View Full Version : On the state of Thelanis PuG raids.

03-02-2010, 11:04 PM
In case anyone cares.
Just put together a shroud. I let everyone in except for the 3 from the 'need a leader please help' lfm. I used myddo on the clerics and they were way low on wis and spell points. I asked them both if they were heal specced. They said yes. I didn't believe them but I had a solid bard along with 7 other random Puggers and a somewhat useless caster.

We wiped.
The cleric bluebars looked like a melee's hp standing in front of harry.
Sorc killed by something.
The bard got popped by a fluke fireball.
2nd round. I told em my barb was going in, and to center heals on him so after the gnolls are dead we wouldnt lose anyone else.

800 hp and no heal.
4 more die.
Lag was not involved.

Whats the point?
I PuG in a 2 man guild. I have done so for a long time. I lead raids. I have been very egalitarian about doing so, letting all but the most obviously gimped or on the list toons into em.

No more.
I am tired of so many aspects of leading raids with new and/or useless pileons in em.

I will no longer even dignify a /tell about "why did I get declined?" with a response.

I need more hate. I am working on it.

I hate useless pikers.
I hate people who go afk in a quest.
I hate people who DC.
I hate the new generation of carry me through this game people.
I hate the random guilds that are a repository for idiots.

I like my ddo.
I like that you cant hide.

I know its a log out unbuffed snapshot of characters.

I will use it on anyone I want as a simple filter from b/s like occured to me tonight.
I will not be kind over voice chat any longer.

My patience is gone.

/cheers :D

03-02-2010, 11:07 PM
Sorry. Was eating dinner. Want meto log on now? :p

03-02-2010, 11:29 PM
I need more hate. I am working on it.

I hate useless pikers.
I hate people who go afk in a quest.
I hate people who DC.
I hate the new generation of carry me through this game people.
I hate the random guilds that are a repository for idiots.

I like my ddo.
I like that you cant hide.

I know its a log out unbuffed snapshot of characters.

I will use it on anyone I want as a simple filter from b/s like occured to me tonight.
I will not be kind over voice chat any longer.

My patience is gone.

I'm gonna take that, print it out on some of that nice high qaulity card stock in 24pt bold Times New Roman font and turn it into an advertisement for the game. The heading will read: DDO-EU Come join us and enjoy Dungeons and Dragons online!
I'll pass it out at my workplace.
Some people might laugh, at least one guy will probably cry, and two people will undoubtedly try to fight me right there on the spot...and then i'll go have a nap in my office.

-Rhonda, go ahead an forward all my calls to voicemail. I'm 'away' from my desk for a bit. Thanks.

03-03-2010, 01:10 AM
You forgot to mention......

OMG this lag is bad, I'm lagging.....wow I can hardly move. What's happening guys?

lagging party member dies on a completely different part of the map. Generally somewhere you haven't been yet and where you know there is loot.

03-03-2010, 01:16 AM
So, you gave a bunch of players the benefit of the doubt, and it turns out that MyDDO was a good indicator of player quality and you got burned.

I'm sure this is just a fluke.


03-03-2010, 01:58 AM
A short summary:

I lead raids.

I used myddo

We wiped.

I hate people

03-03-2010, 02:20 AM
i often lead reaver and hox pug raids (i want those stupid gloves and the shield)
i don't use myddo and always accept whoever comes first and fits what i'm looking for
i never had problems

admittedly those raids are less gear intensive as the shroud

03-03-2010, 05:45 AM
In case anyone cares.
1. "I used myddo on the clerics and they were way low on wis and spell points."

2. I asked them both if they were heal specced. They said yes. I didn't believe them

3. I had a solid bard along with 7 other random Puggers and a somewhat useless caster.

4. I PuG in a 2 man guild.

/cheers :D

Ok, number 1 If they were "way low" on wiz and spell points then why did you invite them?

2. Again, if you did not believe them, Why did you invite them?

3. Obviously not as solid as you thought

4. I'm starting to see why

So what you are saying is that it was everyone's fault but yours? Sorry, but I call Shenanigan. you had the chance to wait it out and get a better cleric but didn't. I was in that group and you were in a ****y mood before we even stepped through the gate to start the quest, And stated that if this run failed you would be posting a whining post on the forums. Before the group was even 3/4 full I had voiced my concern with only the one caster and thought you should get 1 more to be safe but instead you went with 4 more meele.All went well untill part 4, you never gave direction to the group (yes I know, we shouldn't need direction but if you thought it was going so bad you should have said something to the group). I have over 40 completions of the shroud and have seen runs go a lot worse.

