View Full Version : Different levels of zoom on the mini map

04-16-2010, 07:20 AM
Simple suggestion, and i'll start by telling quickly what made me think of it:

Yesterday, i was with a group in one of the sections of waterworks in harbor. Someone dies, the group is split, and there are too much enemies for me alone. So i grab the soul stone and start running back to the closest Shrine.
At a crossroad, impossible to remember if the shrine was east or west, and couldn't see it on the minimap.
I had to bring the large map on, move it with the mouse to see where the shrine was, with ennemies running after me.

Would have been easier if i could just unzoom the minimap.
And it could also be interesting on the large map, since sometimes you can't see the whole wilderness area or city neither.

04-16-2010, 07:35 AM
I don't really see the need to change the mini-map, but different levels of zoom for the map would be nice. Especially in large areas like wilderness areas

04-16-2010, 10:06 AM
Well...might be a FPS player reflex, i admit, but i like to be able to see the whole map just by looking at the minimap.

Maybe there's an easier to deal with the small problem i had: indicate the general direction to the discovered shrines by a small blue arrow (like the yellow arrow of an active quest, for example.

But still, many dungeons being like labyrinths, i still feel like being able to see the whole map on the minimap would be a plus.

04-16-2010, 12:07 PM

I support both zooming on the minimap and on the main map.

04-17-2010, 11:33 AM
...i like to be able to see the whole map just by looking at the minimap...

I bound the 'open map' to my 'M' key and now only need to press 'M' to see the whole map and pressing it again to close it. That works fine for me so far.

Making the whole map visible in the minimap would probably make the image that small that it is not really visible anymore e.g. where the shrine is.

...indicate the general direction to the discovered shrines by a small blue arrow...

Nice idea indeed but how to deal with multiple shrines in a Quest? Also does it show just the direction or does it lead you the correct way in a Labyrinth? The later one would break the idea of a labirynth completly.

Also I guess that after a while you play that game you pretty much remember the shrines and locations you need and if not you maybe another player of the group.

Last but not least ... if you open the minimap to the full map you even have a magnifier glass at the bottom that let you zoom out and see the location inside of the world map ;)