View Full Version : AC Pally Build Test for review.

02-09-2010, 01:20 PM
\m/ [( oO )] \m/


Advice and sudgestions are welcome, but only from seasoned players. Thank you.

Server: Sarlona
Lvl 8 (Rank 36) Dwarven Paladin (Custom Build)
Prestige: Paladin Deffender of Siberys (AC Specialized Tank.)

Unbuffed/Full Buff (Personal)
Str: 18/20 Hit Points: 116/124
Dex: 13/13 Spell Points: 186/186
Con: 14/16 Armor Class (AC): 33/40
Int: 8/8 Fortitude: 17/19
Wis: 14/14 Reflex: 12/13
Cha: 21/21 Will: 14/15
Damage Reduction: 0/5 (Evil)

Used Items:
Head: Helm of Wizardry 2: +50 Spell points.
Neck: ---
Eyes: Goggles of Minute Seeing: +5 Search
Armor: +5 Mithril Full Plate
Wrists: +3 Ogre Power Bracers
Ring 1: Ring of Shield of Faith
Boots: Feather Fall Boots
Hands: +3 Dexterity Gloves
Ring 2: ---
Belt: +2 Health Belt
Back: +3 Charismatic Cloak
Trinket: ---

Used Weapons: Mains: +4 Dwarven Axe, +3 Ghost Touch Warhammer of Pure Good, +1 Hold Dwarven Axe of Pure Good
Alts: +4 Warhammer, Giant Stalker's Knife, +1 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Pure Good, +4 Great Axe, +1 Adamantine Returning Throwing Axe, Muck Bane.
Shields: +5 Heavy Steel Shield, +3 Lesser Fire Guard heavy Steel Shield of Light Fortification

Paladin Armor Class Boost 1: ---
Paladin Armor Class Boost 2: +3 Action boost to Armor Class for 20 Seconds.
Dwarven Armor Mastery 1: ---
Dwarven Armor Mastery 2: --- Total of +2 Increase to Maximum Dexterity Modifier allowed on any worn Armor.
Dwarven Constitution 1: +1 Increase to Constitution score.
Dwarven Faith 1: ---
Dwarven Faith 2: Grants 30 addition Spell Points.
Dwarven Shield Mastery: Reduce the damage you suffer while blocking by 1.
Paladin Courage of Good 1: Aura of Courage grants +2 to saves against Fear.
Paladin Bulwark of Good 1: Aura of Good provides a +1 Armor Class Bonus.
Paladin Focus of Good: Aura of Good provides a +3 Bonus to Concentration skill checks to surrounding allied casters when damaged in combat.
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands: Grants an additional Lay On Hands per Rest (Total: 2. Health/Damage done: 90.)
Paladin Defender of Siberys 1: Grants 2 Additional Turn attempts, additional AC when Blocking with a Shield, and increases Maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by Tower Shields by 1.
--Defensive Stance: Gain +2 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, +1 Secred bonus to all saves, +2 Dodge Bonus to AC. Also produce 50% more hate with Melee attacks.
--Magic Circle: AoE Grants a +2 Deflection bonus to AC and +2 Resistant bonus to saves against attacks from evil creatures. Those effected are also warded from Magical Mental Control and Compulsions.
Paladin Energy of the Templar: Grants 20 additional Spell points.
Paladin Divine Might 1: Grants a +2 Sacred bonus to Damage for one minute.

Any areas that are empty, ( --- ) I would ask that sudgestions for the best items to put there are given. I am rich by no means, so be realistic. Your advice and criticism is welcome and appreciated.

I will be making builds like this for some time. If you have a desire to see a specific build stat sheet, simply ask and I will, in time, go about making one.
Donations for the best items are welcome. And IF more than one person has a desire, money donated (In Game) will inlfuence such decisions.
NOTICE- This is not Gold Spamming. Any and all who send ANY ammount of gold do this by their own free will. If you DO NOT wish to, and find the entire Idea stupid, then I would ask that you say nothing at all. As well, any that have capped toons holding older and useless items that they feel may be useful to any of the listed characters below, I thank you.
This is a charity. I take all that is given, to give others a better understanding. Thankyou.

Alpemael: Lvl 12 Micro Managed Pure Bred Trap Monkey.
Scythera: Lvl 9 Micro Managed Arcane Ranger
Dantael: Lvl 8 Micro Managed Defender of Siberys Paladin (AC Build)
Mariyanna: lvl 4 Bard (Haggle Bot)
Rayonaek: lvl 2 Fighter, lvl 2 Wizard -- Arcane/Eldritch Knight. Purely experimental. This character is currently stuck due to lack of funds needed for Armor to work with him.

