View Full Version : Two characters with same name?

03-29-2010, 01:41 PM
I recently created a Dwarf Fighter by the name of Glaran here on Cannith. Friends who play tried to find me, only to realize that there is another Glaran who is a Cleric on Cannith too. How can this be? Any thoughts?

'My' Glaran seems to be linked OK on my profile page, however if I drill down I get the Cleric info.

When playing yesterday, I got asked 'what class are you, it's coming up garbled?' Strange indeed...

D_Artagnan. :)

03-29-2010, 02:00 PM
That means someone created a cleric named Glaren on Cannith, and deleted it back in october of last year. You then created a character named Glaren, and myDDO is still linking to the deleted character for whatever reason.


As they will tell you, myDDO is still in beta, so they are still working out the bugs.

03-29-2010, 02:23 PM