View Full Version : Gear advice, please
03-02-2010, 08:27 AM
I'd like a little advice on what to eventually shoot for for gear-wise for Pallai (18CLR/2MNK). I'm getting pretty happy with the daily gear I have now, but there are quite a few raids that I did not run before I TR'ed- there may very well be better loot out there and I want to start keeping my eyes open for possibilities.
Gear is for an Offensive Casting Cleric build.
Here is my present gear:
Helm: Minos Legens
Neck: Lorrik's Necklace
Armor: Icy Raiments/Elfcrafted Robes
Bracers: Armored +7/Chaosguardes
Gloves: Spectral Gloves
Belt: Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance/Planar Girds for clickys
Boots: Surefooted Boots/Firestorm Greaves
Rings: STR+6, FFalling
Trinket: Voice of the Master, Dusk Heart, Head of Good Fortune
Shield: N/A
Goggles: Triple Neg Greensteel
Cloak: Ghostwaking Cloak, CHA cloak (for DVs), Mantle of the Worldshaper
Weapon: MinII GS kama, Potency/Spell pen Qstaffs and Kamas, Stat Damaging wraps
These are items on my "to get list"
Cloak of Ice/Bluefire Necklace (Want the Fire/Ice Shield clickies)
Golden Greaves (For DR)
Stormreaver's Napkin
Need to finish GS kamas with caster stats/Con Op.
Mysterious Bauble
Blue Dragonscale robe (up to 14 scales!)
I'm torn on the DT robes- I've already got a DT Outfit with Heavy Fort and (yucky stat). Unless I can get the Lorrik's on it, I'd really like to hear arguments on how this would be better than the Icys/Blue Dragonscale.
Thank you!
03-02-2010, 02:46 PM
Helm: Minos Legens
Can aim for shroud crafted hp item (+45 hp), either min2 to keep the fort or con opp(if high ac then might not help you much).
Neck: Lorrik's Necklace
Good to aim for is the torc from dq, embers from abbot, or one or the bard necklaces (reduced sp cost for meta's), or even the monk one that has concentration 15 on it.
Armor: Icy Raiments/Elfcrafted Robes
if able upgrade to the blue scale armor
Bracers: Armored +7/Chaosguardes
AC gear.. nothing much to say
Gloves: Spectral Gloves
the gloves from abbot have dex 6 on them and gives you 3 charges of mana regen
Belt: Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance/Planar Girds for clickys
either a con 6 gfl belt or even the titan belt fot str 6 glf
Boots: Surefooted Boots/Firestorm Greaves
the gyroscopic boots from titan would be a nice strider to get. the balance never hurts a clr.
Rings: STR+6, FFalling
a tower ring can be crafted to have exceptional wis 2 on it
Trinket: Voice of the Master, Dusk Heart
litany form abbot, or head of good fortune.
Goggles: Triple Neg Greensteel
assuming sp item? or immunity item? but yet again a min2, con opp, or even a dust, or smoke crafted item might work out better for you in the long run
Cloak: Ghostwaking Cloak, CHA cloak (for DVs), Mantle of the Worldshaper
stormreaver napkin increases dc's by 1.
Weapon: MinII GS kama, Potency/Spell pen Qstaffs and Kamas, Stat Damaging wraps
the min 2 kama kinda pulls you away from the offensive casting, but if you want to spend the larges go ahead, the staff form the abbot has your spell pen and reduced sp cost on it, try for the potency 6 kama if you can
These are items on my "to get list"
Cloak of Ice/Bluefire Necklace (Want the Fire/Ice Shield clickies)
depending on how high you can get your ac getting the bracers of the glacier from VoD could give you your fire shield (cold) when you get hit.
I'm torn on the DT robes- I've already got a DT Outfit with Heavy Fort and (yucky stat). Unless I can get the Lorrik's on it, I'd really like to hear arguments on how this would be better than the Icys/Blue Dragonscale.
do not worry about lorrik's it is a 2 piece set that is mostly useless. if you intend on the ac mode then a well made dt robe can free up your bracers slot and cost you only a point or 2 with your current gear listed. As i listed above the dragonscale robe would serve you justice. Everyone loves big numbers on bb. But, as far as the dt/icys... so not a fight that i want to start up.
Thank you!
