View Full Version : Rate My Endgame Gearout Plan

03-01-2010, 06:13 AM
I have put in a LOT of thought for my endgame plan for my human sorc Selee. With the following gearout (yes I realize its a LOT of grind, but I want to get there someday) and a +4 CHA tome I will have a 42 CHA, with a good focus on Web for CC.

head: minos (I have)

necklace: Epic Torc with +6 CON for SP regen/spell pen 9 (need to make it epic, finally have the dang thing!), using Shintao in meantime.

Trinket: Litany/earbug/Bauble (have all 3!)

cape: epic cloak of the concord with yellow slot filled with spell focus (enchantment) or GFL (got cloak, need seal to complete upgrade)

belt: swap between Rakhir's here for the crit chance and clicky and Telvi's/singed for the clicky for burst DPS (got all 4 of the elemental belts, as well as both of the potency 8 belts!)

gloves: gloves of the glacier for metamagic cost reduction (have)

boots: +45 hp con opp boots/firestorm greaves/ToD boots (have/need to get/have)

rings: Draconic with +2 excep CON and Rakhir's with something to complete archmage set (Got the Draconic, still need that dang Rakhir's but have Telvi's for now.)

bracers: Leviks for STR/healing amp, possibly other greensteel after 40th shroud (need both, currently using glacier for extra polar ray damage)

robe: dragontouched with +5 resist, lesser arcane sigil (will get rid of spell failure when I use light/darkness), Greater spell pen 8 (I finally completed this! Thanks Dotai!)

goggles: greensteel SP/UMD goggles (have)

weapon: greensteel rapier +9 CHA with Skiver or Epic Greenblade in the other hand (have rapier, have Skiver/GB still eludes me...)

I plan on running a lot of Elite/Epic content, because I like a challenge. So if you have any better suggestions for a gearout I would love to see them, along with justifications/reasons. Also, I dropped 2nd spell pen feat and force of personality to get double focus on enchantment for mass holds in epics. This, along with +1 focus enchantment on my epic cloak should give me a DC of 38 on my mass holds. 39 with a +2 guild buff! Not too shabby for a sorc!

03-01-2010, 06:45 AM
As far as rings go if you are getting close to your 20th tower run and the Gnawed Ring drops pick that up. It's got the +1 exceptional con you are looking for and you can add the +2 con too, couple that with the Vorne's Belt (Drops in tower part 2 or Sins of ATtrition) that is another +2 reflex, +2 will and 22 SR. I say your 20th run because justifying a Gnawed Ring, STR+6, CON+1 on a caster might be hard to swallow for some groups.

The Rahkir's Sash is nice but the set bonues doesn't stack with a major lore item. But until you get a greenblade / skiver that is a way to go... however since you are using 2 weapons with clicks to get your damage modifiers I might suggest carrying around a Major Fire Lore, Major Ice Lore Scepters

As far as using a 9 CHA Scepter, my caster doesn't use his anymore. I get my CHA+3 from my Telvi's Touch ring cha+6 and cha+2 and my kormor's ring cha+1. However I am a human and once Greater Reincarnate hits I won't need cha+1 again until I get a +4 tome because I will then have a 39. Having my exceptional charisma elsewhere allows me to use the abbot's staff full time or carry around my superior potency 6 + greenblade, or major lore item, etc. Just something to think about

Concordiant Opposition is great on boots, I kind of wish I had done that when I was making my HP item ah well :)

I plan on running a lot of Elite/Epic content, because I like a challenge. So if you have any better suggestions for a gearout I would love to see them, along with justifications/reasons. Also, I would like to know if dropping greater spell pen (I would keep 1st spell pen feat) would really hurt my chances of landing Waves of Fatigue in epic content/elite Shavarath.

Not entirely especially if you have Greater Spell Pen 8 on your DT armor. I don't have this and land my spells fine with just regular 8 so in reality, at least compared to my caster, with just 1 of the feast you will only be losing 1 SP instead of 2. You do have all the enhancements right? Then you should be fine

03-01-2010, 06:56 AM
As far as rings go if you are getting close to your 20th tower run and the Gnawed Ring drops pick that up. It's got the +1 exceptional con you are looking for and you can add the +2 con too, couple that with the Vorne's Belt (Drops in tower part 2 or Sins of ATtrition) that is another +2 reflex, +2 will and 22 SR. I say your 20th run because justifying a Gnawed Ring, STR+6, CON+1 on a caster might be hard to swallow for some groups.
Hmm, missed that set, I will have to take a closer look.. although Rakhirs will still be my main belt for reasons listed below I think..

