If you want those 6 feats, then your progression is simple:

1. Adamantine Body

3. Toughness

6. Extend

9. Empower/Empower Healing

12. Quicken

15. Maximize

18. Power Attack

No issues unless you also want Improved Critical.

04-27-2010, 08:43 PM
Wow - thanks!

04-28-2010, 12:13 AM
I'm planning on taking Improved Critical: Slashing, Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Empower Healing, Toughness and Power Attack.

Of those, I'd drop Empower Healing like a hot rock.

04-28-2010, 05:41 AM
Got a melee 2hf specced character (feats now are empower, toughness, 2hf, i2hf, imp crit, power attack, quicken), I kept the body until 18th level, then swapped it out for empower spell now im starting to do high-end raids & more soloing of low level stuff for favour/loot - having less DR is noticeable, but empowered BB is nice

04-28-2010, 07:33 AM
Of those, I'd drop Empower Healing like a hot rock.

seconded, empower i might keep, but empower healing . . . buhbye.

04-28-2010, 08:52 AM
seconded, empower i might keep, but empower healing . . . buhbye.

i dont think 2 extra dr at lvl 20 are worth more than any of the feats that aylin listed... though i may consider empower instead of empower healing, but mainly cause i plan to solo more, so better blade barriers (even at half damage from st made) is more important than better heal/mass heal i think.

04-28-2010, 12:14 PM
I've never missed not having Empower Healing. But then I also don't do Shroud/VoD/ToD on Elite...it would be a lot more helpful there, no doubt. But as I never plan on doing those, I find it difficult to care.

I adore having Empower though, particularly as it only costs 7 SP above normal to use. I never turn it off. Maximize is more situational.

04-28-2010, 12:49 PM
So, which one you drop for adamantine body from these feats?

Improved Critical: Slashing, Extend, Maximize, Quicken, Empower, Toughness and Power Attack.

04-28-2010, 04:13 PM
I would drop adamantine body after you get your bloodrage symbiont (5/dr), which was around level 12 or 13 when I got blade barrier (makes the farming easier). I was glad to get rid of the -5 jump/balance penalty, and AC didn't matter so much anymore after that point.

at level 20 you can get enhancements to get dr up to 13. IMHO there is no meaningful difference between dr of 13 and 15. (a dr 15 isn't going to save you in any situation that a DR of 13 won't).

04-28-2010, 05:24 PM
I've never missed not having Empower Healing. But then I also don't do Shroud/VoD/ToD on Elite...it would be a lot more helpful there, no doubt. But as I never plan on doing those, I find it difficult to care.

I adore having Empower though, particularly as it only costs 7 SP above normal to use. I never turn it off. Maximize is more situational.

I went with Empower Healing over Empower since I didn't have the APs to take the full line to reduce the cost of Empower.

My other FvS has it though and yes, I never turn it off there either.

04-28-2010, 05:48 PM
I would drop adamantine body after you get your bloodrage symbiont (5/dr), which was around level 12 or 13 when I got blade barrier (makes the farming easier).

I've looked all over for this Bloodrage Symbiont.

Is this available to WF FVS?

Is it a feat or enhancement?


04-28-2010, 06:32 PM
I've looked all over for this Bloodrage Symbiont.

Is this available to WF FVS?

Is it a feat or enhancement?


It's a trinket.

I believe it gives -2 CON, Rage and DR 5/-, though I could be misremembering. Can't remember for sure where you find it.

04-28-2010, 07:16 PM
for all items: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=121279

Bloodrage Symbiont is found in Haywire Foundary (VoN 4), in a breakable barrel down the right wing. There are youtube videos on where to find it. You will likely need 20+ runs. I use it on many of my characters. Remember to bind and attune it immediately and probably do the ritual to increase it's durability.

It isn't absolutely necessary, if you don't want to bother, switch out of adamantine body at level 20. Or earlier since there isn't a huge difference between 5 DR and 3 DR. It's definitely nice to have the extra AC for early levels, but by the time you hit demon sands/gianthold, you are probably getting hit all the time if you are a pure FvS build.

04-29-2010, 05:31 AM
I'm doing do Toughness, THF, ITHF, PA, Maximize, Quicken, and Improved Crit: Slashing on my WF FvS.

Without extend it's kinda rough. But livable.

04-29-2010, 11:09 AM
Improved Crit Slashing - how much does it improve the chance to crit by?

5 or 10%?

04-29-2010, 01:19 PM
Improved Crit Slashing - how much does it improve the chance to crit by?

5 or 10%?

It doubles the crit range of your weapon.

For a Greatsword with a base 10% chance to critical, it now becomes 20% chance.

04-29-2010, 01:20 PM
Improved Crit Slashing - how much does it improve the chance to crit by?

5 or 10%?

depends on the weapon, it doubles the crit range base of the weapon (doesnt stacks with a keen weapon)
So, for a 20 crit weapon, is 5% increase, for a 19-20 is 10% and for a 18-20 is 15%