Your welcome
**edit** noted no chat ring, the +3 ac is only available elsewhere on DT. At least at this point in the game.
03-02-2010, 03:57 PM
I have a very similar build (as you and I have discussed on several other posts) so I thought I'd pass along some items to consider:
1 Amrath ! Wiz6 + Sup Potency6 necklaces, 6con + GFL belts, 6con + GH belt, 6con + Jump (CL:15 3x/rest) belt
New Invasion, Sins of Attrition, and Bastion of Power are all solo-able quests, Genesis would be too except for the one valve switch you need to pull for the maze (and you can't park a hireling at the valve because of orthon respawns). Plus you can get both boot ingredients for ToD and shroud ingredients(rarely)
2. ToD rings obviously
3. Zephyr cloak from DQ for the 20% permanent blur and 1x/rest Invisibility. I got this a couple weeks ago and LOVE it.
4. Chattering ring for the +3 dodge ac
5. 8ac bracers (should they fall from the heavens or not cost 10-15mil gp)
6. Spectral Gloves are great, you might also consider Titans Grip gloves from IQ for the +6 psionic str clicky
7. Bloodrage Symbiot is a great trinket with DR5/- + other stuff, perhaps a quicker alternative is the Kaelith trinket from Necro3 scarab turn in, it has Undead Guard (3d6 for any undead that hit you) and DR 5/evil (I have this and I don't see a whole lot of "evil" damage bypassing my DR, when I do see it, it's usually from archers)
8. ConOp GS. I'm 1 stone and 2 chains from my first ConOp GS item and I'd like to get at least one more plus a DQ torc for maximum benefit.
9. I think having a Rahls Might quarterstaff is very handy for the improved destruction on hit effect
just some ideas to ponder
03-02-2010, 06:55 PM
the simple combination of selecting the switch to pull, parking the hireling, and invisibly works for the most part. The ending you choose will be different then the norm though, mephits and shipment are not soloable without alot of issues/abundant step.
[quote]8. ConOp GS. I'm 1 stone and 2 chains from my first ConOp GS item and I'd like to get at least one more plus a DQ torc for maximum benefit.
I am a big fan of con op but for a ac cleric it might be less useful. Now that all depends on how high he can get his AC. due to it being only a chance to gain sp on a hit, if you only get hit 25% of the time.... needless to say the chance of sp gain will be very little(con op is noted as a 1% chance to gain sp, more like 3% from my tests, but still a .25% or a .75% chance is low).
9. I think having a Rahls Might quarterstaff is very handy for the improved destruction on hit effect
Major drawback if the deception on it. normally you will use weaponry against boss like enemies on a offensive casting cleric, the deception normally makes him run away causing issues, but other then that it is a great toy to have on hand, more so if you are not common to soloing.
03-02-2010, 07:31 PM
Good to aim for is the torc from dq, embers from abbot, or one or the bard necklaces (reduced sp cost for meta's), or even the monk one that has concentration 15 on it.
The reduced metamagics cost is for the set, FYI. Though having a bard necklace for Potency can work with certain gear set-ups, and you can just switch it out for a Torc if you want to get some mana back (just don't forget to put the Potency back on :p)
if able upgrade to the blue scale armor
Blue Scale Robe specifically to stay centered. If you don't care about being centered can also go for a Greenblade or Skiver in your offhand for your Gr. Arcane Lore.
the gloves from abbot have dex 6 on them and gives you 3 charges of mana regen
Nice situationally but personally I'm a fan of the Gloves of the Glacier for reduced mana costs.
the gyroscopic boots from titan would be a nice strider to get. the balance never hurts a clr.
Nice but certainly not necessary ;)
a tower ring can be crafted to have exceptional wis 2 on it
Good for +1 DCs and some more SP. You could also think about Greater Devotion VIII on a second ToD ring.
the min 2 kama kinda pulls you away from the offensive casting, but if you want to spend the larges go ahead, the staff form the abbot has your spell pen and reduced sp cost on it, try for the potency 6 kama if you can
At least the Abbot staff will keep her centered too. IMO unless specifically specced for melee a cleric's best damage comes from offensive spells, and there are valuable items you can be holding in your hands to boost spells instead of wasting larges on a Min II kama. Not to mention Kamas aren't exactly the best source of DPS.
