View Full Version : spell casting affixes on staves cost half plus value

04-22-2010, 01:20 PM
right now it is advantageous for casters to dual wield because it effectively gives them more item slots

spell casting affixes (devotion, power, potency, focus, etc) on staves should cost half the "plus value" of the same affix on 1 handed weapons

that way there is a tradeoff of using either a more powerful affix with a two handed weapon or a less powerful on a one handed weapon that can be dual wielded or used with a shield

04-22-2010, 01:34 PM
Yes, some kind of fix to this problem would be helpful.

Staffs with passive bonuses (not related to swinging it as a weapon) should have some benefit to make up for how it uses up two body slots. One could almost justify caster-staves getting twice the number of magic effects as a caster-scepter of the same level.

An alternative approach would be to change the UI so a person can hold onto a staff with one hand (but not swing it).

04-22-2010, 02:48 PM
Oh, this is one of my hot buttons. :)

I would *love* to see some development time to flushing out the whole Wizard Staff concept. Casters, Wizards in particular, should be wielding staves. Delving into that arena would give casters a loot item they could work with, which is something lacking now. Loot is heavily melee biased, and loot acquisition is just not as much fun on a caster.

My base thought would be that a caster staves would work in segments. Each staff is more-or-less a container and each is capable of "storing" X amount of empowering items from each category. (Lore, Potency, Wizardry, and Temp Potency.)

Another factor would be to replace "Potency/Arcane" with "non-Elemental" for the purpose of staves.

Soooo... at anyone time a Wizard's Staff could containt:
Major Fire Lore
Lesser "non-Elemental" Lore
Combustion 4
Improved Glaciation 5
Superior Inferno 3

Or some such. Just an example.

04-22-2010, 07:46 PM
Staff of the Magius (Dragonlance) comes to mind. Had several persistent spells embedded, though I don't think it was really fleshed out as to what all it could do, so that writers could use it as a dues ex if they wanted.

Perhaps a specific Wizard's Staff weapon, treated like handwraps (not a weapon, but takes up both hand slots). Each Wizard starts with one (or gets one from the Grotto), and upgrades it through the game using collectibles and a wizard feat or two. At base, probably give it Wizardry I at level one (bound to character), then automatically upgrade it to Wizardry II etc as the Wizard gets spell levels.

Have the Wizard's Staff have a base effect, as above, three slots for crafting upgrades, and a clickie spell slot for any spell the Wizard can get a scroll or potion for. The spell is imbedded at the caster's current level, and can be swapped later for a different spell or just a higher level version of it. Or additional uses added, by reusing the same ritual and components as before.

So the staff would give 5 effects, 4 passive, and 1 active. Each effect could be upgraded to higher level versions as the wizard leveled, maybe even to versions beyond whats in-game (such as a Wizardry IX, etc).

An example would be a Staff that had Menomnic Enhancement 5 uses, Wizardry VII (+175sp IIRC), Glaciation (or whatever the cold passive boost is) V, Heavy Fort, and maybe DR10/- as the last. Yes, allow it to have abilities that a weapon shouldn't technically have. It's a Wizard's Staff. It's the symbol of magical power.

It's be nice to be able to, with time and money, have a staff that grows in power with the wizard. It'd add to crafting in the game, and give lower level players some crafting to do. It'd also go well with the double-weapon upgrade to Qstaff that I want as well; letting the devs keep the qstaff as a weapon, while giving Wizards their required stave (and one that's as useful as dual-wielding scepters).