View Full Version : Friends List Limit

03-11-2010, 09:24 AM
I have searched many ways to find an answer to a simple question. What is the size limit of the Friends List InGame, if there is one?

I am using a VIP account, so should have no limit to the # of friends allowed in my list in the game itself. This is about to reach a very critical point for me. I need to be able to add Guild Members to the Friends List, including their alternate characters, or toons, however you wish to refer to them. As of this time I can not do this, I keep getting an error saying Friends List is full. How can I know who is an alt of a main character if I can not add them to the friends list with the appropriate comment?

Any Help in this will be greatly appreciated.


03-17-2010, 05:24 PM
I have a major issue with the Guild Members List!!!

Why are members that have left the Guild or have been Removed from the Guild still showing in the MyDDO>>Guilds>>Members List? Some have been gone for months, and some have left just a few hours ago. How are Guild Leaders and Officers supposed to keep accurate records of Members, and blacklists etc... with unreliable information like this? There is no way to copy the Guild Member List from InGame as an Officer, not sure about as Leader, except one by one. This is an issue that needs to be delt with very soon.

Sure you say that this is a Free Game, so we should not expect much from you in the Support Department. But this game is not Free, if you wish to play effectively. You have to pay for either additional Adventure Packs, or go VIP, and still have to spend $ to be able to buy things at the DDO Store.

I like this game a lot, but the further I get into the game the more problems I encounter. This is just the latest one. If anyone can help me with this issue I will be in your debt.


03-17-2010, 05:37 PM
Is there no one who follows the Forums, namely MODS, who take the time to answer simple questions? The more I get into this game the more disappointed I become. Someone please answer my ? in the original post.

Heck I was not even told to go somewhere else to find the answer, or to just shut up and go away. The MODS here at Forums.ddo.com need to do their jobs!!!

A very dissatisfied Paying Customer,
Wolf Farmer

03-19-2010, 05:38 PM
I have a major issue with the Guild Members List!!!:mad:

The Guild Members List at MyDDO>>Guilds>>Members List do not match the In Game Guild Members List!!!

Why are members that have left the Guild or have been Removed from the Guild still showing in the MyDDO>>Guilds>>Members List? Some have been gone for months, and some have left just a few hours ago. How are Guild Leaders and Officers supposed to keep accurate records of Members, and blacklists etc... with unreliable information like this? There is no way to copy the Guild Member List from InGame as an Officer, not sure about as Leader, except one by one. This is an issue that needs to be delt with very soon.

I have tried every method known to get a response about this issue. The closest I got was to talk to a GM InGame, by posting a New Ticket bug report. No help there, I was told that this was not in their realm of issues. And directed to me where I had already posted this same thing. I hope that here in this sub-Forum that I may get a response.

I like this game a lot, but the further I get into the game the more problems I encounter. This is just the latest one. If anyone can help me with this issue I will be in your debt.


p.s. I have reported Typos in the game, response=none, Typos still exist. Bad Links here in the Forums response=none Bad Links still exist, Asked Simple Questions response=none, not even another player has replied. It appears to me that Customer Support is at the bottom of priorities as far as this company goes.

03-22-2010, 02:15 AM

I am a VIP Account.
I have several major issues that I can not get resolved. I have posted ?s in several Forums, Submitted InGame Help Tickets and talked with GMs, who told me to post here, because they could not answer my ?s. As is stated as a VIP account my Customer Service = Full Support, yet I have gotten No Support at all.

The ?s I am referring to are located in the folowing Forum Posts, I am providing the Links. You can answer here or on the individual posts, your choice. I will include the original posts at the end just so that it is recorded here as well. The Links to my Posts are as follows;

Ref Posts in Full.

I have searched many ways to find an answer to a simple question. What is the size limit of the Friends List InGame, if there is one?

I am using a VIP account, so should have no limit to the # of friends allowed in my list in the game itself. This is about to reach a very critical point for me. I need to be able to add Guild Members to the Friends List, including their alternate characters, or toons, however you wish to refer to them. As of this time I can not do this, I keep getting an error saying Friends List is full. How can I know who is an alt of a main character if I can not add them to the friends list with the appropriate comment?

