View Full Version : hjealy-detrappy-insanity?

04-18-2010, 09:07 AM
vague build goals:
trap nuking.
good reflex.

current theory (18FvS/2Rogue):
stats (halfling):
18+5 INT (i might be insane yes, but can never have enough skill points :3)
10 CHA (enough to get 19 with item+enhancements)
14 CON
10 STR (incap prevention!)
10 DEX

both are handy. sov would make it a total healbot, SF would be something else to do while waiting for people to get owned.

toughness, IR, extend, maximize.
few ways to go for last three, really. could get dmarks, or dump them on reflex or trap feats. empower/empowerheal for a better at-will.

concentrate, disarm, UMD(teleport, stoneskin, GH, etc...), search. leftovers in balance jump or OL.

how well would this work? am i completely insane? etc.
while being able to melee or cast offensively would be handy, i'm okay with sacrificing them completely.

04-19-2010, 04:31 AM
With this build you are sacrificing both melee and offensive casting.
While leveling you will be just a trapmonkey healbot, while in the end content (where traps are not that much common) you will just be a healbot, just less effective due to those 2 rog lvls which cut your mana a bit.

Speaking about feats, i assume IR is Improved Reflexes. Why take that? FvSs have the best ref saves progression. Just leave your STR to 6 and pump dex if you worry about that. You won't be hitting anything in melee anyway...

Anyway, with this build i think you are wasting the 2 big strenght of a FvS: the ability to be a decent melee as a divine caster, and to be an exceptional offensive caster, while being the best healer around.

but if this is the toon you want to have fun with, just ignore what i said and have fun. that's the purpose of the game, is not? ^^

04-19-2010, 05:27 AM
Did this, but with Cleric.

I could do traps/locks just fine. Never failed. But my melee and casting was weak.

So at the end of the day I had a weak warrior and a weak caster in areas where there are no traps or theres 3+ more other party members that can do traps (rogues, rangers/rogue, wizard/rogues, bard/rogues, etc).

Soon I will Reincarnate that char. It was fun when leveling. Not fun at cap. Thing is, "traps" are secondary task. Battle or Magic is primary. I made the same mistake as gimped trap-only Rogues :/

Traps are minor, secondary, utility. Don't make a char that can only do that and nothing more.

04-19-2010, 11:16 AM
I would suggest either a WF rogue / wizard or a rogue / bard. Rogue / clerics just don't have enough skill points to maintain UMD and trap skills without gimping themselves at everything else, IMHO.

04-19-2010, 03:46 PM
Well, i dont think he is just traps, he is traps and healing/buffing, other trap builds are traps/melee or traps/offensive casting, of course, if we agree that the main 3 things are casting, fighting and healing, then fvs are unique in that they can ve very good in 2 of them, and decent in the third, so as a fvs he is sacrificing more to get traps than as other classes.
But if you want specifically those 2 roles, traps and healing, then its a fine build i think.