View Full Version : Cleric/Items question

04-14-2010, 03:40 PM
A month or so ago my friend was playing an adventure and he was using his cleric. He had expressed his frustrations about not being able to seem to do much. One of the people he was gaming with said something about once he got to 12th level and got certain items it would be night and day difference. He did not think to write these down. Is there any suggestions as to what items the woman might have been referring to? And is there a special tie in to 12th level for a reason or can it be done sooner for not just a cleric but any class? Thanks in advance.

04-14-2010, 03:52 PM
at level 11 clerics get bladebarrier
that spell will totally change your clerics gameplay

and ofc you need a superior potency weapon to enhance it properly (along with the maximise and empower feats)

but one advise for your friend: if he doesnt do much, then maybe he should do something. might even save on healing

04-14-2010, 10:57 PM
Superior Efficiency will also make a difference if you can't find a more permanent source for % boost in damage. I use it with my BBs for those few times you really need the spell to rock.

04-15-2010, 12:47 AM
I could write a book, but I'm about to go to bed. I'll try and get in here to answer your question better in the AM.

04-15-2010, 12:27 PM
thank you so far for the help that has been given looking forward to the "book" to read through, lol

04-15-2010, 05:39 PM
Gear makes a difference, but it's more on the player. The level 11 mark is where a lot of TR'd players get to pull the handy Greensteel items out of the bank. Extremely overpowerful at that level, but very very fun. Wasn't there for the conversation, but I would imagine that may have been what the other player was talking about. However, nothing that needs to be worried about by a new player at this point, at least as far as GS is concerned.

Above advice is solid.

04-18-2010, 12:30 AM
The item that was referred to may be the Scepter of Healing, which is obtainable by collecting tokens from the quest Invaders!. It is Min level 12, Greater Healing Lore (One of the only Healing Lore items in the game-Increases chance to crit), and Greater Devotion V.


For a first-ever character with no twinking, it can be quite useful. As I grew as a player and began to understand more about my Cleric's needs and how to best gear myself, it became kinda "meh" and quickly got outdated in use.

You can start to use Superior Devotion weapons at Level 12--- increases the amount of healing done with Spells that are Caster Level 6 and lower. Devotion only affects Cures and Heals, not damaging spells. At 14, Superior Potency 6 becomes available- this affects BOTH Heals/Cures and damage spells such as Blade Barrier.


If you craft a Greensteel Item with Healing Lore and then TR, you can equip that item at Level 11.

You'll have to excuse my brain fogginess- I'm working 6 days a week and I'm not at the top of my game. I'll think about it some more and repost if I forgot anything.

04-18-2010, 08:43 AM
thank you very much it gives me something to let him work with.