If you are going to lead a raid then for GOD's sake Lead the **** thing, A true leader does not blame everyone else for his ineptitude at leading.

03-03-2010, 06:20 AM
If you are going to lead a raid then for GOD's sake Lead the **** thing, A true leader does not blame everyone else for his ineptitude at leading.
A lack of THIS is happening a fair amount lately in I would guess more than half the pug shrouds I have joined. Well I don't know about the blame part but the lack of leading the raid, sometimes at even the minimalist level. If you (generally speaking, not directed at the OP per-se) are two freaking lazy to do the job then stand down and either let someone else lead or appoint someone competent. The experienced people will generally follow a lead if it makes sense, and the less experienced will learn... and if you do a halfass job unfortunately they learn that too.

03-03-2010, 06:27 AM
I like your raids Runix, especially when I can hear the pages of the well worn script you're reading from flicking back and forth. ( How did you manage to get your grubby mitts on Doc Sins old raiding for noobs 101 course book?)

There is a price to being a leader of men, nowdays I would only lead a raid if I know at least the core of the group or some friends show an interest. Its tough out there for up and coming raid leaders.

03-03-2010, 06:38 AM
There is a price to being a leader of men, nowdays I would only lead a raid if I know at least the core of the group or some friends show an interest. Its tough out there for up and coming raid leaders.

y, thats true especially on the more complicated raids like dragon, titan and hound. had a rough hound pug wipe last night were ppl "accidently" picked up shards n stuff.

anyway, i have fun leading raids if i can rely on at least half the raid to be euros/friends ;)

flame on

03-03-2010, 07:09 AM
In case anyone cares.
Just put together a shroud. I let everyone in except for the 3 from the 'need a leader please help' lfm. I...
This (First Come First Served) worked great on euro side. It's because numbers where so small, everyone was a vet.

I guess USA side is different.

... We wiped.
**** happens. Nothing new.

No more.
Wrong. Do it again and again until it works.

......I like my ddo.
I like that you cant hide.

This is your mistake. You used a crappy online tool and not your own instincts.

A leader is only as good as hes/hers "minions". But *you* picked them.

03-03-2010, 07:15 AM
As an afterthought to answer someones question to 'if you're going to lead for godsake lead'

Even Paul Maud ib couldn't lead some of the trash thats showing up at end game now.

Runix knows what hes doing and he is a capable raid leader, it just looks like hes going to have to tightnen up his screening procedures.

Sidenote, last night I run a dq elite with three aquaintences from the euro servers, two fvs a melee sorc and a barb. It was a given that we completed, we then put up a shroud pug which we completed no sweat with some reliable guilds like stormlords and dwat making up the core the rest where puggers with no real reknown.

On a roll we decided to run what I think is one of the simplest raids in the game (the hound) concidering when I was in Ground, we could 4 and 5 man it at level 16.

The leaders lfm read hound 'know it do it' we communicated with the group over voice and typed chat reference anyone not being familiar with the quest, nothing startling was communicated back.

The tactics where explained the roles assigned and needless to say after a long and drawn out fight we failed.The reasons were the usual suspects, people picking up stones who weren't meant too, people pulling the aggro chain through the centre (how do you know your pulling the aggro chain? quite simple all you have to do is look over your shoulder and you'll see 10 or 12 render carridges going choo! choo! after your arse) ,etc just your regular hound train wreck.

To conclude its easy to lead a pug raid if you fill it full of people you know or guilds you respect are represented.

Shes a different kettle of fish when its a TRUE random pug the likes of what would challenge even the late General George Patton.

From my eyes the only solution I can see and bear in mind I am a pretty laid back character is careful selection.

03-03-2010, 07:24 AM
I don't know what's so hard for people. If you don't know; don't touch, don't move, don't be the first to do anything, don't be in front and don't argue or ignore what you're being told.

As for the stones, I say over and over again, don't pick them up but nuuuuu, idjuts who "know" better think it's a collectible or bag and double click it, then they claim innocence. For those smart ones out there, you'll always notice I'm one of the last to leave, I can see what was dropped when you rc'd....