Thank you.
-Mailing info (Gold)-
Server: Sarlona
Character: Alpemael
-Mailing Info (Items)-
Server: Sarlona
Character: Mariyanna

02-09-2010, 01:44 PM
posting a build.give it up everyone can use char generator.your time would be spent wiser if you actually lvled a toon to 20 and then telling people how great it is.

02-09-2010, 01:59 PM
Wouldn't it just be easier and quicker to just say "I am broke and need plat" instead of rambling on about a level 8 build??

If you need something then just ask. A lot of us vets have tons of items and plat laying around.

Edit: If you need help with the build this is the best thing (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO/DDOCharGen.html) for ya.

02-09-2010, 02:08 PM
how much gold do you want to post a breakdown of a fighter/barbarian/ranger build?

Im curious how to get the most from those three classes into one build.

02-09-2010, 02:34 PM
This build was not made with character Generator. I find the generator, though helpful with actually CREATING the character, rather useless. Maybe it is simply me not able to use it well, maybe not. This character was built through personally using it, finding the kinks, and progressing. I know I am still a noob. But the simple fact that you simply bash me, when you have been playing for lord knows how long, is a fault on your behalf, not mine. If you do not have anything nice to say, please, say nothing at all.
True, it is only lvl 8, but it has taken out many at a higher lvl in PvP arenas.

As to the plat, yes, I would love as much money and items that people are willing to give. For I am sure many are getting tired of making Mules to keep items they don't quite want to just sell. I am open to all charity, but I will not beg for it. I have asked those I have grouped with that have higher toons for help, and I have received generous donations, all of which were used wisely.
If you wish to donate/give me something, I thank you.

As for the money for a build, I don't ask for money to build it, but I desire/want/need money to make it shine to its full potential. You would be surprised how much money is spent on the Reset Enhancements option. x.x
Most money that is given, will go to bettering my Builds, unless otherwise specified for a specific one, where I will then re-edit my initial post saying how much was given to that SPECIFIC character, as well as an over all donations number with the General Donations # (Money given for me to allocate to my desired toon.)

02-09-2010, 03:11 PM

What exactly are you looking for? Help with the build? Plat? Items? To make builds for others? Im confused.

Nobody has bashed you yet, so best take the free advice for what its worth so far.

02-09-2010, 03:48 PM
What exactly are you looking for? Help with the build?

Maybe Im just missing something here, but the thread title suggests they would like their build reviewed.

Not sure why its in a world forum and not the pally forums, though.

02-09-2010, 03:54 PM
Maybe Im just missing something here, but the thread title suggests they would like their build reviewed.

Not sure why its in a world forum and not the pally forums, though.

yeah I read it. That's why I'm confused. Did you read it?

there is a lvl 8 build there, followed by a bunch of garbage. That's why I'm confused.

Get rid of all the garbage and post in either the paly forums or build forums. OR keep the garbage and dump the build and put it here. But as it sits?

02-09-2010, 04:02 PM
Even Butter is confused here?

If your asking for gear or plat... earn it like everyone else did.


Looks like some sucker gave you +5 mfp... took me 3 years before I actually pulled a set.
Kids these days... they want an easy button for everything.

02-09-2010, 04:12 PM
Word Up Butter! Word Up!

Kids these days!

02-09-2010, 04:13 PM
Excuse me, I was not aware there were other places to post stuff as specific as this. I am new to the forums. My apologies.

My build set is here, and I guess it should be elsewhere. Thankyou for letting me know.
I am not asking for help, simply advice. I am fully aware that I may get nothing from anyone in anyway, and fully prepared to go on without help from others.
And yes, someone was bashing me. The VERY first post after my original.
Also, No One Game Me the +5 Mithril Full Plate. I pulled it from a chest with my lvl 12 Trap Monkey using a loot stone in Gianthold, Mission: A Cabal for One.

Excuse me if I am upsetting others. I am doing what I do. I earn what I get, and I go about my business, but I also will not turn down help.

As well, I am offering a simple service. Making builds for other people, and giving a detailed summary of what seems to work best. It takes time, time I am willing to spend, while others may not with a possible failure combo in mind.
My original idea was to see what others thought of the build, and to see if they could offer anything to improve, be it verbal or physical. ORIGINALLY, I was going to simply post this Build In my Bio on the character on DDO. But it would not fit.

Once more, I apologize for the irationality all seem to exude, and for placing this post in the wrong thread.

02-09-2010, 04:19 PM
Word Up Butter! Word Up!

Kids these days!

