View Full Version : Best Feat for a level 6 sorcerer

04-23-2010, 11:32 AM
What is the best feat for a level 6 sorcerer? The path, Dynamic Hands, I chosen is a feat (force of personality) for level 6 with increased socres in concentration and use magic device. How useful is this force of personality? What is the best feat for a sorcerer whose goal is to be as best of spellcaster as possible. I agree concentration and use magic device are useful tools for a sorcerer, but I'm not sure force of personality is. Thank you. I won't level up yet until I see others' feedback.

04-23-2010, 11:51 AM
What is the best feat for a level 6 sorcerer? The path, Dynamic Hands, I chosen is a feat (force of personality) for level 6 with increased socres in concentration and use magic device. How useful is this force of personality? What is the best feat for a sorcerer whose goal is to be as best of spellcaster as possible. I agree concentration and use magic device are useful tools for a sorcerer, but I'm not sure force of personality is. Thank you. I won't level up yet until I see others' feedback.

1) What race are you?
2) What feats have you already taken?
3) Starting stats?
3) By "best" do you mean in terms of DPS? (I am assuming yes)
4) Note that being the "best" spellcaster and staying on your path don't seem to work together. (The starting stats are ok, if I'm looking at the right thing, but the Feat selection is wonky).

Not knowing your previous feat selection, I'm going to throw out a couple random suggestions:

Force of Personality is a fine feat for a Sorcerer, if you chose (or have room) to take it. It will pretty much put your Will save out of reach of a lot of enemy spellcasters (although you will still fail on a 1). If your aim is to do as much DPS as soon as possible, you may opt to wait a bit before taking it.

If you do not have Empower (or Maximize), take one of those for increased DPS. Many suggest having both by the time you can cast Wall of Fire (level 8), if you are planning on DPS'ing (as opposed to insta-deathing). Empower is cheaper to use, but you will want both by 20 in order to "max DPS" without regard to SP pool (for last boss, for example).

Extend is also a decent choice. Your buffs don't last too long, and Extend helps in that regard. Less important if your focus is DPS.

Toughness is also a good choice for any character. The earlier you take it, the more robust you will be. Since you probably don't have that many hitpoints to begin with, it might be worth it take. Surviving an encounter and doing less DPS sure beats doing lots of DPS and dying 2 seconds afterward.

04-23-2010, 12:09 PM
I don't think a sorcerer has room for Force of Personality. Not enough feats.
I posted a revised version of the Dynamic Hand build (this thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=232660)), you can check the feat progression there.

04-23-2010, 12:22 PM
Hitpoints gained by the toughness feat are retroactive, so if you wait to take it you'll still end up with the same benefit (although you'll be slightly squishier until you do take it)

Sorcs have a lot of great feats to choose from, maximize, empower, extend, and highten are no-brainers for me, though highten probably not until 9 or 12. Add in toughness, then you have two more feats at 15 and 18.. you could work force of personality in there and have crazy high will saves.. that's not a bad thing.. but to me it would be a lower priority than the others.

04-23-2010, 01:37 PM
I don't think a sorcerer has room for Force of Personality. Not enough feats.
I posted a revised version of the Dynamic Hand build (this thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=232660)), you can check the feat progression there.

That's a pretty awesome thread you've got going there Tihocan. I've never played a pre-built path before, but I assume it automatically assigns the feats?

If you solo frequently on a non-wf sorc, you'll want FOP. Personally, I find having both max and emp is a bit overkill so I usually do not take it so I can fit both spell pens, toughness, and FOP. Why they put Mental Toughness in there for HU is beyond me. Such a wasted feat for a sorc.

Anyways, just my opinion.

04-23-2010, 01:56 PM
That's a pretty awesome thread you've got going there Tihocan. I've never played a pre-built path before, but I assume it automatically assigns the feats?
Thanks! And yes it automatically assigns feats.