03-02-2010, 11:53 PM
Great ideas, one and all. I'll address responses to everyone's suggestions in individual posts to minimize clutter somewhat.
Again, thank you so much. I'm very indebted to the people on this forum for the help I've received. :)
03-02-2010, 11:59 PM
I have a very similar build (as you and I have discussed on several other posts) so I thought I'd pass along some items to consider:
1 Amrath ! Wiz6 + Sup Potency6 necklaces, 6con + GFL belts, 6con + GH belt, 6con + Jump (CL:15 3x/rest) belt
Didn't do too much Amrath last time around, but good ideas
New Invasion, Sins of Attrition, and Bastion of Power are all solo-able quests, Genesis would be too except for the one valve switch you need to pull for the maze (and you can't park a hireling at the valve because of orthon respawns). Plus you can get both boot ingredients for ToD and shroud ingredients(rarely)
2. ToD rings obviously
3. Zephyr cloak from DQ for the 20% permanent blur and 1x/rest Invisibility. I got this a couple weeks ago and LOVE it.
Will have to look it up- ADQ2? I'd hope for the Torc, but I wouldn't turn this down. I'll have to look it up
4. Chattering ring for the +3 dodge ac
We've got 6 people in a mostly static group and all are looking for this. It'll be a while... :(
5. 8ac bracers (should they fall from the heavens or not cost 10-15mil gp)
Certainly-I'm lucky to have pulled a +7 and didn't have to buy it- I'm always scouring the AH for a deal
6. Spectral Gloves are great, you might also consider Titans Grip gloves from IQ for the +6 psionic str clicky
Would love to get these, but I'm only going to be able to loot a pair once every melee toon in the static guild group gets one.
7. Bloodrage Symbiot is a great trinket with DR5/- + other stuff, perhaps a quicker alternative is the Kaelith trinket from Necro3 scarab turn in, it has Undead Guard (3d6 for any undead that hit you) and DR 5/evil (I have this and I don't see a whole lot of "evil" damage bypassing my DR, when I do see it, it's usually from archers)
Will do- we have to run a whole bunch of Necro stuff for another guildie, so easy enough
8. ConOp GS. I'm 1 stone and 2 chains from my first ConOp GS item and I'd like to get at least one more plus a DQ torc for maximum benefit.
On my list
9. I think having a Rahls Might quarterstaff is very handy for the improved destruction on hit effect
Have the Force one and Axiomatic Rahl's in the bank :)
just some ideas to ponder
Responses in red
03-03-2010, 12:10 AM
Can aim for shroud crafted hp item (+45 hp), either min2 to keep the fort or con opp(if high ac then might not help you much).
Got a whole list of Shroud crafted items I need to craft- I agree with what you are suggesting here
Good to aim for is the torc from dq, embers from abbot, or one or the bard necklaces (reduced sp cost for meta's), or even the monk one that has concentration 15 on it.
That blasted Torc will be the death of me. I'm running ADQ2 everytime I'm off timer
if able upgrade to the blue scale armor
Up to 17 Blue scales as of today. Tor-grindtastic....
AC gear.. nothing much to say
the gloves from abbot have dex 6 on them and gives you 3 charges of mana regen
Ooooh, didn't know about the Abbot gloves-I can swap them out for Spectrals. Good call.
either a con 6 gfl belt or even the titan belt fot str 6 glf
I really like the Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance- The con and concentration are nice in that slot. A problem that I'm having is determining exactly how much concentration I need- I put points in at every level and rarely get interrupted. I can put quicken on, but I just learned the other day that concentration speeds up scroll casting- good for shooting heal scrolls in raids, etc. I do have a GFL ring that I put on for raids and more challenging dungeons as well as going into Mountain/Earth stance for more HP after buffing. Between Minos, the Dusk Heart, increased CON from stance and GFL, I hit around 317 HP at level 15 without Aid, GH or Rage. Still think I should get the different belts?
the gyroscopic boots from titan would be a nice strider to get. the balance never hurts a clr.
I will look those up. The surefooted do have +10 Balance on them, though
a tower ring can be crafted to have exceptional wis 2 on it
Can do
litany form abbot, or head of good fortune.
