View Full Version : DDO Cocktail Hour, Episode 10, “On The Wagon” w/ Teppotastic

04-20-2010, 05:07 PM
Warning: Very little educational content is contained within this show and all questionably cheeky words have been bleeped out! If you are looking for hard-hitting news, please refer our parent show: The DDO Cast. (http://www.ddocast.com/) Otherwise sit back, relax, grab your favorite cocktail whatever that might be, and enjoy as we explore the lighter side of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eberron Unlimited!

This week, Samius and Lessah are alcohol free and “on the wagon” as they welcome special guest, podcast personality, and generally all around cheeky guy, Teppotastic! Will the zaininess ever end? I think not! The troop talks about Shroud Crafting, Necropolis Crafting, the new extra bank slot, and more! (http://yellowspandex.com/)
Thanks so much for listening!

Click HERE (http://www.cyberears.com/index.php/Browse/playaudio/9202) to listen from our home on Cyberears!

Click HERE (http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/ddococktailhour-com/id360362559) to listen to us in Itunes!

Click HERE (http://ddococktailhour.com/) to listen or download from our website!

What are you drinking?
21 Days to Ironman!
Twitter: What will it take to get Samius to buy an Ipad?
Twitter: Are you going to buy the new bank slot at the current price?
Samius’ green steel error
Teppo: Who is he anyway?
EMAILs! (Please write us! We are lonely!)
Show me your Noobs! Why you should consider the first and possibly second tier of the Necropolis Series!
Forums: Necropolis Scarabs - info here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=214097&highlight=scarab+powder)

Outro & Toast?

Follow Us on Twitter!
@Lessah (http://twitter.com/Lessah)
@SamiusGurobo (http://twitter.com/SamiusGurobo)


04-20-2010, 08:15 PM
Samius, you said you like Mountain Dew Livewire, but even though they don't sell it anymore it doesn't even come close to Mountain Dew Throwback (the one that had real sugar).


Mountain Dew.


Edit: OMG the segway to the "Show Me Your Noobs" had me rolling in my chair! LOVE IT!

04-20-2010, 08:27 PM
Get that Monkey off your back!!!!


04-20-2010, 11:50 PM
There was absolutely no "Yankin' the Clank" from this episode. I wasn't even around when they recorded it like a fortnight ago. Friggin' "across the ponders!" Hey Teppo! Get a real time zone! Something a bit farther away than Greenwich. Now go eat some ants on a dog or some bingers and mush. See. Clanky is well versed in the culture of Magic Kingdom.

I don't know guys. I feel like your format is failing a little bit. I may have actually learned something...again. If you guys are gonna get on the wagon, make sure there's some soddin' booze on it with ya! Get Clanky on there some day and I'll learn ya up to the drinkin'. The trick is to drink a water breathing potion mixed with vodka first. Ater that you can substitute more drinking fer breathin'! Amatuers!

04-20-2010, 11:59 PM
Love your show, keep up the great work. :p :p

04-21-2010, 09:59 AM
Samius, you said you like Mountain Dew Livewire, but even though they don't sell it anymore it doesn't even come close to Mountain Dew Throwback (the one that had real sugar).


Mountain Dew.


Edit: OMG the segway to the "Show Me Your Noobs" had me rolling in my chair! LOVE IT!

There are a lot of discontinued Mountain Dews. LiveWire is not among them. To quote http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Dew

Mountain Dew LiveWire (2003 – Present) – An orange flavored Mountain Dew. LiveWire was initially introduced in 2003 as a limited edition flavor for the summer. In 2005, after seeing two years of limited summer releases, LiveWire became a permanent addition to the Mountain Dew family. However, availability is limited in some regions, and in some areas is unavailable.

All Mountain Dews types are king, I happen to enjoy LiveWire. But I have only had one Throwback but many, many, many LiveWires.

Oh and +1 for dew lovers.

04-21-2010, 10:08 AM
There are a lot of discontinued Mountain Dews. LiveWire is not among them. To quote http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Dew

Mountain Dew LiveWire (2003 – Present) – An orange flavored Mountain Dew. LiveWire was initially introduced in 2003 as a limited edition flavor for the summer. In 2005, after seeing two years of limited summer releases, LiveWire became a permanent addition to the Mountain Dew family. However, availability is limited in some regions, and in some areas is unavailable.

All Mountain Dews types are king, I happen to enjoy LiveWire. But I have only had one Throwback but many, many, many LiveWires.

Oh and +1 for dew lovers.

I meant Throwback is not sold anymore (much to my dismay), not Livewire, sry for the confusion. I am thoroughly addicted to Mountain Dew however.

04-21-2010, 03:15 PM
Congrats to Lessah and Clanky for their spotlight!

04-23-2010, 04:26 AM
Great cast guys, hardly felt like 47 minutes at all.

Samius, don't feel bad for being addicted to Oxygen. It is after all the most addictive substance known to mankind. It also has some killer withdraw symptoms. Stay strong, you may break the habit one day :p

04-23-2010, 07:17 AM
Now go eat some ants on a dog or some bingers and mush. See. Clanky is well versed in the culture of Magic Kingdom.

Across the pond we are also partial to Lard, blood sausage, deep fried mars bars and kebabs as well.

04-26-2010, 07:55 AM
Great cast guys, hardly felt like 47 minutes at all.

Samius, don't feel bad for being addicted to Oxygen.
It is after all the most addictive substance known to mankind.
It also has some killer withdraw symptoms. Stay strong, you may break the habit one day :p

Tis okay to be addicted to oxygen but ye must stay away
from that other highly and evil Dangerous substance...

Hydogen Dioxide.... otherwise known as H2O. :p

Tis Evil I tells ya! EEEEEEEEVIIIILLLL!!!!! :eek:

I sugest you go with something much more reliable.... Like Ale! :D

Great show as ever... it instantly, forever earned a spot on my I-phone
Right next to DDOCast... Keep up the great work.

It was a rollicing good time!