03-24-2010, 08:52 PM
Ok so I am a new player still learning the ins and outs of DDO. I have a lvl 6 Ranger and I consider myself a semi casual player. I play as much as being a single father of two allows me to play. my gaming experience varies. When it comes to D&D, I played the PnP game back when the only thing there was was a blue box with 2 blue soft covered book (expert addition I believe was what is was called) and the full set of dice. I never played the AD&D rule set when all the hard covered books came out. As for MMOs I played the original EQ from Beta to the Legacy of Ykeasha I was on Povar. I also played Shadowbane, CoH (for a very short time), Eve online, WoW, EQ2, Auto assault beta, LoTRO, and galaxies. I am in the PST zone and times vary but always in between 3pm to 3am PST like I said single father of two lol. PM me or message or mail me in Game toon name: Melot.