View Full Version : Rare Red Names and stuff

04-06-2010, 06:18 AM
We all know how you get 10 HP from Gianthold Favor.

What do you guys think about getting like 10 HP from killing EVERY Red Named from the slayers area? I think it would be neat and it would be something new for "completionist" people. You know the types...explore everything...all the optionals...lotsa Favor.

Oh and I do not mean 10 HP from Korthos...10 HP from Searing Heights...

I mean 10 HP from doing them all.

Though and alternative would be 1 HP from each Slayer Area you clear the red names of.

Or how about 1 HP for all the Explorers and Rares? This would give you a reason/way to incease your HP as you progress.

I love the whole feel of the scavenger hunt from hunting the red names...

Anyway if this seems silly or broken...thats ok. This is just an idea I had and I wondered what everyone thought about it.

Thanks for reading this,

04-06-2010, 06:26 AM
I don't know if it's broken- maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

The exciting part of the idea is that it encourages the "completionists" (i.e. ME) to also take newb tours. I absolutely LOVED when I first started playing, I could usually find a "guide" to run me through the various hunting grounds to see the world that was created for us.

Of course, the thread is going to end up arguing something about being broken, greedy, or whatnot. What's an HP bump going to cost the game or the community? Other than developing people that WANT to know every inch of Eberron, that is. Other people that will pay it forward, and develop the next wave of knowledgable players, surely.

Great post, Bacab. Forward thinking that absolutely benefits EVERYONE. F2P, P2P, Vets, Newbs, heck- even noobs.

+1 for you buddy.

EDIT: Seems I've already given you too much rep. I'll hit you up again soon.

04-06-2010, 06:31 AM
yeah that is why I like the idea of +1 HP even for Korthos.

It would help rope in newer players. They get to permanently increase their Toons HP forever. Also it would teach them the value of Hit-points. Like lets say they clear Korthos/Cerulan Hills/Water Works/Searing Heights...that gives them 4 more HP. So when they eat a crit and survive by 4 HP...they then start thinking...wow HP are great; I should look into increasing them>>>>that leads to toughness and less 150 HP one hit wonders at "end game".

I am at work so I can not remember how many "slayer zones" there are. But lets say its 15. Would 15 HP really "break the game"?

04-06-2010, 06:35 AM
I donno about 1 hp per rare, but I could see a 3 HP increase per explorer area that you find all rares in.

04-06-2010, 06:38 AM
It wouldn't even break the game if you rolled the completion reward on a d4. Imagine drow wizzies running around end-game with more than 150 hp......lolz. Attn: Drow Wizzies-I KNOW THEY EXIST I WAS MAKING A POINT!!!

The XP bump for finishing out a kill zone is nice, but isn't that what ALL mmo's do? Wouldn't it be fun to do something a little unorthodox?

I mean, hell- you even get a holy toothpick in the middle of Delera's. Talk about BROKEN..... XD

04-06-2010, 06:43 AM
I donno about 1 hp per rare, but I could see a 3 HP increase per explorer area that you find all rares in.

I was thinking just 1 HP per area. Or if they want to add a stipulation that you must finish the explorers too, that would be cool. I am not sure how hard it would be to implement, but I do not imagine it would be too tough to do.

04-06-2010, 07:12 AM
I almost always do the explorers for the explorer points, but never for the rares and definitely not for the slayer.

It would encourage players to see the explorer zones. There is some neat stuff in them to see.

I would be game for 1 HP more for doing the entire explorer/rares/slayer. All of it.

That is a lot of time wasted for zero favor and zero EPIC loot. But in return you might find the firestorm greaves, bloodstone, etc.