OMG... they let you out of prison?
I hope your not running your gimped cleric!

02-09-2010, 05:24 PM
Excuse me, I was not aware there were other places to post stuff as specific as this. I am new to the forums. My apologies.

My build set is here, and I guess it should be elsewhere. Thankyou for letting me know.
I am not asking for help, simply advice. I am fully aware that I may get nothing from anyone in anyway, and fully prepared to go on without help from others.
And yes, someone was bashing me. The VERY first post after my original.
Also, No One Game Me the +5 Mithril Full Plate. I pulled it from a chest with my lvl 12 Trap Monkey using a loot stone in Gianthold, Mission: A Cabal for One.

Excuse me if I am upsetting others. I am doing what I do. I earn what I get, and I go about my business, but I also will not turn down help.

As well, I am offering a simple service. Making builds for other people, and giving a detailed summary of what seems to work best. It takes time, time I am willing to spend, while others may not with a possible failure combo in mind.
My original idea was to see what others thought of the build, and to see if they could offer anything to improve, be it verbal or physical. ORIGINALLY, I was going to simply post this Build In my Bio on the character on DDO. But it would not fit.

Once more, I apologize for the irationality all seem to exude, and for placing this post in the wrong thread.

I was also confused by what you were looking for when I read this post earlier in the day and I'm still confused. If you're looking for advice on the build, could you list your questions so that we can answer them directly. If you're not looking for advice, then it seems that you're offering to make builds for people for profit which is fine is they want to pay you for it, I guess.

oh, nice pull on the MFP btw. I took me 3 years to get a set and that was only after Dragontouched armor came out and I didn't need it anymore!

02-09-2010, 05:48 PM
I was also confused by what you were looking for when I read this post earlier in the day and I'm still confused. If you're looking for advice on the build, could you list your questions so that we can answer them directly. If you're not looking for advice, then it seems that you're offering to make builds for people for profit which is fine is they want to pay you for it, I guess.

oh, nice pull on the MFP btw. I took me 3 years to get a set and that was only after Dragontouched armor came out and I didn't need it anymore!

Thanks for the Gratz, I was JUST looking at overly priced MFP that VERY day. I was ecstatic.

As for the build, I don't know what to say. It is working GREAT so far right now. And I have faced many that are a lvl or two above me and stood at the end of the fight. But, alas, I know that I have only played for a little less then two months, with only one character over ten. I know I am missing stuff, so I took the time to post every little thing (except feats) on here.
I found that I posted in the wrong place, and then went and looked at the right place. (Juntz seems like a god right now.) But this is my forum, and I can keep track of it better. So here, I am doing THIS right now:::

First and formost, I am asking, from what you can tell (From the stats and the stated desired use of the character) what the faults, or lacking areas, or messed up things. I know they are there, I know it. But so far, I can not see it. I have wondered about some of my buffs, for some do not show any effect like I know they should. Perhaps I have ones that don't stack. Which would be a waste of Action Points.

Second, yes, I am offering a service, one that may have already been offered. Because, despite how easy some can get from 1-9, or even 4-9, it still takes time, and why waste time on an experimental build that may fail. Money is asked for this task, for the simple fact that many things are very gold-consuming. But it is not DEMANDED. IF, and only IF, I have multiple people asking, Gold Given will influence who goes first and what not.
My highest character is lvl 12. 50k Plat is still god money to me. The MOST I have ever had at one time, was 25k plat, which was given to me by my Guild so that I could get a weapon that would help perfect my Trap Monkey. Then, later, another 15k plat was acquired for a second one, making a pair of Paralyzing Daggers so that I may help, IN SOME WAY, in fights.

What I hate, though, is, where some lvl 20s or those who own MULTIPLE high lvl characters say, "Just ask, many are very willing to help a lower lvl, knowing what it was like to just start out." Others say, "Shut your bit***** mouth, and work for it like we all did..."
I have NO problem going on my own, with no help from any. I accept all charity, and, in trades, I ask once if they are sure, then take what is given. But I do not, and will not beg. I am no gold spammer, and I make sure others no this.
For the Toon-experiments, yes, some gold is asked as a courtesy. I am taking MY time to do this, though willing, it does take money to adaquately outfit and do other things. But I am provifing a product; knowledge.

02-09-2010, 06:25 PM
Second, yes, I am offering a service, one that may have already been offered. Because, despite how easy some can get from 1-9, or even 4-9, it still takes time, and why waste time on an experimental build that may fail.
So you are saying this is a waste of time but you are willing to have others pay you to waste your own time instead of theirs??

Anyone else confused??

