View Full Version : Subtle Spellcasting & Metamagic enhancements: Are they worth it?

04-13-2010, 01:25 PM
So far I have taken some of both. But I was wondering if the points can be better used elsewhere.

Is there anyway I can show you my build?

04-13-2010, 01:44 PM
The myddo website has characters publicly viewable by name and server.

Subtle Spellcasting is a waste of AP, because a marginal reduction in aggro does not contribute to the success of a spellcaster the way it does for a Rogue. Rogues lose DPS when they have aggro, but casters actually gain it, because aggroed monsters chase after you which puts them inside the range for more of your spells (instead of chasing someone else and getting out of the blast).

Metamagic cost reducer enhancements are quite valuable, although maybe at your current level you could find better uses for the AP. Eventually you'll want to have a lot of enhancements for each metamagic you use.

04-13-2010, 01:49 PM
Do the metamagic reductions stack with items that offer that as well, like gloves of the glacier? Or can you switch up your enhancements to get those APs back once you have the items?

04-13-2010, 05:28 PM
Here is my profile


I'm now a lvl 20 wiz (2 rog, 18, wiz)

Supposedly I now have 40% less aggro to my spells with the subtle spellcasting. *shrug*

But you're saying drop it and max metamagic reduction?

04-13-2010, 05:57 PM
But you're saying drop it and max metamagic reduction?
Basically, although maybe there is some other enhancement you could get instead.

Just look at your gameplay and ask yourself if reduced aggro from DPS is really helping. Caster damage is limited by their spellpoints anyhow, so unlike a Rogue (who is limited by time and aggro) you have little need to be blasting away at max rate.

04-13-2010, 11:20 PM
Do the metamagic reductions stack with items that offer that as well, like gloves of the glacier? Or can you switch up your enhancements to get those APs back once you have the items?

Yes, items and enhancements stack. Getting heighten down to 1 sp with capstone is a good choice if you use web and finger a lot.

Aggro reduction is critical for wizards in a lot of other MMOs. It's useless in DDO because at high level your damage output is so far outshadowed by melee there is no point and at low level your firewall will do enough damage, primarly on undead, to either hold aggro or one-shot the mobs. Plus intimidate is all or nothing anyway.