View Full Version : Oh, Thelanis, how I love thee.

03-16-2010, 07:51 PM
Or; The Most Epic Tempest Spine Run EVAR.

Tyler(something-or-other), I love you. I don't care that you're 8, or maybe 10. I don't care that every party I've ever been in with you there is a constant stream of 'OMG, I'm dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing!!' or 'Hey can I have that (x item freshly pulled from chest x)?'. I love you because every quest you are the same. Predictable, reliable, utterly useless, and yet persistent to a degree that makes me proud.

Today's TS run was, thusly, epic. You opened the party to everything from 7th level to 20th, and we joined. A mis-matched horde of us. From the lowly 10th level sorc, who I had to raise twice(Groob, you owe me two scrolls), to the two 20th level players. I had such fun running in, having to backtrack and raise(Groob, this is you), lead half the party the proper direction despite their intentions to run to the bridge...twice. Then leading them to each chest that was already opened, and finally to rejoin the rest of the party.

Yes, Tyler(etc), I picked up your stone from the waterway and calmly carried you to the shrine. I waited just long enough to lead you to the two chests there even through your pre-pubescent cries of 'Where are those chests at? Where are they? Hey guys?'. Your awe at how we killed the beholder in three swings was appreciated, honestly. Laughing at me because I got tossed off the mountain top was not. Our lone healer was without FoM because he was ill prepared and most likely too much of a lowbie to have it.

The fact that one member dropped whilst holding a couple runes, and one member waited ages to ask 'Um. Am I supposed to do something with this rune thing?' really means nothing. That green bearded bastard fell easily all the same. Why? Not because of my dual wielded gr. giant bane rapiers, no...because of you Tyler(name withheld to protect the noob). You, and your continuing contribution to DDO game play chose; normal.

I salute you, sir!

Best part of the whole run?

When the capped barb died. On normal. Promised I wouldn't reveal his name. Sure as hell will snicker at him everytime I pass him in the Market!

03-16-2010, 07:52 PM
Or; The Most Epic Tempest Spine Run EVAR.

Tyler(something-or-other), I love you. I don't care that you're 8, or maybe 10. I don't care that every party I've ever been in with you there is a constant stream of 'OMG, I'm dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing!!' or 'Hey can I have that (x item freshly pulled from chest x)?'. I love you because every quest you are the same. Predictable, reliable, utterly useless, and yet persistent to a degree that makes me proud.

Today's TS run was, thusly, epic. You opened the party to everything from 7th level to 20th, and we joined. A mis-matched horde of us. From the lowly 10th level sorc, who I had to raise twice(Groob, you owe me two scrolls), to the two 20th level players. I had such fun running in, having to backtrack and raise(Groob, this is you), lead half the party the proper direction despite their intentions to run to the bridge...twice. Then leading them to each chest that was already opened, and finally to rejoin the rest of the party.

Yes, Tyler(etc), I picked up your stone from the waterway and calmly carried you to the shrine. I waited just long enough to lead you to the two chests there even through your pre-pubescent cries of 'Where are those chests at? Where are they? Hey guys?'. Your awe at how we killed the beholder in three swings was appreciated, honestly. Laughing at me because I got tossed off the mountain top was not. Our lone healer was without FoM because he was ill prepared and most likely too much of a lowbie to have it.

The fact that one member dropped whilst holding a couple runes, and one member waited ages to ask 'Um. Am I supposed to do something with this rune thing?' really means nothing. That green bearded bastard fell easily all the same. Why? Not because of my dual wielded gr. giant bane rapiers, no...because of you Tyler(name withheld to protect the noob). You, and your continuing contribution to DDO game play chose; normal.

I salute you, sir!

Best part of the whole run?

When the capped barb died. On normal. Promised I wouldn't reveal his name. Sure as hell will snicker at him everytime I pass him in the Market!

Doing one now

03-16-2010, 08:41 PM
Doing one now

a lvl 20 barbarian?

03-16-2010, 08:53 PM
I always pegged her as the type to go for the rogues...

03-16-2010, 08:56 PM
a lvl 20 barbarian?

Soda just hit my monitor via my nose.

03-16-2010, 09:07 PM
Well, barbs die perfectly well on their own without help...

03-17-2010, 01:31 PM
Oh man.

You joined a TS raid that was open to all, with level 20s joining up, and expected win?

It has gotten to the point where I can see it in the LFM nowdays.

Or maybe its the FailVisionĀ® goggles...

03-18-2010, 12:08 AM
Oh I knew it would be a chaotic mashup of nutball highbies and froob lowbies. No reason to stay out of it, is that? Sometimes you just have to pick up the stupid stick and run around beating everyone with it for splits and wiggles.

03-18-2010, 12:33 AM
Doing one now

+ 1 :)

Happy St. Patty's' Day!!