02-09-2010, 06:34 PM
There are many who play this game to be the best, and have the best. I play to have fun. Take the man above. He asked about a build with Fighter, Barbarian, and Ranger in it. He wants a good stat sheet.
I am looking to better my knowledge. A lvl 20, from what I heard, can make 1mil GP in an hour. And when you think about it, a character, moving from lvl 1-10 will have most likely spent about 500k on weapons, items, repairs, scrolls, feat changes, reset enhancements, etc etc etc.
I do not think it is a waste of time to learn. This is a simple service I am offering. I am going to start small, one person, or two people. See if this even works. There are those out there who are focusing on their lvl 15-20, getting them ready to re-incarnate, who aren't going to waste their time on a build they think will fail, no matter how intriguing it could be.
So I will do it.......

02-09-2010, 06:41 PM
So I will do it.......
More power to ya!!

But not to be rude by any means, why would someone take advice from a guy that has his highest level character only to level 12?? We all have been there, rolled characters to that range and rerolled. If I am wanting advice on building a character, I will want one with end game stats because you don't stop leveling at 8 or 12. 20 is the cap and thats where the planner really helps people plan for the long haul, not just the short sprint. If you are needing help ask anytime, just don't offer advice (especially if it is incomplete).

02-09-2010, 06:52 PM
Yeah yeah, my highest character is lvl 12, I understand I don't have the knowledge to FULLY explain everything in the game. But, as I said, most would not waste their time. AS WELL, I understand what is needed up to the level I am at. Take Gianthold for example. That is about the time where any build that isn't efficiant.... you'll know by then.
Knowing the end game Isn't REQUIRED to do what I am saying. I am not giving advice, I am not critiquing anyone. One thing most in this game that people lack, is common sense. I may not have end game experience, I admit this, but, at my characters, at their lvls, their is almost none better thus far. I have done jobs required by my class better then Reincarnate supposed-God multi classes.
But yes, that is a flaw. I have not been through end game. But I soon will be. I take the knowledge from those around me, and I am already preparing my character's for End Game, despite their levels.

I am not promising God Characters, I am promising Trial and Error results until a build is working. If you have something you want try, but don't know if it will work efficiently, tell me, give me, what would be considered chump change to do it, and I will do it. It is that simple. If you want to use YOUR time, which could be better spent, then be my guest. I can't force, nor convince.
Faith is a strong thing. And if someone were to show faith, I can guarantee the results.
I haven't been to end game, but let me say this: I have been from lvl 1-10 as many times as someone who has played 3 years. I know what is needed, I know what works with what. I know the ropes already.

But hey, proof is what you need. Then amuse yourself, and try it. Give me a build you have always thought about. And spare some change, and I will make it work.

02-09-2010, 06:58 PM
I have a horribly slow character. He just doesn't run fast. Please send me plat so I can buy some haste pots. He will then run faster, so I can see if he was worth building soon.
Thanks in advance.

02-09-2010, 07:19 PM
Honestly, i just dont know how to respond to the stuff in this thread :confused:

02-09-2010, 07:19 PM
Lvl 8 (Rank 36) Dwarven Paladin (Custom Build)
Prestige: Paladin Deffender of Siberys (AC Specialized Tank.)

Unbuffed/Full Buff (Personal) Posting your starting stats would be more helpful
Str: 18/20 Hit Points: seems low. My reincarnated evasion paladin has 190 at 8th level
Dex: 13/13
Con: 14/16
Int: 8/8
Wis: 14/14
Cha: 21/21--Having a high charisma is nice for a paladin but your charisma really shouldn't be higher than your strength for a tank build
Damage Reduction: 0/5 (Evil)

Used Items:
Head: Helm of Wizardry 2: +50 Spell points.
Neck: ---
Eyes: Goggles of Minute Seeing: +5 Search--what do you need these for? If it's for finding hidden doors, I'd get a clicky
Armor: +5 Mithril Full Plate
Wrists: +3 Ogre Power Bracers
Ring 1: Ring of Shield of Faith--Potions don't take up an inventory slot. Better used for a protection or resistance item or something
Boots: Feather Fall Boots
Hands: +3 Dexterity Gloves
Ring 2: ---
Belt: +2 Health Belt--+3? I'd find an improved false life belt and put constitution on your neck or ring
Back: +3 Charismatic Cloak--+3?
Trinket: ---

Used Weapons: Mains: +4 Dwarven Axe, +3 Ghost Touch Warhammer of Pure Good, +1 Hold Dwarven Axe of Pure Good
Alts: +4 Warhammer, Giant Stalker's Knife, +1 Ghost Touch Dwarven Axe of Pure Good, +4 Great Axe, +1 Adamantine Returning Throwing Axe, Muck Bane.
Shields: +5 Heavy Steel Shield, +3 Lesser Fire Guard heavy Steel Shield of Light Fortification

