View Full Version : Add Links to Compendium and/or Forums from in-game

04-23-2010, 03:48 PM
There was a question in general chat today about when you started to receive level 2 spells as a wizard. I opened the (very convenient :) ) MyDDO browser form in-game and found the info. And then there is the issue... How do you tell the person with the question how to find this info. Answer: You can't. :( Why not? We can link to items now. And we have the browser in-game!

Solution: Add a way to link to pages in the Compendium (or even the forums) from general chat similar to the way we can link to items. This would allow new players to read on their own to get most of their questions after someone shows them the page where the info is. Instead, right now they have to keep asking questions, that probably would be answered if they just read that page!

I know what some people will say. You can open a regular web page (out-of-game) find the info and copy and paste the url into the general chat. Yes you can. But it would be much easier to be able to link right in-game.

Any thoughts?

04-23-2010, 03:50 PM
It isn't a bad idea...

But I dislike being able to open up an in game browser to begin with. IT IS NOT SECURE. People have already been hit with viri due to the fact they go to a bad web page using the in game browser.

Then they come here blaming Turbine when in reality, it was there on fault for going to a bad web page to begin with.

04-23-2010, 03:56 PM
You can't type in a specific page in the in-game browser.
As long as Turbine keeps it to their own pages, it should not be an issue.