The Rahkir's Sash is nice but the set bonues doesn't stack with a major lore item. But until you get a greenblade / skiver that is a way to go... however since you are using 2 weapons with clicks to get your damage modifiers I might suggest carrying around a Major Fire Lore, Major Ice Lore Scepters
Rakhir's gives a +.5 to crit multiplier which is not available on the greenblade, but greenblade/skiver give +9% to the crit chance, so that's why I want both. I have scepters for the interim, don't worry... :D

As far as using a 9 CHA Scepter, my caster doesn't use his anymore. I get my CHA+3 from my Telvi's Touch ring cha+6 and cha+2 and my kormor's ring cha+1. However I am a human and once Greater Reincarnate hits I won't need cha+1 again until I get a +4 tome because I will then have a 39. Having my exceptional charisma elsewhere allows me to use the abbot's staff full time or carry around my superior potency 6 + greenblade, or major lore item, etc. Just something to think about
I don't plan on using the Abbot staff as the necro focus won't help in epic (all immune) and the enchantment focus is nice for disco but gotta make sacrifices somewhere. This is a nice alternative however and I thank you for suggesting it.

Concordiant Opposition is great on boots, I kind of wish I had done that when I was making my HP item ah well :)
Thanks, it took me a while to figure out where I could fit them in...

Not entirely especially if you have Greater Spell Pen 8 on your DT armor. I don't have this and land my spells fine with just regular 8 so in reality, at least compared to my caster, with just 1 of the feast you will only be losing 1 SP instead of 2. You do have all the enhancements right? Then you should be fine
Thank you. Yes, I have the whole enhancement line. I think I will end up dropping this and my force of personality feats for double web focus, I love web so much...

Thank you for the responses, I am always looking for more feedback too!

03-01-2010, 10:56 AM
The Rahkir's Sash is nice but the set bonues doesn't stack with a major lore item. But until you get a greenblade / skiver that is a way to go... however since you are using 2 weapons with clicks to get your damage modifiers I might suggest carrying around a Major Fire Lore, Major Ice Lore Scepters

So all set bonuses form rings from Tower of Despair (like Fire Savant or Earth Savant) don't stack with lore items?

03-01-2010, 11:22 AM
Not currently, and the Devs have been completely silent on the issue.... :mad:

03-01-2010, 11:41 AM
Sorry, went through your gear list and didn't see an item for Sup Potency 6, or the like. Maybe I'm blind, but are you thinking of getting a potency item?

03-01-2010, 04:41 PM
Sorry, went through your gear list and didn't see an item for Sup Potency 6, or the like. Maybe I'm blind, but are you thinking of getting a potency item?

While its true that I don't have an always-on potency item, my spells will never be not improved because of my efficacy, inferno, or whatever clickies from my belts. I do also have superior potency 6 items as backups in both scepter and necklace form, in case that all these are out, but with 3 minutes per click times a LOT of clickies, this will be a RARE occurrence.

03-02-2010, 02:06 PM
Well thought out. A few suggestions:

Relying on clickies and swapping out to get potency 6 will slow most people down a little, some a lot. Some will not remember to do the correct clicky/swap 100% of the time (or will occasionally lag out or get the clicky bug), and therefore be a bit less effective. It also impairs your ability to cast quickly from one elemental type to another, or use disint and reconstruct (if you carry that). Lastly swapping the neck will prevent you from using the Torc 100% of the time, THE best item in the game for casters/arcanes.

One idea is to have +6 potency in one hand (if you use DBF a lot, can swap in sup combustion 7), Greenblade (epic version has spell pene and pot 9), Earth Savant ring w/ +2 exceptional con, Archmage ring +2 exceptional cha, Glaciation (to complete the set) on your DT for maximum Polar Ray damage, and epic Torc for mana regen and greater spell pene 8. In the head slot, go with a concentration +15 item, and put heavy fort on your DT robe.

Covers more or less all of your bases, minimizes swapping, gives you better concentration, maximizes crit potential and mana regen.

