03-01-2010, 04:15 PM
So, there I was, pulling together my planned build for a “battle cleric” I’d been pondering. What do I (personally) mean by “battle cleric” you ask? Well, I think The_Great_Samulas said it best in his “Path to Enlightenment” thread. So, I’ll quote him here:
The_Great_Samulas (trimmed by me to focus on points I want to emphasize) -- "There are two main types of battle clerics. The most common is a cleric based build that is designed to fight, providing buffs for himself and some down-time healing for the group and himself. This type of battle cleric doesn't take responsibility for keeping the group alive and governing the course of a battle with crowd control, offensive casting, and kiting. ….. The second more rare form of a battle cleric is just a cleric that has been built to be able to fight, they still believe keeping the group alive is their responsibility… I don't consider the second type of "battle cleric" a battle cleric at all but simply a properly played advanced cleric"
…and, there I was, taking aim at “the second type of battle cleric” for my next character. I’d decided that keeping the party alive (other than the stupid..can’t heal stupid) is priority #1, contributing CC and DPS as I can. I just needed to decide HOW I wanted to do that.
…and, there I was, pondering the “HOW”. My initial leaning was toward a human cleric with a monk splash (probably two levels for the two bonus feats, evasion, and water stance). Planned Wisdom was still extremely high (starting wis of 17, with all level-ups in wis, +2 for water stance). Motivation for high wisdom is for WIS->AC bonus (+14 or 15 AC), power, and max spell DCs (of note – spell DC should just as high, or higher, than most “pure” clerics due to Human Adaptability and Water Stance).
…and, there I was, when an epiphany hit me -- yes, my spell DC will be very difficult for the Critter to save against, but my ability to break spell penetration seemed lacking. With two splash levels (-2 on penetration rolls), and no room for Spell Pen feats (+2 for normal spell pen, another +2 for improved spell pen) due to the melee-centric feat usage, there’ll be spells I should fully expect to have difficulty landing, especially as I progress to the higher levels.
…and, there I was, asking myself the following questions: “Is having less-than-ideal Spell Penetration REALLY an issue, considering most spells I’ll cast (heals/buffs) have no Spell Penetration requirement? Which offensive spells would be negatively affected? Of those, which would I actually miss, at end-game? What spells don’t have to penetrate spell resistance? Can any of these no-spell-resistance spells fill in the gap?”.
…and, there I was, gathering the list of OFFENSIVE spells which need penetrate spell resist (skipped 1,2,3 level spells…probably not casting these much in later content)!
--Save or DIE!!!
Dismissal (4)
Slay Living (5)
Banishment (6)
UnDeath to Death (6)
Destruction (7)
Symbol of Death (8)
Implosion (9)
Chaos Hammer (4)
Poison (4)
Symbol of Pain (5)
Symbol of Weakness (7)
Energy Drain (9)
--Crowd Control
Greater Command (5)
Symbol of Persuasion (6)
Symbol of Fear (6)
Symbol of Stunning (7)
…and, there I was, intently pondering, “Is that…it? Of all the divine spells, are these the only spells I’ll have penetration problems with?”.
Save-or-die spells are nice when built for (e.g. offensive caster), but I’d probably not cast them regardless, as it’s not the style of character I’m building for. Symbols have their place, but I’ve RARELY seen them used effectively in group situations.
Only 4 spells that really jump-out at me, as ones I’d REALLY miss.
1) Greater Command – AoE CC can never be underestimated in its ability to prevent damage in the first place. I acknowledge this.
2) Destruction – Save/Die or decent damage
3) Energy Drain – Level damage hurts
4) Implosion – Even though the hover says Spell Resist: No, it indeed must pass a penetration roll (or so I’ve read)
…and, there I was, gathering the list of other very useful OFFENSIVE spells which DO NOT need penetrate spell resist (and benefit from the builds very high spell DC), that I can spend my spell points on (other than the heals/buffs)
Blade Barrier – With maximize meta and very high DCs, the BBs should be extremely effective
Cometfall – Knockdown (reflex-based, should be great against casters)
Greater Glyph of Warding – Trap-like spell damage
Summon Monster – Handy at times
Fire Storm – No SR, No Save
Order’s Wrath – Save, or be dazed
Holy Smite – Save, or be blinded
Cures/Heal – Against undead specifically
Harm – Will save only
…and, there I was, wondering if I really would miss the spells that must penetrate a mob’s SR. I’d have great casted non-typed damage in BBs (static AoE), decent damage via Fire Storm (casted AoE), Glyph of Warding (trap AoE), and Mass Cures and Heals (against undead). I’d have some CC in Cometfall, which would be especially effective against casters due to reflex save. And besides, most of my spell pool will go toward healing/buffing. I think Greater Command would be missed the most.
