View Full Version : Looking for a partner in crime

03-22-2010, 12:33 PM
My rogue, Opossum Lazarus, has turned 11 and dungeon mechanics are making it harder to accomplish quests without another warm body (remote gates activated by buttons, multiple levers, etc).
So...I'm looking for someone in a similar position who'd like to partner and level up together.

My playstyle is rather slow and methodical, and it would be nice to join with someone who is cautious as well. I believe in the process of the Marine Scout Sniper, utilizing reconnaissance and surveillance before taking action, and don't think ranging or kiting is a sin. Of course, I do understand that timed quests must be dealt with differently, and I can change up to suit the situation. If you like to move fast, I'm probably not your kind of player.

I savor the favor, and have worked up to elite on almost all the low-end quests, and am not as concerned with how much xp I'm getting as I am with completion of favor teirs and optionals in-quest. However, I like to spread my participation in quest levels evenly, rather than running the same dungeon over and over (SO not anticipating the loot grind later in game, lol).

Is there anyone on Sarlona at about the same level who'd like to run...well, crawl...together on a regular basis?

03-22-2010, 01:15 PM
I have a 2Mnk/8FvS that I could run with you when I'm on with her. Supply a little melee and healing to your dungeoning. I also don't mind moving slow, so no worries there. Look her up in game if you want, Kryzii, and and her to your friends list so you can see when I'm on. I'll add Opossum to hers next time I'm on too!

03-22-2010, 01:37 PM
Will do, if you promise just once to plant your two-handed sword in the ground and kick-run a circle of baddies while hanging on to the hilt.

03-22-2010, 01:52 PM
Unfortunately, I can make no such promise... I tend to use handwraps and kamas :)
I'm starting to aquire scimis though, thinking I might LR this toon for more of a str build instead of a finesse/wis build.

03-22-2010, 02:21 PM
Scimitars sounds like more of a Mongol feel, and that's cool.

03-30-2010, 09:23 PM
I recently posted a thread " O.K. I need a little good advice", and I'm in the same boat and my playstyle is similiar in that I prefer a slower more methodical rythem. I'm at lvl 13, but have a ton of 9, 10, 11 and up quests to complete. I have a paladin 12 rogue 1 and have soloed every quest and need to team up for the lever, pressure plate and tuff boss situations. Anyway if you have found your right combo disregard this or if you would drop a little advice as to how you found that combo. Toons name is geoh thaad.

03-30-2010, 10:52 PM
You're welcome to play, too. I'll add your toon's name to my friends list. Maybe if we get enough people for raids later, we can call ourselves the Slo-Moes or something similar. :)

04-05-2010, 04:59 AM
Need any help with INT runes, look up Morgulion (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/morgulion/). My guildies and I have also run with HGM-Chi before and he's great to have in a group. His main just out-leveled us too fast. LOL

04-05-2010, 05:16 AM
Have a nice level 10 bard who is stealth based... but she is on argo :(

04-07-2010, 04:08 PM
iv got a lv 13 ranger/1 rogue AA named Xylos feel free to hit me up

04-07-2010, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the heads up, guys. Just to make sure I'm being perfectly clear, I'm so slow I can't even catch my own breath. I've been playing for two years, and my main toon is still only level 11.

Actually, I spent over an hour playing around in the steam room of The Pit for the fun of it. That's how slow I roll.