Last time I failed hound it was because a barbarian ran straight but I can't blame him since he was following the guy who looked like he meant business and he can't tell right from left ;)

03-03-2010, 07:30 AM
As an afterthought to answer someones question to 'if you're going to lead for godsake lead'

Even Paul Maud ib couldn't lead some of the trash thats showing up at end game now.

Runix knows what hes doing and he is a capable raid leader, it just looks like hes going to have to tightnen up his screening procedures.

Sidenote, last night I run a dq elite with three aquaintences from the euro servers, two fvs a melee sorc and a barb. It was a given that we completed, we then put up a shroud pug which we completed no sweat with some reliable guilds like stormlords and dwat making up the core the rest where puggers with no real reknown.

On a roll we decided to run what I think is one of the simplest raids in the game (the hound) concidering when I was in Ground, we could 4 and 5 man it at level 16.

The leaders lfm read hound 'know it do it' we communicated with the group over voice and typed chat reference anyone not being familiar with the quest, nothing startling was communicated back.

The tactics where explained the roles assigned and needless to say after a long and drawn out fight we failed.The reasons were the usual suspects, people picking up stones who weren't meant too, people pulling the aggro chain through the centre (how do you know your pulling the aggro chain? quite simple all you have to do is look over your shoulder and you'll see 10 or 12 render carridges going choo! choo! after your arse) ,etc just your regular hound train wreck.

To conclude its easy to lead a pug raid if you fill it full of people you know or guilds you respect are represented.

Shes a different kettle of fish when its a TRUE random pug the likes of what would challenge even the late General George Patton.

From my eyes the only solution I can see and bear in mind I am a pretty laid back character is careful selection.
+1 for the Dune reference.

03-03-2010, 07:45 AM
I don't know what's so hard for people. If you don't know; don't touch, don't move, don't be the first to do anything, don't be in front and don't argue or ignore what you're being told.

As for the stones, I say over and over again, don't pick them up but nuuuuu, idjuts who "know" better think it's a collectible or bag and double click it, then they claim innocence. For those smart ones out there, you'll always notice I'm one of the last to leave, I can see what was dropped when you rc'd....

Last time I failed hound it was because a barbarian ran straight but I can't blame him since he was following the guy who looked like he meant business and he can't tell right from left ;)

Theres one thing for sure razza generally they'll also be the first to die, they are complete eejits mate.

03-03-2010, 07:45 AM
i often lead reaver and hox pug raids (i want those stupid gloves and the shield)
i don't use myddo and always accept whoever comes first and fits what i'm looking for
i never had problems

admittedly those raids are less gear intensive as the shroud
You play from Europe mate, at times when the US kids are at school.

03-03-2010, 07:47 AM
yes, start a new forum division, european vets vs us kids :P

03-03-2010, 07:53 AM
yes, start a new forum division, european vets vs us kids :P

nah, its not too bad. but the chance to find a bad egg is way higher due to the lot higher population.

in all my 2.5 years of playing in europe i had a total of 2 names on my "do not group with" list and 3 ppl squelched. now 3 months over here i have a list that exceeds 40 names (one of em a european player). just ppl that are rude, abusive, stupid and ignorant.

03-03-2010, 08:02 AM
Lag was not involved.

Seriously? I had to stop running the shroud on my clerics because lag got so ridiculously bad that it was impossible to heal. Did they fix it?

03-03-2010, 08:08 AM
nah, its not too bad. but the chance to find a bad egg is way higher due to the lot higher population.

in all my 2.5 years of playing in europe i had a total of 2 names on my "do not group with" list and 3 ppl squelched. now 3 months over here i have a list that exceeds 40 names (one of em a european player). just ppl that are rude, abusive, stupid and ignorant.

lol there's no way I could seriously blame US kids for this.
They whip my arse at Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat with ease. :/
Lets go with the fact that with so many subs there's so many more useless sorts. FtP means so many more sorts that would never be on a game to start with. Europe couldn't possibly hope to have this many people online all at the same time. :p

03-03-2010, 08:09 AM
I like your raids Runix, especially when I can hear the pages of the well worn script you're reading from flicking back and forth. ( How did you manage to get your grubby mitts on Doc Sins old raiding for noobs 101 course book?)

There is a price to being a leader of men, nowdays I would only lead a raid if I know at least the core of the group or some friends show an interest. Its tough out there for up and coming raid leaders.

I found it when I started renting out Doc's decrepid PuG cabin after he joined the pestilence penthouse.

For anyone that thinks I am whinning. Thats fine. It's not the wipe that bugged me, its that I saw it coming and tried to get us through it, but failed.

