View Full Version : New Euro +2 timezone player looking for guild

04-08-2010, 12:32 AM
Playing P2P at the moment, I am playing a healer cleric with some crowd control thrown in. I am really tired of zerg groups.

I usually play from 5 PM GMT to 9 PM GMT as I live in South Africa and it is usually +2 GMT.

Looking for a prospective group of mature friends with an active guild chat ;-)

04-08-2010, 02:27 AM
Hi there

You are welcome to join at us. Stay if you like us, leave if you dont.

We are a crossatlantic guild, so you will find signs of life on the guildchat on most times of day.

You are welcome to have a look around our site too : http://thesecretsociety.guildlaunch.com

Try catching us ingame for recruitment into guild.