View Full Version : Best Heirloom Item

02-20-2010, 09:28 AM

I play in Mortal Voyage so when we die, we can only heirloom one item. As I play a lot of Cleric types the best item that I like is the Catacomb's: eternal wand of cure minor wounds. Or as I call it "the wand of neosporin". It is bound to account so it is easy to tranfer. I can use it in the low, mid and high levels as everyone needs to be topped off from time to time (saves on sp bar).

So depending on your favorite build what is your favorite heirloom item (and why).


02-20-2010, 10:02 AM
Necklace of Contemplation!

Or Maelstrom/Star of Irian if I could get my hands on them!

02-27-2010, 01:41 AM

I play in Mortal Voyage so when we die, we can only heirloom one item. As I play a lot of Cleric types the best item that I like is the Catacomb's: eternal wand of cure minor wounds. Or as I call it "the wand of neosporin". It is bound to account so it is easy to tranfer. I can use it in the low, mid and high levels as everyone needs to be topped off from time to time (saves on sp bar).

So depending on your favorite build what is your favorite heirloom item (and why).


But wouldn't it make more sense to choose a race required item, something like a belt of moderate fortification rr: warforged, for example, as your heirloom? You can always find the wand of eternal cure minor wounds at the end of the catacombs. It's not most people's favorite series, but that wand is a life-saver for sure in permadeath play.

03-01-2010, 10:03 AM
Necklace of contemplation.

03-01-2010, 04:02 PM
My palli isn't dead yet, but when he finally kicks the bucket his heirloom will be his good luck charm:

Boots of Hypnotic Pattern
4/day Feather Fall
(just FF, no Hypnotic Pattern charges)

This is his 10th(?) re-roll and the only one to survive past level 5 (11 right now). I attribute it entirely to those boots, I've even passed up several permanent feather fall items. He has survived too many bad pulls for it to be build or skill, it's got to be the boots :D