View Full Version : Define GIMPED?

02-19-2010, 10:56 AM
Please DEFINE the term GIMPED.

I have heard folks say it means your character is awesome others say that your Arcane Archer couldn't hit the side of a privvy with a balista because you are gimped. So what is it?

WHAT is the definition of this powerful word? Whats secrets does it hold? Can I find the answer in a warded chest somewhere? Someone please help!

02-19-2010, 10:57 AM
Badly built.
Specifically, class combos, stats, feats, skills, enhancements and/or gear.
Note the "and/or".

02-19-2010, 11:02 AM
Generally speaking: Gimped is bad. Pimped is good. That might be the source of your confusion. I expect it would be more so for any folks who speak English as a second language.

The problem is further compounded by how subjective "gimped" is.

For some people, it's anything that isn't min/maxxed to the hilt. If it's not the absolute best at everything it does, it's gimped; it's garbage. For others, that only applies if it's not decent at it's primary role, like a trapmonkey who fails frequently.

02-19-2010, 11:04 AM
It's an actual word, you could just look it up. :)

But it traditionally refers to someone that limps or is lame. Typically is referring to characters that are "crippled" in some way.

02-19-2010, 11:06 AM
Useless splashes, that seriously undermine the potential power.

Builds with really low con that are unrealistic for end game content.

02-19-2010, 11:07 AM
gimped = bad

Badly built or gimped by play (as in badly played)

This generally refers to serious mistakes made on a build. Examples include, random cleric levels thrown onto a melee build, small wizard splash on warforged bulds for self healing, 8 str ranged bow users, and 8 con pretty much anything.

This can less commonly refer to toons with bad gear also. As in they are worthless in the content they are doing due to not being properly equiped. Examples include melee in quests with no way to bypass boss dr's, no fortification toons, and that guy who only has a hat and a cloak on and no other gear :)

02-19-2010, 11:14 AM
Pejorative term used to describe someone who is handicapped.

"Jim Abbot was a good baseball player, but he probably would have been better if polio been gimped."

Properly applied to the game, it's someone that has done something irreversible to their character that cannot be fixed.

Improperly applied it's the same thing as "noob."

It also is used in jest by people to describe very good characters. "That guy just soloed Epic velah, what a gimp."

02-19-2010, 11:25 AM
"Gimped" = "not how I would have built it" ;)

02-19-2010, 11:36 AM
Character efficiancy = Build * Equipment * Twitch skills * Knowledge of game mechanics

If Character efficiancy is greater than 1 you're not a gimp.

0 : dwarf sorcerer, starting CHA 6, specialized in summoning spells
1 : ummh - maybe UMD wouldn't have been so bad after all
2 : cool build, but would probably have more AC as a halfling
3 : quadruple-classed self-healing dualwielding DPS intimidator

0 : runs with the club of the holy flame as main weapon at level 16
1 : cursed by the lootgods
2 : still looking for that one bloody +4-tome
3 : uses w/p rapiers to charge energy cells for crafting (intentionally!)

Twitch skills
0 : still hasn't managed to enter Taming the Flames without falling to death
1 : hates the Pit and Coalescence Chamber
2 : can do most of the Abbott sidequests pretty reliably
3 : can sidestep deific vengeance

Knowledge of game mechanics
0 : thinks that "FFS SPLIT THEM!!!" means he should try to hit it harder in order to chop something of
1 : thinks that halfling luck increases the individual chest levels
2 : can tell exactly which party member has aggro from which mob most of the time
3 : knows ARNO-1D's exact DEX value by heart

02-19-2010, 11:43 AM
Character efficiancy = Build * Equipment * Twitch skills * Knowledge of game mechanics

3 : quadruple-classed self-healing dualwielding DPS intimidator


02-19-2010, 11:48 AM
Ranged combat in DDO

02-19-2010, 11:52 AM
"Gimped" = "not how I would have built it" ;)

This is the most common use of "gimped".

Gimped generally is used to mean, "I know more than you noob so I would have made it better so you're gimped because I didn't do it and did I mention that I know better than you and make builds better and that your character sucks compared to mine because it's gimped because I'm not the one that built it?"

Yes I purposely wrote it that way.

Often it's also used to mean, "I zerg in an idiotic fashion (yes I mean this as opposed to zerging in a smart fashion) with my 12 HP and the cleric couldn't find me to heal so he's gimped."

02-19-2010, 11:54 AM
"Gimped" = "Wearing the zipper mask"

"Not Gimped" = "Wearing the ball gag"

...feels like a lose/lose situation to me. :D

02-19-2010, 12:04 PM
It tends to be relative to the person who is saying it or how good they think their characters are. Sometimes folks will refer to their own characters this way and it tends to mean the character doesn't live up to their expectations.

