View Full Version : Harvesters of the Eternal Moon recruiting players

03-20-2010, 06:44 PM
Hello all, Meryel the merry here.

Our guild, Harvesters of the Eternal Moon, is looking for more active members. We are a European guild playing mostly in the GMT+2 timezone.

If you are active, have a sense of humor and a bit mature (we're all really just big kids), you're welcome to join! We are especially looking for officers and new members from various timezones. It's easy to join! Send me a /tell or mail me ingame, and I'll invite you. Be sure to tell a little about yourself if you mail me, I like good introductions.

You can find our website here. (http://users.jyu.fi/~helanntu/hem/)


That was the most important part, from now on there will be some other rant people don't usually read, but that is very useful if you really want to know what our guild is like.

Let me tell a little about ourselves and our history. The core members of our guild have been playing together for a long time, some of them for years. We've been in different games, mostly known as Harvest, and have arrived to DDO just a while ago. Our guild is more like a family than a guild to us, we want to stick together and help each other out when needed. We are mostly a Finnish guild, but we are hoping to get more international and get as many members worldwide as we can. (We are also all fluent in English, so language is not a problem.)

So what do we really do ingame? We have p2p and f2p players, old and new, young and old, ladies and gents. We have just gained raiding experience as a whole, and there's only one way to go from here: up. We do quests together, we have fun, joke around and do some more quests. We also share precious information at our forums to help our guildies tdeveloping their characters as good as possible. But most importantly, with us you can be yourself.

If you have questions about joining or our guild, don't hesitate to ask me or our officers (Thommix and Mirajah), we'll gladly answer all your questions. Over and out.

03-20-2010, 07:29 PM
Hihihihi more people to burn... Oh these wasn't the one's for the fire...

Meryel said it all,so...
Welcome if you decide to join us.

03-21-2010, 04:33 PM
Uh, well...
If you don't mind, I'll bring a couple of logs for the fire... ;)

The only thing that annoys me is that I have to re-roll on Khyber as I started on Cannith, but it seems that on that server eu players are few.
Anyway that's not a problem as my main was level 3... lol

I'm currently f2p-only as my gaming time is really short (couple evenings during the week, sometime on sundays - on *rainy* sundays), so this could say that I'm not much active. I'm on GMT+1 timezone.
English: decent reading/writing, not quite good listening and talking. I know this game has integrated voice chat, but I can't always talk.

Toon name will be "Phastidio" (bard).
See you in game.

03-21-2010, 10:43 PM
Yay a Bard! Welcome. We're online most of the day,at least one of us. Send us a tell.

03-22-2010, 08:19 AM
Arrrr... My fingers are itching to burn something... Blasted maint... I blow thee to the seventh plane of Xoriat.

03-22-2010, 09:47 AM
MolleaFauss, I welcome you to our guild with open arms.

Arrrr... My fingers are itching to burn something... Blasted maint... I blow thee to the seventh plane of Xoriat.

After the maintenance Harvesters of the Eternal Moon shall quest in the world of DDO once more.

03-22-2010, 09:51 AM
MolleaFauss, I welcome you to our guild with open arms.

After the maintenance Harvesters of the Eternal Moon shall quest in the world of DDO once more.

Thats the plan, deliver some Disco Inferno! :D

03-26-2010, 01:08 PM
A new guild website had been launched! Go and see it for yourself here (http://users.jyu.fi/~helanntu/hem/).

04-06-2010, 04:19 AM
Hello all! We are again recruiting more players on the Khyber server to join us in our adventures against evil! Don't hesitate to send us a /tell ingame or reply to this thread for questions.