View Full Version : Fellow veteran players

03-02-2010, 03:22 PM
We have had a change in guild status!
I am looking for a seasoned veteran, thats honest, knows the game, and is willing to help take the guild into the new year.

PM me here or in-game!

03-02-2010, 04:04 PM
how much does it pay lol

03-02-2010, 04:14 PM
I think it pays in purple coins Alter :)

03-02-2010, 11:21 PM
would it help if you said which guild?

03-03-2010, 12:23 AM
We have had a change in guild status!
I am looking for a seasoned veteran, thats honest, knows the game, and is willing to help take the guild into the new year.

PM me here or in-game!So, just to be clear on what is being said here, you are PUGing out the leadership postition of a guild?

03-03-2010, 12:30 AM
The guild is Chainmail.

As for why Laggin has an itch to backseat drive his dying guild, I have no idea, maybe he thinks it has less chance of crashing then with him at the wheel.

For anyone that cares


03-05-2010, 10:36 PM
I told him to let it die. But he won't listen to me.

03-06-2010, 03:07 AM
Click the Disband button on your guild screen.

Problem solved. If people still want to be in the guild or take over its leadership, one of them will make it again.

03-08-2010, 01:00 PM
Click the Disband button on your guild screen.

Problem solved. If people still want to be in the guild or take over its leadership, one of them will make it again.

Lol, this should be a bumper sticker. It is the epitome of ignorance.

We should just disolve parliment, and all federal governments. If the people care enough, they will start a new government.

great stuff...

03-08-2010, 01:12 PM
Lol, this should be a bumper sticker. It is the epitome of ignorance.

We should just disolve parliment, and all federal governments. If the people care enough, they will start a new government.

great stuff...

If you've never been in a dissolving/fractured guild it's a hard situation to explain. I've been in a few myself and had the leader try to drop it in my lap on more than one occasion. I don't know the particulars of Chainmails situation, but sometimes it's best to just let people go their own way. I've had a few stealth disbands too, which kind of ****** me off. If you just let everyone know (and I'm sure it's no surprise between guildies) what's going on and why you're doing it, then it's usually the best course. They will either join bigger more stable guilds, build their own between a few guys and start over, whatever. But trying to fly your guild name when everything is in disarray can be worse than just starting over.

Hope everything works out for you Ferd.

03-09-2010, 01:54 AM
Lol, this should be a bumper sticker. It is the epitome of ignorance.

We should just disolve parliment, and all federal governments. If the people care enough, they will start a new government.

great stuff...

Well, if the present ones are corrupted or in some other way broken arguably beyond repair, then maybe it is indeed great stuff.

And, in this case, it's not Parliament anyway. It's a guild in a computer game.

Memnir's post said it best in this thread.

03-09-2010, 04:47 AM
And, in this case, it's not Parliament anyway. It's a guild in a computer game.


03-09-2010, 01:43 PM

Sure, an analogy preceded by, "It is the epitome of ignorance."


03-09-2010, 04:36 PM
Lol, this should be a bumper sticker. It is the epitome of ignorance.

We should just disolve parliment, and all federal governments. If the people care enough, they will start a new government.

great stuff...

Without starting some obnoxious political debate...

Please, mother of god, make this happen. It makes more sense than all of the current collective first world nation governments do combined.

So does restarting the guild or having someone who cares enough take over.

03-17-2010, 11:01 AM
It seems that Chainmail is trying to start over, and change their position as a shake'nbake guild. I wish you the best of luck. I have no desire to be an officer or leader of any MMO guild ever again. I have had a few shake'nbake guilds dumped in my lap in both EQ and WoW, and it's like trying to get people to stay and help bail water out of a sinking boat.

I have enjoyed my gaming experience so much more since I quit trying to be a hero, and embraced my inner *******. If other people are making it more difficult for me to do what I want, and enjoy myself doing it,s I get away from them.

I have so much more fun that way; I live like that irl as well. If someone (other than my kids) sucks to be around I get away from them. Life is so much better without my ex wife lol! If your guild is on a bad course you have to ask yourself if you can really bail all that water, and if there are enough people bailing it with ya to make it worth it.

03-17-2010, 06:25 PM
Have you tried talking to the guild leader of Smokey's Guild. Sorry, I would give you his name, but we are not suppose to give out names on the forums, still should be easy enough to ask around for who he is. He is a vet of some years, granted there was a break somewhere inbetween. Still, might be just what your guild is looking for. He does have one of the largest guilds on the server btw.

03-19-2010, 04:39 PM
If you've never been in a dissolving/fractured guild it's a hard situation to explain.

Indeed. I did this myself a while back. I just didn't have enough time or enthusiasm for playing to be the kind of guild leader I thought folks deserved. Since the guild was more or less started as palls of mine I figured the best thing to do was shut her down and let folks find greener pastures.

It turned out few of any that remained at that point had any interest in going elsewhere and a brave soul in the guild decided to take up the banner. (Hurray for Nineteen :) ) And so Umber Hulks is still around and still has a small but feisty set of players.

03-19-2010, 04:45 PM
Lol, this should be a bumper sticker. It is the epitome of ignorance.

We should just disolve parliment, and all federal governments. If the people care enough, they will start a new government.

great stuff...

That's usually called a revolution. It’s really not all that uncommon but to compare a guild to all federal governments… well, that is uncommon and what I would describe as an epitome of ignorance.

03-19-2010, 08:00 PM
Lol, this should be a bumper sticker. It is the epitome of ignorance.

We should just disolve parliment, and all federal governments. If the people care enough, they will start a new government.

great stuff...

Correct, we should disolve them all.