For anyone that thinks I didn't give voice instruction and do the best I could with what I had. Thats fine.

For anyone that blames the leader (me). So do I, I have been too nice in putting together these things and will be tightening up the selection process to be sure. I will not politely ask people their capabilities.

I am on good terms (from what I can tell :D) with every major raiding guild on thelanis. I will be willing to take a small number of unknowns based on the well knowns participation. This balance will get me the completions I need with minimal stress and reduce time with an lfm up.

For anyone who is deeply offended or angry because I posted this. Add me to your list. (see toons below, or better yet add Two Kings because Thorono is a lot less pleasant than I am and I don't want him to hurt your feelings).

03-03-2010, 08:15 AM
yes, start a new forum division, european vets vs us kids :P

LOL, I’m not a European Vet but I had a bad US kid last night. In Taming of the Flames,(HARD), I was on my FvS, he was on a Clr, 9’s to 11’s. Cake walk right. Not so much.

Tell everyone to stay together(aka with me) and this will be easy, Tell me if you need fire resist, standard buffs. 3 of the members manage to stay, they all live.

The Clr goes afk at the beginning of the quest without telling anyone, at this point we have already went south and were to the shrine in the east, NOONE has taken any damage at this point due to Standard buffs.

So then the Clr starts to make his way to us, gets to us but struggled to do so. We buff back up,(again who needs Fire) We head back south and jump down to the door in the pit.

The Clr decides to stay up top and fight the fire elementals and dies(very quickly), then we get this in party chat, I died B/C my bad party left me behind, you all suck I hope you all get killed. My response, “HAHAHAHAHA”. Followed by his disconnect.

I may have made a comment about the guild that he was in over party chat and what did we expect,,,, I just don’t believe in Shares of a guild being sold.

03-03-2010, 08:16 AM
(one of em a european player). just ppl that are rude, abusive, stupid and ignorant.oi you stinky old **** ****ing **** I told you I was having lag for ***** sake


03-03-2010, 08:19 AM
I have read alot of these type of posts and try to stay out but this time.....

Have not been playing long (about a year), I always listen to those that say they know the quest and ARE WILLING to help me learn the way thru. I have been on only 2 or 3 TS raids- one had a wipe and the rest went ok. I have flagged my main for the Twilight forge and GH Tor and VON but have not atttemted them yet. Reason is mainly I screwded up and am trying to fix it now. Realy expensive at lvl 15, live and learn:rolleyes:

Have had success more than fail so far. Love playing and meeting different folks thru game..

My problem is I am not a power gamer, really like to see the whole picture and feel of the quests. Which seems to put me in the minority and left behind at times.
I am of the opinion that a helpful attitude could change a lot of the bad experiences for all concerned, that is to say that the "followers" are probably just as bummed about thefailure as the "leader".......

just the opinion of a newish player and hope to have some fun with any that want to enjoy the game:cool:

03-03-2010, 08:19 AM
Seriously? I had to stop running the shroud on my clerics because lag got so ridiculously bad that it was impossible to heal. Did they fix it?No they sure as "heck" ("darn" puritans with their silly hats and wordfilters) didn't.

03-03-2010, 08:36 AM
oi you stinky old **** ****ing **** I told you I was having lag for ***** sake


heh, sadly (or luckily, who knows) i only had the pleasure to group with you once mate. it was either a shroud, titan or queen. can't really remember :)

03-03-2010, 08:38 AM
If you are going to lead a raid then for GOD's sake Lead the **** thing, A true leader does not blame everyone else for his ineptitude at leading.


The biggest problem with bad leadership is failure to accept responsibility for poor group performance. The first step to becoming a better leader is recognizing that you need to take responsibility for the group no matter what.

To be fair, it sounds like the OP is beginning to recognize that, and is simply venting his disappointment that a change from a happy-go-lucky approach to putting together PUGs is required for success.

03-03-2010, 08:51 AM
I may have made a comment about the guild that he was in over party chat and what did we expect,,,, I just don’t believe in Shares of a guild being sold.

I'm new to DDo and even i understand this bit. :)

03-03-2010, 08:55 AM
heh, sadly (or luckily, who knows) i only had the pleasure to group with you once mate. it was either a shroud, titan or queen. can't really remember :)Titan. Kobolds never forget! Yark! :p

03-03-2010, 08:58 AM
Titan. Kobolds never forget! Yark! :p

heh, was a pleasant run. lets do so again soon :)

03-03-2010, 08:59 AM
I have read alot of these type of posts and try to stay out but this time.....

