View Full Version : Is Rahkir's set worth it on a FvS with Greater Arcane Lore?

02-16-2010, 09:58 AM
The full Rahkir's set adds +5% chance to crit with a multiplier increase of +0.5. The downside to it is it is +6 Intelligence with +1 exceptional Intelligence. Not overly exciting ring stats for my FvS...

Greater Arcane Lore is +9% chance to crit with a multiplier of +0.25.

Does anyone know if these items stack at all, or is all I am getting from the Rahkir's set an extra .25 to my crit multiplier? If they do stack, that would be pretty nice for BBs.

If they do not stack, do FvS still want it for the extra +0.25 to crit, or are there better sets out of TOD that I should be focusing on looking for?

If anyone knows for sure or has tested it, please chime in.