View Full Version : build request

02-18-2010, 02:57 AM
this is directed at those with much more experience in ddo than i have, that also enjoy working out the details of a build. is anyone willing to come up with an 18wizard/2rogue build for me? i dont have 32 pt builds but do have drow, so was thinking a drow for the higher int is the way to go. also, im relatively new (a few months) and i just dont have enough free time(real job, family, and my old bones need sleep) to play enough to get all the really juicy items and plat to be heavy item dependant. i'll be basically relying on brokers and lucky loot pools to outfit this guy. anyway, my goals are a buffing/cc/trapmonkey/high umd character. so, anyone feel like working this out on the character planner and posting or emailing it to me? thanks all.