Just got my first Head of Good Fortune today. :) Woooooooooo!
assuming sp item? or immunity item? but yet again a min2, con opp, or even a dust, or smoke crafted item might work out better for you in the long run
stormreaver napkin increases dc's by 1.
Running Reaver's for it as soon as I get off timer.
the min 2 kama kinda pulls you away from the offensive casting, but if you want to spend the larges go ahead, the staff form the abbot has your spell pen and reduced sp cost on it, try for the potency 6 kama if you can
Yeah, I shouldn't have listened to some advice I was given- can't really complain about having a MinII kama, though- even just for the Stoneskin Clicky. Getting on the Caster stat Kamas ASAP, though.
depending on how high you can get your ac getting the bracers of the glacier from VoD could give you your fire shield (cold) when you get hit.
Someone pulled them the other day and I lost the roll. Will put them on my list, though
Responses in Red.
03-03-2010, 12:14 AM
At least the Abbot staff will keep her centered too. IMO unless specifically specced for melee a cleric's best damage comes from offensive spells, and there are valuable items you can be holding in your hands to boost spells instead of wasting larges on a Min II kama. Not to mention Kamas aren't exactly the best source of DPS.
Yeah, I made a huge mistake making the MinII kama. Got talked into it by someone and I should have gone with my gut feeling.
I'll be doing quite a bit of shuffling around trying to get proper greensteels set up and I have friends to help with Larges so I'm not freaking out about it. I'll get there eventually.
03-03-2010, 01:30 AM
Yeah, I made a huge mistake making the MinII kama. Got talked into it by someone and I should have gone with my gut feeling.
I'll be doing quite a bit of shuffling around trying to get proper greensteels set up and I have friends to help with Larges so I'm not freaking out about it. I'll get there eventually.
Well, at least you have a Stoneskin clickie now? :D :p
03-03-2010, 01:35 AM
Well, at least you have a Stoneskin clickie now? :D :p
Indeed, and I do have to say that I love me some Stoneskin :)
03-03-2010, 01:55 PM
I thought it was someone in here who was suggesting I get the Kaelth's Touch Trinket from Scarab turn-ins, but I can't seem to find it.
Just got it today and for those that are referencing this thread for suggestions on their own Cleric's gear-
Flat out love it.
I'm out in the Orchard right now and I'm so pumped that I'm forgetting to check the crypts after clearing them. :D
03-03-2010, 07:08 PM
yeah that was me that recommended that trinket, I feel it's vastly underrated given the ease of getting one (guaranteed available end reward for necro3 scarab turn in). Really the only draw back to getting one is that you actually have to do Tomb of the Tormented, the most hated quest in the game, but it's a good possibility you'll want to do Cursed Crypt for the tier3 silver flame necklace anyway so you might as well get this while your at it.
03-04-2010, 06:21 AM
Yeah, I've had the Scarabs in my pouch for the longest time and perhaps didn't understand the item description because I was still very new to the DnD ruleset when I first did Necro quests. I hung onto them, capped, TR'ed... and just pulled them out and turned them in on your suggestion.
I don't know how I overlooked it before.... Seriously- I got over 1,000 kills in Orchard today just running around with sheer glee at seeing the effects.
Kid. Candy Store. Bottomless Pockets.
Aaaaaand, I didn't have to grind mazed rats again to get it, which is the best part. ;)
03-07-2010, 11:25 AM
Ok, updated items/gear and now GS questions-
Updates in Red.
