View Full Version : Do vicious weapons trigger torc / demonic bracers / conc. opp. items?

04-08-2010, 09:39 AM
Has anyone ever tested if using vicious weapons triggers the regenerative abilities of torc / demonic bracers / concordant opposition items? Would be nice if you only took 1d3 damage yet got your spell and hit point regenerating items to fire off. I'm assuming someone has thought of this before and tested it.

04-08-2010, 09:56 AM
People have tested. You can search the forums for user name Visty, threads he started. Falling damage by conc opp or something like that.

Can't link since ingame but the answer is generally a no.

Just tested 400 portal whacks with lifeshield and that's a no as well.

04-08-2010, 06:51 PM
What about that first hit from the Inflict Light Wounds Aura from Pale Master skele-mage pets?

That first hit will drain a charge from the Mantle of the World Shaper. It can also act as light heal while in Wraith/Lich form.

Anyone check to see if it'll trigger any other items other than the mantle?

04-08-2010, 07:14 PM
vicious does neither trigger conc opp nor torc
dont have the bracers (yet) so couldnt test those

spells and spelllike abilitys dont trigger it either

falling damage on the other hand does, at least the hp part of conc opp

04-08-2010, 09:54 PM
falling damage on the other hand does, at least the hp part of conc opp
so max jump and have min tumble and jump repeatedly? nice ;o