03-02-2010, 04:22 PM
Don't forget your eardweller! Everything else just seems like fluff in comparison to it's damage output while the clickies are active! ;)

03-04-2010, 09:50 AM
Don't forget your eardweller! Everything else just seems like fluff in comparison to it's damage output while the clickies are active! ;)

Don't forget your TOD boots Spisey! Oh...wait...too late.....byebye. :D

03-04-2010, 09:51 AM
Personally I prefer going for the Ring of the Silver Concord instead of the Cloak. When Epic Gianthold is released and you can make the Stormreaver's Napkin into an epic item, you will be glad you did.

I also don't see a +6 CON item anywhere in your gear setup, nor a UMD item. I put +6 CON on my DT and wear the Vile Blasphemy for +6 dex and +3 UMD. When I get all the necessary items and have tricked out most of my gear to epic to consolidate slots, I'll have GFL on the delving boots most likely and I'll slap +6 con on the Red Dragonscale.

03-04-2010, 09:52 AM
Don't forget your TOD boots Spisey! Oh...wait...too late.....byebye. :D

ss or it didn't happen! :D

03-04-2010, 09:54 AM
Personally I prefer going for the Ring of the Silver Concord instead of the Cloak. When Epic Gianthold is released and you can make the Stormreaver's Napkin into an epic item, you will be glad you did.

Why not both? Everything is swappable dependent on the situation. I will probable do both and make the ring situational. It all depends on what the napkin looks like anyways.

03-04-2010, 09:58 AM
Why not both? Everything is swappable dependent on the situation. I will probable do both and make the ring situational. It all depends on what the napkin looks like anyways.

That works too, but I kindof expect the Napkin to be quite useful. +2 to all spell DC's, anybody (who knows if they did that, though). It seems pretty obvious that it will have, at the bare minimum, +7 INT and the spell focus mastery +1 and an augment slot.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a higher enhancement bonus to INT than +7 though, which would put wizards even higher on the spell DC pole, which is where they belong IMHO.

03-07-2010, 11:38 AM
Personally I prefer going for the Ring of the Silver Concord instead of the Cloak. When Epic Gianthold is released and you can make the Stormreaver's Napkin into an epic item, you will be glad you did.

I also don't see a +6 CON item anywhere in your gear setup,
Shintao is a +6 CON
nor a UMD item.
Cloak of the Concord has persuasion, and my SP item is all UMD as well. (will edit original post to reflect that)

I put +6 CON on my DT and wear the Vile Blasphemy for +6 dex and +3 UMD. When I get all the necessary items and have tricked out most of my gear to epic to consolidate slots, I'll have GFL on the delving boots most likely and I'll slap +6 con on the Red Dragonscale.

responses in GREEN

03-07-2010, 12:01 PM
That works too, but I kindof expect the Napkin to be quite useful. +2 to all spell DC's, anybody (who knows if they did that, though). It seems pretty obvious that it will have, at the bare minimum, +7 INT and the spell focus mastery +1 and an augment slot.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a higher enhancement bonus to INT than +7 though, which would put wizards even higher on the spell DC pole, which is where they belong IMHO.

Sadly, seeing how things have been with epic items, I think +7 int, +1 dc to spells and a yellow augment... :(

03-10-2010, 03:55 AM
Anyone else have some ideas?

03-11-2010, 04:12 AM
Edited to show current item status, changed Shintao want to epic Torc (forgot I could put +6 CON on it, and the spell pen is NIIICE!)

10-17-2010, 07:31 PM
Edited again with further updates, further comments are always welcome!

10-17-2010, 09:22 PM
Sadly, seeing how things have been with epic items, I think +7 int, +1 dc to spells and a yellow augment... :(

ugh, I hope you are wrong. but you do have a point.