By my standards it is very hard to objectively gimp a character. A tank with a very low constitution might be a decent example. That is a pretty tough thing to overcome (although it can be done). A caster that can't cast spells is another.

But for others, if you did anything that doesn't actively help you end game, you have gimped yourself. Someone gave the example of a WF taking an arcane level to self heal with wands. End game its not a big help, but early on its really handy. It isn't really hurting you all that much but it does become of pretty limited use in the end. Will it mean the difference between doing a quest and not doing it. I don't think so, and for me that is the real question.

A gimped character is one that cannot complete a quest or add strength to the party. I have played with some. Fighters that can't seem to kill anything, healers that are always the first ones to die, casters who spam spells that have little effect, etc... Usually its more a matter of not playing well than having a bad character, but I've seen a few characters that just don't work.

02-19-2010, 12:24 PM
Please DEFINE the term GIMPED.

I have heard folks say it means your character is awesome others say that your Arcane Archer couldn't hit the side of a privvy with a balista because you are gimped. So what is it?

WHAT is the definition of this powerful word? Whats secrets does it hold? Can I find the answer in a warded chest somewhere? Someone please help!

many times it is someone who just did not take full potential with his/her class but instead multi-classed in a way that was less than beneficial. Of course, this is in the eyes of the person who says 'gimped'.

Also used when you are in a group and your class type is needed for something but you are not proficient in that, thus you are a gimp. A melee only cleric that does not heal is fine, but if the party wanted a healer, you are a gimp. (only an example of how a party or person can look on something as gimped, it is per their view).

Most class/race/multi with all the good raid gear, crafted gear, etc, can be fine if played by someone with experience.

Some make a build that has little power at end game and can rightfully be called a gimp. Depends what content you are to do with it.

02-19-2010, 12:30 PM
The level 14 rogue that I ran with about a month ago who couldn't pick a lock and had a 8 reflex. You would almost have to try and build something that badly.....

02-19-2010, 12:32 PM

noun- used to describe any character build that doesn't fit into everyother forum "experts" idea of uber.

See photo for a better example.


I am, Rameses!

02-19-2010, 12:32 PM
I would list all of my toons, AND the Alliance people, but we cant mention names here.

02-19-2010, 12:33 PM
When one is wearing a leather suit, and is asleep.

02-19-2010, 12:44 PM

02-19-2010, 12:46 PM
Not optimal

02-19-2010, 12:49 PM
Gymped = Keychain made of Gymp by a bunch of 12 year old girls at summer camp.

02-19-2010, 02:52 PM
Generally Inferior, May Produce Easy Death

Well, I took a stab...

02-19-2010, 03:06 PM
Crippled, disadvantaged, taken advantage of, etc.

"I'm such a gimp" => barbarian that loses out on the kill count to Misadventure.
"I got gimpy loot" => getting a cure light potion from the easter egg hunt.
"My roll was gimped" => getting a roll of 2 on a 1d100.
"His barb is so gimp" => being taken down by a melee bard in the wayward lobster.

Note that I'm using it as an adjective here as well, not just as a noun.

02-19-2010, 03:41 PM
Please DEFINE the term GIMPED.

I have heard folks say it means your character is awesome others say that your Arcane Archer couldn't hit the side of a privvy with a balista because you are gimped. So what is it?

WHAT is the definition of this powerful word? Whats secrets does it hold? Can I find the answer in a warded chest somewhere? Someone please help!

<---------------------and loving it:)

02-19-2010, 04:14 PM
Please DEFINE the term GIMPED.


'Nuf said. :D

02-19-2010, 04:22 PM
Gimped = Does not measure up to expectations

02-19-2010, 04:28 PM
Gimped = you wear a leather jump suit, sleep in a box, and are beholden to the orders of a guy named Zed.

Of course, Zed is dead now, which is how all the gimps got loose.

02-19-2010, 04:31 PM
Any character played by Vorn.

02-19-2010, 04:46 PM
Generally Inferior, May Produce Easy Death

I like that one... also:

G ifted
I n
M any
P otential
E rrors of
D esign

02-20-2010, 02:45 AM
The technical definition of "gimped" is "0.02% less efficient than theoretically possible"

Some things to note about this:
1. Many things in d20 have a resolution of 5%, which is far larger than 0.02%
2. Theory is in the eyes of the beholder.

02-20-2010, 03:04 AM
gimped is used in 2 ways that have near opposite meanings.

first it can be used to describe a character who is crippled and doesnt function well and should be rerolled.

second it can be used to discribe a character who while effective relys on one thing using it as a crutch in order to be effective. (See: one trick pony)