Any Help in this will be greatly appreciated.

I have a major issue with the Guild Members List!!!

Why are members that have left the Guild or have been Removed from the Guild still showing in the MyDDO>>Guilds>>Members List? Some have been gone for months, and some have left just a few hours ago. How are Guild Leaders and Officers supposed to keep accurate records of Members, and blacklists etc... with unreliable information like this? There is no way to copy the Guild Member List from InGame as an Officer, not sure about as Leader, except one by one. This is an issue that needs to be delt with very soon.

Sure you say that this is a Free Game, so we should not expect much from you in the Support Department. But this game is not Free, if you wish to play effectively. You have to pay for either additional Adventure Packs, or go VIP, and still have to spend $ to be able to buy things at the DDO Store.

I like this game a lot, but the further I get into the game the more problems I encounter. This is just the latest one. If anyone can help me with this issue I will be in your debt.

I have a major issue with the Guild Members List!!!:mad:

The Guild Members List at MyDDO>>Guilds>>Members List do not match the In Game Guild Members List!!!

Why are members that have left the Guild or have been Removed from the Guild still showing in the MyDDO>>Guilds>>Members List? Some have been gone for months, and some have left just a few hours ago. How are Guild Leaders and Officers supposed to keep accurate records of Members, and blacklists etc... with unreliable information like this? There is no way to copy the Guild Member List from InGame as an Officer, not sure about as Leader, except one by one. This is an issue that needs to be delt with very soon.

I have tried every method known to get a response about this issue. The closest I got was to talk to a GM InGame, by posting a New Ticket bug report. No help there, I was told that this was not in their realm of issues. And directed to me where I had already posted this same thing. I hope that here in this sub-Forum that I may get a response.

I like this game a lot, but the further I get into the game the more problems I encounter. This is just the latest one. If anyone can help me with this issue I will be in your debt.


p.s. I have reported Typos in the game, response=none, Typos still exist. Bad Links here in the Forums response=none Bad Links still exist, Asked Simple Questions response=none, not even another player has replied. It appears to me that Customer Support is at the bottom of priorities as far as this company goes.

I hope that I get a Timely Response as is promised. This is getting old.

You have my email address in your records, and can even contact me that way if you wish. If you do I will post a reply here and the appropriate posts that my ?s have been answered.

May God Bless You Richly,

03-23-2010, 11:55 AM
I've merged your posts for ease in reading.

As noted in this sticky post (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=212326) in the Account Management forum, the forums are not the best place to request official feedback and information. That is best done via email, or in some cases bug reports. The forums are great for general questions (without a time limit) and for inquiries that other players can answer. Please note that you will not receive responses to bug reports, but they are passed on to the Devs for review and updates.

Regarding your questions:

1. Friend's List
Any system has to have storage limits, or you run the risk of running out of total storage space. The friends lists do have a finite number of entries, which is very standard with MMOs. Please note that we do not promise an unlimited friends list, even for VIP members. However, I am happy to pass along your request for a larger friends list, especially for VIPs.

You might also consider not adding your guild mates to the friends list. You can track them on the guild tab, and the system notifies you when they log in or out, just like your friends (it actually includes more information, such as current quest, last login time, etc) . I know this won't help with alts that aren't in the guild, but it may help a little.

2/3. My.DDO.com is still in Beta. There are many updates still to be processed, and we are actively accepting feedback. I will certainly be happy to pass along your comments, but the best way to provide feedback for review about My.DDO.com at this time is to complete and submit the form here: http://www.ddo.com/ddosupport/forums-issues. They will review your request/feedback/information and process updates, if needed, as they can. As this site is in Beta, many updates will not be immediate, and may take some time to implement. Again, as with bug reports, you may not receive a response or update regarding this submission, but it will help the developers make the updates that the players are interested in, and improve functionality.