View Full Version : Need some WF HP and item advice

04-12-2010, 07:41 AM
My base build was 14str, 18Con, 16Cha. While I'm happy with my hit points right now (more than my lvl20 drow sorc at lvl14) I'd like to know from what sources I can get more hit points (without sacrificing too many more item slots)....

Currently I have:

+6 Con Item
Greater False Life Item
Minos Legens
Toughness Feat
GH Spell
FL Spell

I know about the gianthold reward feat and have started on that. I was talking to a WF sorc (base build 20Con) who had over 500 HP self buffed a few days ago, what's needed to get up there?

Also are there any docents I should have my eye on?

04-12-2010, 07:48 AM
Warforged toughness enhancements
+1 exceptional con item
+2 exceptional con item
tome (+1,2,3, or 4)
greensteel hp item

04-12-2010, 02:35 PM
You'll want the Quorforged Docent from IQ and upgraded in Dreaming Dark. It has 6con, Superior False Life (40hp), and Toughness(20hp). The toughness does not stack with Minos which is a blessing in disguise as it basically frees up your helm slot for something like a 45hp shroud item. Ideally you'll get all your fortification needs from a Head of Good Fortune (Reavers Fate raid) which you'll want anyway for the additional +2 skills bonus.

04-13-2010, 05:33 AM
.... Ideally you'll get all your fortification needs from a Head of Good Fortune (Reavers Fate raid) which you'll want anyway for the additional +2 skills bonus.

For now. I believe it's been hinted that fortification reduction special abilities will become more common in the

04-16-2010, 04:42 PM
thanks for the advice.