View Full Version : Sunday Lag is back

04-11-2010, 06:25 AM
Why is it always on Thelanis and why always on a sunday...arrrgggggg

can't sell, can't logout. Had to quit to change toon and now cant login...0.001 gggrrrrrrrrrrr



04-11-2010, 06:33 AM
Same, still ongoing at 7:32.

Wonderful job getting right on fixing this issue Turbine. Top notch all the way. It has only been going on for over a month now.

04-11-2010, 06:34 AM
It's not just sunday this happens Ent, it's everyday around this time, there must be some sort of live maintenance around this time.

04-11-2010, 06:37 AM
Log on issues, game kicking at transitions, logoff issues... you name it and it was yesterday too. Think they hire ex-microsoft dev's for their webclient.... u get that job Ent?

04-11-2010, 06:42 AM
Standing joke now...

04-11-2010, 06:45 AM
Searing Heights is also affected, half of the area is unreachable due to an invisable wall. (0745am EST)

04-11-2010, 06:45 AM
You can't log out, I can't log in.

04-11-2010, 06:53 AM
Booted during instance change and can't log back in,got to love what you're doing with the money I invest....

04-11-2010, 07:28 AM
Working as intended! The lag is fixed... Mission Accomplished!

http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/517/turbine.jpg (http://img220.imageshack.us/i/turbine.jpg/)

04-11-2010, 07:38 AM
There is no lag ... you guys are crazy, its all in your head.

They implemented Dungeon Alert, so therefore there is no more lag. :D