Have not been playing long (about a year), I always listen to those that say they know the quest and ARE WILLING to help me learn the way thru. I have been on only 2 or 3 TS raids- one had a wipe and the rest went ok. I have flagged my main for the Twilight forge and GH Tor and VON but have not atttemted them yet. Reason is mainly I screwded up and am trying to fix it now. Realy expensive at lvl 15, live and learn:rolleyes:

Have had success more than fail so far. Love playing and meeting different folks thru game..

My problem is I am not a power gamer, really like to see the whole picture and feel of the quests. Which seems to put me in the minority and left behind at times.
I am of the opinion that a helpful attitude could change a lot of the bad experiences for all concerned, that is to say that the "followers" are probably just as bummed about thefailure as the "leader".......

just the opinion of a newish player and hope to have some fun with any that want to enjoy the game:cool:

But players like you aren't the problem (that I know of ;) ). The problem lies in A) players who don't know the quest but refuse to listen to simple instructions, B) players who have no idea what type of equipment they should have at level C) players who have no idea how to play or build characters, or the dreaded D) all of the above. If it's explained 2 or 3 times the order to kill things in Part 2 (which really even isn't necessary when you have a group that tears through everything in seconds), it's going to go bad. If you are swinging as a melee and all you see is 1 yellow number and it's zero, it's going to go bad. If you are a healer and can't string 2or 3 heals together no matter how hard you try, it's going to go bad.

I think players get frustrated because we know how easy these raids can be. And personally I don't understand why other people wouldn't want to learn the easiest way to do them, then try to improve on the tactics when possible. I've had to adopt a "no resource" policy for straight PUG's unless it's lag related or I know the majority of players. No point in spending more on pots than I would in the AH buying the same ingredients.

And yes, I think the "followers" are as bummed about failing a raid as the leader, but for a different reason. Before I really understood the game and would join raids, I remember failing a two VON's because I was the weak link. It wasn't because I wasn't given instructions. It wasn't because of lag. It was because I didn't know enough about DDO, my class, and how to be an effective cleric. So I went back, started reading the forums, doing some research, and bugging the hell out of other clerics when they were standing around the inn's for info. I wanted to be better at this game. If you don't, go run some casual quests and stay out of raids.

03-03-2010, 02:24 PM
I felt bad for forgetting to send a tell afterwards and thank a raid leader who stood up for the other 10 people in the group. Before shroud started, one guy said he wanted to craft. The leader said in his farming runs he generally alternates every other run that people can spend time crafting, but if the guy can go fast because 11 other people will be waiting, then ok. The guy said no problem and that he had the ingredients already laid out.

End of part one, the guy of course doesn't have things laid out or laid out well and starts asking crafting questions. People answer one or two, and then the leader says everyone is waiting and that he and probably others will be happy to help answer questions after the run but now is not the time.

Trying to diplomatically get him to hurry up but to also save him some potential heartache, I said, "I wouldn't dare to craft anything in a hurry anyway without being absolutely 100% sure I have everything perfect." (take note of this statement....)

We go through to part 2 while the guy starts to get a bit sarcastic and huffy about not being able to get his questions answered. 30 or so seconds later, we hear something like, "Hmm, I got ice instead of fire. That's not what I wanted. I guess I screwed something up."

He joins us in part 2, and the leader asks if anyone has any questions on how to do this. The crafting guy sarcastically says he does have a question but figures he won't ask it because no one wants to answer his questions in this group. blah blah blah. Just being a big baby. It's a raid. If you're going to be a big baby on a raid, do everyone a favor and just stay home. I almost let him have it, I'm guessing other people almost let him have it, but everyone pretty much ignored him and just went on with business and got 'er done.

Was in a Hound run short one person. LFM was up and said join if you can find your own way. A guy joins, is asked if he knows the way, and he says he's not sure. Someone asks him if he wants them to recall out to go get him, and he says yes. The leader kicks the new guy and says sorry but the LFM was clear and if didn't know the way then he shouldn't have joined. He also explained before we even started he was short on time and just wanted to do one quick, but, really, the LFM was what it was anyway, and he was right.

I know I've had to be "the bad guy" a few times when leading, and probably wasn't "the bad guy" every time I should have been, so here's a thank you to those leaders who think about the other people in the group and put their foot down when necessary and LEAD.