…and so, here I am, wondering if this makes sense to anyone else. Thoughts…?
The_Great_Samulas (trimmed by me to focus on points I want to emphasize) -- "There are two main types of battle clerics. The most common is a cleric based build that is designed to fight, providing buffs for himself and some down-time healing for the group and himself. This type of battle cleric doesn't take responsibility for keeping the group alive and governing the course of a battle with crowd control, offensive casting, and kiting. ….. The second more rare form of a battle cleric is just a cleric that has been built to be able to fight, they still believe keeping the group alive is their responsibility… I don't consider the second type of "battle cleric" a battle cleric at all but simply a properly played advanced cleric"
…and, there I was, taking aim at “the second type of battle cleric” for my next character. I’d decided that keeping the party alive (other than the stupid..can’t heal stupid) is priority #1, contributing CC and DPS as I can. I just needed to decide HOW I wanted to do that.
…and, there I was, pondering the “HOW”. My initial leaning was toward a human cleric with a monk splash (probably two levels for the two bonus feats, evasion, and water stance). Planned Wisdom was still extremely high (starting wis of 17, with all level-ups in wis, +2 for water stance). Motivation for high wisdom is for WIS->AC bonus (+14 or 15 AC), power, and max spell DCs (of note – spell DC should just as high, or higher, than most “pure” clerics due to Human Adaptability and Water Stance).
…and, there I was, when an epiphany hit me -- yes, my spell DC will be very difficult for the Critter to save against, but my ability to break spell penetration seemed lacking. With two splash levels (-2 on penetration rolls), and no room for Spell Pen feats (+2 for normal spell pen, another +2 for improved spell pen) due to the melee-centric feat usage, there’ll be spells I should fully expect to have difficulty landing, especially as I progress to the higher levels.
…and, there I was, asking myself the following questions: “Is having less-than-ideal Spell Penetration REALLY an issue, considering most spells I’ll cast (heals/buffs) have no Spell Penetration requirement? Which offensive spells would be negatively affected? Of those, which would I actually miss, at end-game? What spells don’t have to penetrate spell resistance? Can any of these no-spell-resistance spells fill in the gap?”.
…and, there I was, gathering the list of OFFENSIVE spells which need penetrate spell resist (skipped 1,2,3 level spells…probably not casting these much in later content)!
--Save or DIE!!!
Dismissal (4)
Slay Living (5)
Banishment (6)
UnDeath to Death (6)
Destruction (7)
Symbol of Death (8)
Implosion (9)
Chaos Hammer (4)
Poison (4)
Symbol of Pain (5)
Symbol of Weakness (7)
Energy Drain (9)
--Crowd Control
Greater Command (5)
Symbol of Persuasion (6)
Symbol of Fear (6)
Symbol of Stunning (7)
…and, there I was, intently pondering, “Is that…it? Of all the divine spells, are these the only spells I’ll have penetration problems with?”.
Save-or-die spells are nice when built for (e.g. offensive caster), but I’d probably not cast them regardless, as it’s not the style of character I’m building for. Symbols have their place, but I’ve RARELY seen them used effectively in group situations.
Only 4 spells that really jump-out at me, as ones I’d REALLY miss.
1) Greater Command – AoE CC can never be underestimated in its ability to prevent damage in the first place. I acknowledge this.
2) Destruction – Save/Die or decent damage
3) Energy Drain – Level damage hurts
4) Implosion – Even though the hover says Spell Resist: No, it indeed must pass a penetration roll (or so I’ve read)
…and, there I was, gathering the list of other very useful OFFENSIVE spells which DO NOT need penetrate spell resist (and benefit from the builds very high spell DC), that I can spend my spell points on (other than the heals/buffs)
Blade Barrier – With maximize meta and very high DCs, the BBs should be extremely effective
Cometfall – Knockdown (reflex-based, should be great against casters)
Greater Glyph of Warding – Trap-like spell damage
Summon Monster – Handy at times
Fire Storm – No SR, No Save
Order’s Wrath – Save, or be dazed
Holy Smite – Save, or be blinded
Cures/Heal – Against undead specifically
Harm – Will save only
…and, there I was, wondering if I really would miss the spells that must penetrate a mob’s SR. I’d have great casted non-typed damage in BBs (static AoE), decent damage via Fire Storm (casted AoE), Glyph of Warding (trap AoE), and Mass Cures and Heals (against undead). I’d have some CC in Cometfall, which would be especially effective against casters due to reflex save. And besides, most of my spell pool will go toward healing/buffing. I think Greater Command would be missed the most.
…and so, here I am, wondering if this makes sense to anyone else. Thoughts…?