View Full Version : Looking for advice for my last feat

04-23-2010, 03:37 PM
Hi all,

So I just turned lvl 18 on my drow tempest ranger (16 ranger, 1 rogue, 1 fighter) and I need help deciding on my last feat. Here's what I took at each lvl:
1 Dodge
3 Mobility
6 Spring Attack
8 Toughness (Fighter bonus)
9 IC: Piercing
15 Power Attack

I use dual rapiers, have a str build, no focus on AC (only 30 unbuffed), and have taken UMD to the max each lvl. What I'm considering so far is:
Skill focus UMD: +3 UMD
Toughness (again): +3 HP first lvl, +1 every after
Weapon proficiency Kopesh
Luck of heroes: +1 all saves
Weapon focus piercing: +1 attack rolls

I don't know if some of these are bad decisions; I've never seen any guide calling for luck of heroes or toughness again. Weapon focus seems pretty weak, +1 attack for a feat?, and I don't know if I want to be able to use rapiers, since I'm drow and have rapier bonuses. UMD seems decent, but I'm already at 22 (20 +2 char mod) and I don't know how much benefit 3 more UMD will serve. What do you all think? Is there a good feat I'm overlooking?

04-23-2010, 03:49 PM
What's your base Cha (no tomes)? (to figure out if SF: UMD would be a good choice)

04-23-2010, 04:04 PM
I'd say Khopesh but your gonna wanna swap IC:pierce for IC:slashing. Luck/weapon focus are complete wastes, for +1.

If you don't have an issue with HP, don't know since I don't know your con/gear, then Khopesh.

04-23-2010, 04:21 PM
I'd go with SF: UMD if u have a maxxed out UMD score already, that skill is invaluable.

04-23-2010, 05:04 PM
What's your base Cha (no tomes)? (to figure out if SF: UMD would be a good choice)

Base Char = 10
Using +5 char cloak
Total = 15

04-23-2010, 11:08 PM
Base Char = 10
Using +5 char cloak
Total = 15
Ok, so at L20 which should be coming soon enough, UMD would look like at least:
23 (ranks)
3 (16 Cha, shouldn't be too hard to find a +6 Cha item)
4 (GH)

Skill Focus: UMD looks like a good option. You should be able to reach the "magic" 39 by adding +6 from some of these options:
- +2 Cha tome (+1)
- Head of good fortune (+2) or Voice of the Master (+1)
- Shroud crafted exceptional bonuses (+1 / +2 / +3 for max +6)
- +3 exceptional bonus from Eldritch rune on DT armor (won't stack with Shroud item)
- Golden Cartouche (+3)
- Titan gloves if you are really lucky (+5)

04-23-2010, 11:16 PM
I guess I'll swim against the tide here but on my tempest ranger I was very happy with IC: Ranged for my 20sec manyshot. So if SF: UMD doesn't work for you I'd think about that one.