Heck, did a shroud yesterday, and in part 5 everyone is basically all buffed up and ready to go, and one guy says, "Can I get a neutralize poison, plz?" I thought about typing it, but before I could decide whether to or not, someone else already had: "Drink a pot." If the guy's feelings may have gotten hurt, well, sometimes that's how we learn.

Did a run the other day. Someone clicked the portal early after part 4. Yeah. So now, if you ever hear someone in group say, "New people, don't click the portal," or, "New people, don't do x or y," or, "New people, don't kill the dogs," etc, that's probably me. :D

Using MyDDO and not taking chances on people can have its drawbacks, though. Joined a mostly-guild run the other day and we needed one or two more people, with one being a healer. A couple people requested to join, but the leader was being very selective and said he's tired of running with people he doesn't have faith in. I was doing some other stuff so it wasn't too big a deal to me, but we were waiting almost an HOUR to fill the last spot.

Figure I'll put this here since it can be a big PUG thing... if you finish a shroud and ask if people want to DDoor out, and then they DDoor and say they will drop group when they're out, then, man, wait 30 whole more seconds so you know they're out. I had a slow load out when leaving, said it over chat, had said I would drop group when I'm out, but when I got past the load screen people had already finished. I just ran 45 or whatever good minutes with you; give the courtesy of an extra 30 seconds.

03-03-2010, 07:49 PM
LOL, I’m not a European Vet but I had a bad US kid last night. In Taming of the Flames,(HARD), I was on my FvS, he was on a Clr, 9’s to 11’s. Cake walk right. Not so much.

Tell everyone to stay together(aka with me) and this will be easy, Tell me if you need fire resist, standard buffs. 3 of the members manage to stay, they all live.

The Clr goes afk at the beginning of the quest without telling anyone, at this point we have already went south and were to the shrine in the east, NOONE has taken any damage at this point due to Standard buffs.

So then the Clr starts to make his way to us, gets to us but struggled to do so. We buff back up,(again who needs Fire) We head back south and jump down to the door in the pit.

The Clr decides to stay up top and fight the fire elementals and dies(very quickly), then we get this in party chat, I died B/C my bad party left me behind, you all suck I hope you all get killed. My response, “HAHAHAHAHA”. Followed by his disconnect.

I may have made a comment about the guild that he was in over party chat and what did we expect,,,, I just don’t believe in Shares of a guild being sold.

Just to note that sometimes people afk at the start of map because of loading screen stalling. He may very well be right that you all left him behind.

03-04-2010, 10:14 AM
... I have been very egalitarian about doing so, letting all but the most obviously gimped or on the list toons into em.

No more.
I am tired of so many aspects of leading raids with new and/or useless pileons in em.

I will no longer even dignify a /tell about "why did I get declined?" with a response.

I need more hate. I am working on it.

I hate useless pikers.
I hate people who go afk in a quest.
I hate people who DC.
I hate the new generation of carry me through this game people.
I hate the random guilds that are a repository for idiots.

I like my ddo.
I like that you cant hide.

I know its a log out unbuffed snapshot of characters.

I will use it on anyone I want as a simple filter from b/s like occured to me tonight.
I will not be kind over voice chat any longer.

My patience is gone.

/cheers :D

+1 for honesty and +1 for using the word "egalitarian".

Oh ****... can't give +2, well... I'll owe ya one.

The only thing I would caution you on, it's the bible for me... It's not about the toon or build in so many cases, it's the player.

If you look at a couple of my toons, you would say.. "OMG... NO WAY AM I LETTING THAT TARD IN MY RAID!!!".

Now, you might say it anyways, but seriously, I have a couple of messed up builds, but they work.

I've seen other friends like Impaqt/Allendale, Nakano/Kyrian and Pyxie that make very strange guilds, but they are phenomenal players and make any build work.

So, when you are checking myddo... think about that.

Other than that... :)

03-04-2010, 10:49 AM
I will no longer even dignify a /tell about "why did I get declined?" with a response

I never did this in the first place, heh. Its either yes or no - no need to argue with someone over whether their build is gimped or not.

I will not be kind over voice chat any longer.

I agree with using MyDDO as a filter, but not with being a D1CK. Just dont talk to them, period. If you decline, just move to the next person. I find that not responding to people who want to argue their build actually puts LESS stress on me, as I can concentrate on what needs to get accomplished, and not some clown trying to bust chops.