Helm: Minos Legens
Neck: Lorrik's Necklace
Armor: Icy Raiments/Blue Dragonscale Robes
Bracers: Armored +7/Chaosguardes
Gloves: Spectral Gloves
Belt: Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance/Planar Girds for clickys
Boots: Surefooted Boots/Firestorm Greaves
Rings: STR+6, FFalling
Trinket: Voice of the Master, Dusk Heart, [/color=red]Head of Good Fortune[/color]
Shield: N/A
Goggles: Greensteel (Tier 2), Blindness Ward, Disease/Poison Immunity, Fear Immunity
Cloak: Resistance +4, CHA cloak (for DVs), Mantle of the Worldshaper
Weapon: MinII GS kama, Potency/Spell pen Qstaffs and Kamas, Stat Damaging wraps
Goggles: Greensteel (Tier 2), Blindness Ward, Disease/Poison Immunity, Fear Immunity
Want Superior Nullification, will also give me Slay Living Guard
Kama: Greensteel (Tier 2) Min 2 Not taking to Tier 3 ATM
To do:
+5 Reflex Save To help with Evasion saves
15 HP, CON skillsTo bump Concentration
Existential Stalemate
100 SP, +3 CHA skills
Conc Opp
+6 CON
+2 AC Insight Bonus
Balance of Land and Sky +3 Deflection, +3 Resistance, +11 Balance
Exceptional WIS +2
Balance of Land and Sky- Elemental Mastery (On-Hit Chance to add 1d6 Acid, Cold, Electric, and/or Fire)
03-07-2010, 08:11 PM
Goggles: Greensteel (Tier 2), Blindness Ward, Disease/Poison Immunity, Fear Immunity
Want Superior Nullification, will also give me Slay Living Guard
Kama: Greensteel (Tier 2) Min 2 Not taking to Tier 3 ATM
To do:
+5 Reflex Save To help with Evasion saves
15 HP, CON skillsTo bump Concentration
Existential Stalemate
100 SP, +3 CHA skills
Conc Opp
+6 CON
+2 AC Insight Bonus
Balance of Land and Sky +3 Deflection, +3 Resistance, +11 Balance
Exceptional WIS +2
Balance of Land and Sky- Elemental Mastery (On-Hit Chance to add 1d6 Acid, Cold, Electric, and/or Fire)
good thing to consider is remaking your goggles into a con opp (blindness,sp,sp) for the extra 150 sp. mostly due to me thinking that the slay living guard is useless and mostly a hindrance over a benefit.
The cloak is alright but if you switch out your goggles to as i said above with the sp then just go with hp tier 3.
*remember though that if you want to have two shroud crafted non-weapons equipped you have to take the cleansing stone from your 20th and turn down those tomes.*
As far as the kama... i still say you might want to rethink what you are gonna be running around with. If you have and still desire to have it then i would say it looks fine though you will not gain much form the craft (as far as the deflection and resistance) if you wear rainments.
03-08-2010, 12:39 AM
good thing to consider is remaking your goggles into a con opp (blindness,sp,sp) for the extra 150 sp. mostly due to me thinking that the slay living guard is useless and mostly a hindrance over a benefit.
The cloak is alright but if you switch out your goggles to as i said above with the sp then just go with hp tier 3.
*remember though that if you want to have two shroud crafted non-weapons equipped you have to take the cleansing stone from your 20th and turn down those tomes.*
As far as the kama... i still say you might want to rethink what you are gonna be running around with. If you have and still desire to have it then i would say it looks fine though you will not gain much form the craft (as far as the deflection and resistance) if you wear rainments.
Yeah, I could care less about the SL guard- it's just the default for what's on there. Because I already have the first two tiers crafted, I'm thinking that it's just a good idea to not waste the mats and I'll be finishing 20 shrouds anyways for the cleansing essence.
As for the Kama- I just got my Blue D-Scale robes the other day- until I get around to crafting DT armor, that's where I'm getting my Potency, because it's either hold a Potency Q-staff (which I do for healing raids) or find a Potency Kama so I can dual wield- Sup Pot. Kamas are going for about 15 mill GP on the Argo AH- just don't have that kind of cash right now.
The cloak- I hate the DT lottery. I really, really do. I don't like any of the missions, I don't like the mechanic- I'd rather run Shroud til my eyes bleed than try to get armor stats like that when I can get something similar on a cloak. Just my thoughts, and I'll probably do it eventually...
I *do* appreciate your comments, and will take the time to run them through the planner and mull the whole thing over. A note on my playstyle and personality type (if it helps)- I like to take each character on as a project and I can't see myself having too many alts until I feel like I've accomplished what I set out to do. I also plan on trying some Epic content with her once the gear gets where I'm happy.
Hope that clarifies anything and as always, I'm open to more comments and discussions. :)
03-08-2010, 12:56 AM
Hrm, ok- was playing around with the planner and I think I see what you're saying- just be able to switch around the slots a bit...
Good call... I think I see the benefit in reworking those goggles.
It seems (thinking about other gear that I may want) that I should leave certain stats on either the cloak or the goggles so I can swap out solo gear and raid gear.
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