View Full Version : [RANT] Greensteelophillia, MyDDOphillia and the Froobs

03-27-2010, 09:34 PM
1. Having 2 greensteel Khopeshes and 1 greensteel Goggles does not mean that you're better than a cleric with 1 greensteel item - they serve different purposes per character build, and depends on your playing skills.

2. Blind inviting level 20s will result in undesirable consequences. You have been warned.

3. Having a LFM which is farming 1-4 of Shroud with comments "good group" is really insightful. Especially when you are begging for a bard as well.

4. If you've ever played Left 4 Dead then you'd understand that sometimes, sacrifices are necessary to the group.

That is all. :rolleyes:

03-27-2010, 10:52 PM
1. Having 2 greensteel Khopeshes and 1 greensteel Goggles does not mean that you're better than a cleric with 1 greensteel item - they serve different purposes per character build, and depends on your playing skills.

2. Blind inviting level 20s will result in undesirable consequences. You have been warned.

3. Having a LFM which is farming 1-4 of Shroud with comments "good group" is really insightful. Especially when you are begging for a bard as well.

4. If you've ever played Left 4 Dead then you'd understand that sometimes, sacrifices are necessary to the group.

That is all. :rolleyes:

Having gs items only guarantees you've piked enough shroud runs to gather powershards and craft.

Usually one blind invite i simply decline, two i start to get aggravated, after the third i make it a mission to waste the time of the party leader and everyone in that group.

Groups usually fill faster when completions are advertised. Its not hard to fo before the end :)

Never played it :(

03-28-2010, 12:00 PM
Are you calling yourself the cleric in the group or...??

03-28-2010, 01:16 PM
And I thought my bards were the only ones that were getting tells from that lfm :)

03-28-2010, 03:11 PM
Having gs items only guarantees you've piked enough shroud runs to gather powershards and craft.

Takes one to ...... oh never mind. ;)

03-28-2010, 08:50 PM
takes One To ...... Oh Never Mind. ;)


03-28-2010, 09:25 PM
Also if you die and recall out and there your dropped from group... there's a reason.. you already costed 10% xp and we sure as hell aint letting you back in for another 10%xp hit... so many retards.

Also greensteel dosent mean anything... just means you got enough free rides to craft.

03-28-2010, 09:28 PM
Also greensteel dosent mean anything... just means you got enough free rides to craft.

dam i thought i was getting better with all these greensteel items and weapons , but now the truth comes out about it , lies all lies I tell ya

03-29-2010, 12:57 AM
dam i thought i was getting better with all these greensteel items and weapons , but now the truth comes out about it , lies all lies I tell ya

brey that bow forum icon really doesn't suit you - I don't think I've ever seen you with a bow in your hand.

Maybe you and quik should ask if Tolero can add a 'piker' icon for you both.


03-29-2010, 09:32 AM
Usually one blind invite i simply decline, two i start to get aggravated, after the third i make it a mission to waste the time of the party leader and everyone in that group.

This is when the Shroud gets played more like a Reaver raid. 2 or 3 people running around with 9 people standing at the first portal. Ragequit? pffft... /Ragejoin!

I wish we had auto follow in this game. When this happened in EQ, we used to all join up, and autofollow the blind inviter, /afk, and fall down laughing as the "leader" toted around all 11 of us in one huge stack of toons. Usually they didnt know where they were going, which made it even more awesome.

On a side note, I LR'd an older toon the other day in a possible futile quest to make a character I made when 10 was the cap viable again, and I got a blind invite when I was level 3, and kept getting them until I was out of the level range, then got another series of blind invites from 7 -10 or so. Then when I was in the 13 - 16 range, I got tells. "Madstone Elite?" "Shroud Flag Quests?"

03-29-2010, 10:02 AM
was it a cleric Chai? they seem to get pestered the most

03-29-2010, 10:07 AM
I guess my reputation for being a terrible cleric has reached all levels of the game. Last week, I received ONE blind invite/tell combination. It was sent as I was loading in. When I replied I wasn't interested, they told me they already found someone else. Other than that, no one asks me questions or invites me to their groups.

It's because I'm a dwarf cleric, isnt it!! :(

03-29-2010, 10:10 AM
Who only does Shroud 1-4 anymore? I know lag was real bad this last weekend, but seriously, if u can do 4, 5 is a piece of cake in comparison.

DDoor out at the end if you want but to leave at the end of 4?

Seriously? Content from 2 years ago is too tough?

I think some rerolls or maybe finding the Hello Kitty MMORPG are in order...

03-29-2010, 10:14 AM
I think some rerolls or maybe finding the Hello Kitty MMORPG are in order...

In case finding the Hello Kitty MMO is too hard, heres the link:


03-29-2010, 10:18 AM
Usually one blind invite i simply decline, two i start to get aggravated, after the third i make it a mission to waste the time of the party leader and everyone in that group.

wow i accept on the first ;):eek::D

03-29-2010, 10:20 AM
In case finding the Hello Kitty MMO is too hard, heres the link:


TY Wyrm....MEOW!!!

03-29-2010, 11:24 AM
was it a cleric Chai? they seem to get pestered the most


The newbies probably were just blind inviting me, and after I took level 12 or so I actually started getting tells. There may have been an instance where a rogue was desired specifically, but I think it was more of people trying to toss a group together and hunting off the /who list for a certain level range.

03-29-2010, 11:34 AM
Who only does Shroud 1-4 anymore? I know lag was real bad this last weekend, but seriously, if u can do 4, 5 is a piece of cake in comparison.

DDoor out at the end if you want but to leave at the end of 4?

Seriously? Content from 2 years ago is too tough?

I think some rerolls or maybe finding the Hello Kitty MMORPG are in order...

People who have all their larges and mediums, need a regular shard of power, and get sick of people completing before the ddoor is cast, which I have seen multiple times over the past few weeks.

I prefer to ransack 1 and 2 if this is the case, then once ransacked, take the completion with ddoor for peeps who want it. There are enough people in this situation that its not too hard to pull 12 together to sack parts 1 and 2.

03-29-2010, 09:36 PM
This is when the Shroud gets played more like a Reaver raid. 2 or 3 people running around with 9 people standing at the first portal. Ragequit? pffft... /Ragejoin!

I wish we had auto follow in this game. When this happened in EQ, we used to all join up, and autofollow the blind inviter, /afk, and fall down laughing as the "leader" toted around all 11 of us in one huge stack of toons. Usually they didnt know where they were going, which made it even more awesome.

On a side note, I LR'd an older toon the other day in a possible futile quest to make a character I made when 10 was the cap viable again, and I got a blind invite when I was level 3, and kept getting them until I was out of the level range, then got another series of blind invites from 7 -10 or so. Then when I was in the 13 - 16 range, I got tells. "Madstone Elite?" "Shroud Flag Quests?"

Hmmm I suggest that when LR-ing or GR-ing or even creating a new toon, set character to anon, so that you're not disturbed.

03-29-2010, 11:54 PM
brey that bow forum icon really doesn't suit you - I don't think I've ever seen you with a bow in your hand.

Maybe you and quik should ask if Tolero can add a 'piker' icon for you both.


still waiting for my new icon ? waiting ? ooooo Devvvvsss