My patience is gone.

If you fall into the trap and get emotionally charged about it, the greifers win, the haters you declined and want to argue with you win, and you lose. Declined = not paying attention to what comes out of that person any longer.

The best approach is not about being able to take on MORE stress, but being able to tolerate LESS of it, and going into a mode where you are not going to allow people to rattle your chain.

And of course getting a PHD in selective grouping in todays MMO society...

03-04-2010, 10:56 AM
Just to note that sometimes people afk at the start of map because of loading screen stalling. He may very well be right that you all left him behind.

Stuck loading screens don't last 15 min, ;)

This was just a very poor player.

03-04-2010, 04:55 PM
I agree with using MyDDO as a filter, but not with being a D1CK. Just dont talk to them, period. If you decline, just move to the next person. I find that not responding to people who want to argue their build actually puts LESS stress on me, as I can concentrate on what needs to get accomplished, and not some clown trying to bust chops.

If you fall into the trap and get emotionally charged about it, the greifers win, the haters you declined and want to argue with you win, and you lose. Declined = not paying attention to what comes out of that person any longer.

The best approach is not about being able to take on MORE stress, but being able to tolerate LESS of it, and going into a mode where you are not going to allow people to rattle your chain.

And of course getting a PHD in selective grouping in todays MMO society...

You might be misunderstanding some of my thoughts, let me clarify a few points.

I will not be a phalic person on voice chat, but I will stop filtering myself when it comes to players that do not listen to simple directions, do not communicate their need for a key buff or critical directions, or touch things that they shouldnt (charming stones in hound), hop on a 5x5 while I am working on it etc.

I will continue to lead PuG raids, but with higher standards for entry, simply because the player base is so large and "diverse" in ability level, where before F2P I ran with every Pugger and guild out there before, now there are so many more.

At the beginning of all of my raids I ask for those who have not run it to speak up, so that I can "switch my raid script" as pete calls it.

Overall, I like Pugging in a 2man guild with our name above our heads. I dont have to worry about anyone judging me based on the actions of others. I like leading raids when I have the energy, when I dont I simply join em and quietly play my part.

The simple amount of time wasted getting raids together, or dragging others through quests (which I do not mind under most circumstances) hinders my success in this game. I have limited play time and I want to spend it having fun. This is the reason that Thorono (my guildy) and I have begun to consider joining a guild.

Since my OP I have tightened standards and done the things I planned on. It is working, runs are smooth without too much added time putting it together.

03-05-2010, 04:23 AM
Was in a Hound run short one person. LFM was up and said join if you can find your own way. A guy joins, is asked if he knows the way, and he says he's not sure. Someone asks him if he wants them to recall out to go get him, and he says yes. The leader kicks the new guy and says sorry but the LFM was clear and if didn't know the way then he shouldn't have joined. He also explained before we even started he was short on time and just wanted to do one quick, but, really, the LFM was what it was anyway, and he was right..
I'm pretty sure I was in this run... as I recall, we kicked its arse even being short a person, because the people who *were* there knew exactly what they were doing (or simply stayed quiet and followed instructions).

I find myself on the other side of the coin in that I (and the other members of my guild) came to DDO because it went F2P, and have since then invested in it. But Stompfest is also a close-knit group of true gamers (all of whom I've been playing with for a long time) who learn very quickly and really go balls-to-the-walls. I don't think people know who we are, and I do think it hurts our ability to get into some raids, which can be frustrating at times.

At the same time, whenever Belthasar, Pres, or I start up any PuG group, we will MyDDO people if we don't recognize them. Life's just much easier when you know you can count on your party members, so I fully understand the sentiment behind this thread.

03-05-2010, 05:04 PM
That was me. I was in the lead. The lfm was clear. It said Hound hard in the quest box, and "be able to get here on your own."

The guy said he didnt know how. We were near the quest, so ding! away goes the newcomer.

The inability of someone to read the lfm to see if it is a group for them is not on my shoulders.

*also I received neg rep for this thread, yet no posts really contradicting my frustration, or new direction in leading PuG raids on thelanis. If ya got a problem, speak your piece about it after ya hit the scales. That way I can respond and we can get a dialogue going, I will not get butt-hurt by those of differing opinions, such is life.

03-05-2010, 08:49 PM
The inability of someone to read the lfm to

This drives me bonkers.