10-17-2010, 09:39 PM
From memory my sorcs end game gear is the following:
Head: Minos
Neck: Bard Necklace, considering making an epic torc for here for the spell pen or even the epic von glaciation necklace for always +50% to polar ray when clickies run out.
Belt: Epic Lion Headed Belt Buckle (+6 Con, +6 Str, +6 Dex, GFL, Fear immunity, epic slot consolidation), swap in clickies as needed.
Gloves: Bramblecasters for when there are archers, glacial gloves for other times (though to be honest most of what I cast at endgame is non damage spells, Dance, hold etc, so I don't always wear this)
Cloak: Epic cloak of the silver concord (+7 Cha, +3 umd, +15 haggle etc, empty yellow slot atm)
Bracers: Conc Op HP bracers
Goggles: 3 x pos UMD/SP goggles
Boots: Boots of the innocent/ToD Boots
Trinket: Usually Eardweller for Gtr Enchant focus, want litany of course
Ring 1: Earth savent ring with +2 Exc Con.
Ring 2: Random Tod ring which had +1 Exc Cha with +2 Exc cha
Weapon: Dreamspitter/Epic SoAP/Staff of the pertitioner/Abbot bow (no-one wanted it, pew pew pew, gets strange looks)

Not sure if I forgot anything. Currently sit on 40 Cha, need litany and +4 tome to get 42. Probably my fave bit of loot is either the SoAP or the belt for it's super slot consolidation.

10-17-2010, 10:28 PM
To above post:

Minos is obsolete when compared to gs helmet. +45hp, +3 con skills, heavy fort, +5 prot, stoneskin 2/day. That frees up your bracers slot for demonic consorts. You will miss toughness +20hp but +30hp proc from demonics is way better. Also you can put concordant to gs goggles instead.

I would slot noxious embers to a neckslot over everything. Now I use torc, missing noxious. Greater arcane lore in neckslot. <3 You need your hands for petitioner/epic staves and blue dragonscale isn't the best robe there is. :)

10-18-2010, 12:06 AM
I used to use bracers of the demons consort, but I honestly got sick of removing neg levels, they always hit at the wrong time. I had been wearing them since level 14 of his first life and it finally got to me.

Noxious embers would be nice, but haven't seen them yet, would love to dump the blue robe but it's fine for the moment. Everything I listed is what he's wearing at the moment, lol, and is what I was aiming for (other than the embers and litany, still looking, aren't most people?)

10-18-2010, 12:59 PM
Just LR'd, changed the spell focus feats to enchantment, and put all my points in CHA, CON, and the 2 extra from a single TR into INT for skill points. With rage spell now I am just short 500 HP, and am loving it! The base 14 STR was good for leveling, but not necessary now that I am capped.

10-19-2010, 12:44 PM
Torin's Choker is suboptimal. Telvi's + Eardweller = 12 minutes of nukage. You'll run out of mana long before that. Epic Torc for the augment and Greater Spell Pen VIII is preferred.

While the Lion-Headed belt is a great consolidation item, I'm not too keen on temporarily reducing my HP by 90 to activate clickies. I prefer the Epic Kundarak Warding Bracers for the +5 Resist, +6 CON and slotted with GFL. Fear immunity isn't needed on a class with such easy access to Greater Heroism. That leaves +6 STR, a colorless slot and a yellow slot on the belt -- still useful, but not essential.

To above post:

Minos is obsolete when compared to gs helmet. +45hp, +3 con skills, heavy fort, +5 prot, stoneskin 2/day. That frees up your bracers slot for demonic consorts. You will miss toughness +20hp but +30hp proc from demonics is way better. Also you can put concordant to gs goggles instead.
+3 CON skills doesn't really matter in epics when you get hit for 100.
Stoneskin on a clicky is a waste when you already have the spell.
+5 protection is worthless on all but the most AC-intensive tank builds.
The net is only 25hp over Minos. +25hp for a double shard item is kinda meh, especially when he's already got a 45hp item with Concordant Opposition.

I would slot noxious embers to a neckslot over everything. Now I use torc, missing noxious. Greater arcane lore in neckslot. <3 You need your hands for petitioner/epic staves and blue dragonscale isn't the best robe there is. :)
Blue robe is fine for the Arcane Lore (and the only 'real' choice for Warforged), but Regalia of the Phoenix can be situationally better in epics. You can swap in Noxious for the clicky when you're in nuke mode.

10-19-2010, 12:57 PM
I plan on running a lot of Elite/Epic content, because I like a challenge. So if you have any better suggestions for a gearout I would love to see them, along with justifications/reasons. Also, I dropped 2nd spell pen feat and force of personality to get double focus on enchantment for mass holds in epics. This, along with +1 focus enchantment on my epic cloak should give me a DC of 38 on my mass holds. 39 with a +2 guild buff! Not too shabby for a sorc!
Eardweller or Staff of the Petitioner are better choices for Enchantment focus than an augment.

