View Full Version : I could use a little help selecting my last feat....

04-24-2010, 02:18 PM
Well, I have started a melee focused battle cleric (eyes roll, I know) But, I have a healbot, and an offensive casting cleric already, both are capped or near cap... and wanted something different...

She is a concept experiment, and hasn't been detailed to the bone yet... I've played her to lvl 9 so far I've been sort of winging it, but now planning her later levels to make sure I get what I want out of her ( a cleric who can deal some decent melee damage).... one who can heal and fight at the same time.....

So playing with the character planner, I've got everything I think I need, and am down to the final feat selection, I have narrowed it down to 1 of these three: Power Attack, Greater TWF, or heighten...

I'm leaning towards GTWF, but not quite sure if I'd get more milage out of PA or heighten....

BTW: She is a strength based Dwarf, using Dwarven Axes...

04-24-2010, 03:18 PM
You'll definitely NEED Power Attack to do significant melee damage.

However you'll also NEED GTWF for decent melee damage.

Hard to give any really specific advice without knowing your current feat plan!

04-24-2010, 04:39 PM
You'll definitely NEED Power Attack to do significant melee damage.

However you'll also NEED GTWF for decent melee damage.

Hard to give any really specific advice without knowing your current feat plan!

Actually, I specifically did not put a lot of detail into this post, because I wanted to see the response to to which of the three would be the one you took, if you could only select one.... not really ready to post all the details to this build yet, as I'm not yet sure of them....