10-19-2010, 01:25 PM
+3 CON skills doesn't really matter in epics when you get hit for 100.
Stoneskin on a clicky is a waste when you already have the spell.
+5 protection is worthless on all but the most AC-intensive tank builds.
The net is only 25hp over Minos. +25hp for a double shard item is kinda meh, especially when he's already got a 45hp item with Concordant Opposition.All true but +25hp is enough to make minos obsolete and anyhow, gs items aren't ml20. At level: +5prot and +3 con skills isn't too bad to have for free. Free as in you do this item for that +25hp. Yeah, if you have +45hp item already and can slot it, it's all cool.. but topic of this thread is 'rate my endgame gearout plan'. I rate minos pretty low. :)

11-24-2010, 04:22 AM
Eardweller or Staff of the Petitioner are better choices for Enchantment focus than an augment.

Litany is needed to even out my CHA stat, and Petitioner is 2-handed.. therefore I cannot use my +9 CHA weap. Rings are already spoken for, so that's out for my excep CHA. So eardweller is a net wash when I have a +1 Enchantment focus item, and Petitioner actually would be a loss of DC with one as well. If they ever come out with a 1-handed greater enchantment focus item, I'll be ALL over it! Or if I end up ever getting the enchantment focus goggles and making a greensteel bracer for my SP.

We are getting less and less spots for greensteel aren't we?

BTW finally got my Torc! WOOOHOO!!

12-13-2010, 10:08 AM
Update with current equipment.. almost there! WOOHOO!

12-14-2010, 12:55 PM
For versatility you have room to play with your gloves and robe. Epic bramblecasters or gs gloves w/guards, dragontouched robe w/guards...not essential, but complementary to con/opp + torc.

12-16-2010, 10:13 AM
I have put in a LOT of thought for my endgame plan for my human sorc Selee. With the following gearout (yes I realize its a LOT of grind, but I want to get there someday) and a +4 CHA tome I will have a 42 CHA, with a good focus on Web for CC.

head: minos (I have)

necklace: Epic Torc with +6 CON for SP regen/spell pen 9 (need to make it epic, finally have the dang thing!), using Shintao in meantime.

Trinket: Litany/earbug/Bauble (have all 3!)

cape: epic cloak of the concord with yellow slot filled with spell focus (enchantment) or GFL (got cloak, need seal to complete upgrade)

belt: swap between Rakhir's here for the crit chance and clicky and Telvi's/singed for the clicky for burst DPS (got all 4 of the elemental belts, as well as both of the potency 8 belts!)

gloves: gloves of the glacier for metamagic cost reduction (have)

boots: +45 hp con opp boots/firestorm greaves/ToD boots (have/need to get/have)

rings: Draconic with +2 excep CON and Rakhir's with something to complete archmage set (Got the Draconic, still need that dang Rakhir's but have Telvi's for now.)

bracers: Leviks for STR/healing amp, possibly other greensteel after 40th shroud (need both, currently using glacier for extra polar ray damage)

robe: dragontouched with +5 resist, lesser arcane sigil (will get rid of spell failure when I use light/darkness), Greater spell pen 8 (I finally completed this! Thanks Dotai!)

goggles: greensteel SP/UMD goggles (have)

weapon: greensteel rapier +9 CHA with Skiver or Epic Greenblade in the other hand (have rapier, have Skiver/GB still eludes me...)

I plan on running a lot of Elite/Epic content, because I like a challenge. So if you have any better suggestions for a gearout I would love to see them, along with justifications/reasons. Also, I dropped 2nd spell pen feat and force of personality to get double focus on enchantment for mass holds in epics. This, along with +1 focus enchantment on my epic cloak should give me a DC of 38 on my mass holds. 39 with a +2 guild buff! Not too shabby for a sorc!

necklace: epic torc does not give SP9 (or GSP9 for that matter). it is inferior to epic hruvayah assuming your DT has GSP8.

12-16-2010, 02:50 PM
necklace: epic torc does not give SP9 (or GSP9 for that matter). it is inferior to epic hruvayah assuming your DT has GSP8.

My robe does have it, and thank you - good catch. I thought it did for some reason. Time to figure out how to fit in the epic shaman's band from the Fens I guess..