Paladin Armor Class Boost 1 & 2: I don't think the boosts are really that helpful due to their short duration and APs are precious for a paladin. However they are needed for DoS so you've gotta take 'em
Dwarven Armor Mastery 1 & 2: These are a must for the AC intimitanks. However, your max dex is going to be 20 (10+6+2tome) excluding any high end-game gear like the ToD rings, only giving you a +4 dex modifier so you wouldn't be able to max out +5 MFP. The Dragontouched armor is a +1 max dex so you could potentially get the max out of that armor with dwarven armor mastery
Dwarven Constitution 1:
Dwarven Faith 1 & 2: Spell points really aren't a deal-breaker for paladins and you'll need your APs elsewhere later on
Dwarven Shield Mastery: If you're pinched for APs, you may want to drop this. The blocking DR can be nice, however, esp when combined with one of the end-game shields
Paladin Courage of Good 1: only as much as you need for DoS
Paladin Bulwark of Good 1: Max this out
Paladin Focus of Good: only as much as you need for DoS
Where is Resistance of Good? You need that for DoS, I think
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands:
Paladin Defender of Siberys 1
Paladin Energy of the Templar: not that necessary if not a pre-req
Paladin Divine Might 1: take this to 3rd rank

Comments in red.

Some questions/comments:
-What are your level-ups to stats going into? They should all be going into strength
-You took too much wisdom. You don't really need > 8 wisdom for a paladin to be able to cast the high level spells when equipped with the right items
-Consider LR to drop wisdom and increase strength
-Work divine sacrifice into your enhancements, at least to the 2nd level. It's an uber ability
-Work exalted smite into your enhancements. Only slightly less uber than divine sacrifice

02-09-2010, 07:26 PM
If you want a build evaluation the things you need to focus on are starting stats, feats, race, class, alignment, ap. List these out line by line. For feats note the level you plan on taking them, if multiclassing note the levels you plan on taking what class. It is customary to plan a build to 20, not to 10, so go ahead and make the plot to 20, chances are you will get more feedback.

If you want to offer a service of leveling builds for people so you can report to them how they play in game at various levels, make a specific post for that.

If you need supplies make a post in the marketplace forums that you are looking for XYZ and you have ABC to offer in trade.

If you come here and ask for handout chances are you wont be well recieved, but you might get some things regardless.

You can also try pm'ing posters when they have something for trade, but im guessing most that post a trade list are looking for something in return.

02-09-2010, 07:33 PM
Honestly, i just dont know how to respond to the stuff in this thread :confused:

Me either so I thought I'd at least give him some feedback on the build

02-09-2010, 08:13 PM
Some questions/comments:
-What are your level-ups to stats going into? They should all be going into strength
-You took too much wisdom. You don't really need > 8 wisdom for a paladin to be able to cast the high level spells when equipped with the right items
-Consider LR to drop wisdom and increase strength
-Work divine sacrifice into your enhancements, at least to the 2nd level. It's an uber ability
-Work exalted smite into your enhancements. Only slightly less uber than divine sacrifice

Thankyou. That is exactly what I need. And I appreciate that you kept my desire for AC in mind, as well as the DoS Prestige. I will diffinately do this now/as/when I can. I see many of your thoughts are the same as those I had been thinking.

A few questions/explanations for you, now.
-If I shouldn't use +5 MFP, what should I use until Dragon Touched?
-I was told 14 Wis is a need for the highest level spells, should I go back and make it lower so that I can simply use Stat Items for it?
-So far, Devine Might seems to do nothing to the over all Buff score. Do I simply not see it? Or is something overlapping it and not stacking. Will maxing it out make it stand out?
-I always wondered if False life was better then Con. Con helps the Fort saves, does it have any other use besides that?
-The goggles, yeah... I felt stupid for putting those in the description, just there to give SOMETHING to him, thinking about getting Blindness Ward for it.
-Seen the term SOOO often, but... it means like a hotkey, or a spot on the number bars below, right?
-ToD Rings? What is ToD?
-Pally spells, 11 wisdom for lvl one, 12 Wisdom for lvl 2? Right?
- Yes, to the "+3?" I mean +3 CHA.
-I worry about not boosting my CHA or having it high, because I do enjoy many of the abilities that are made better by Higher CHA

If you want a build evaluation the things you need to focus on are starting stats, feats, race, class, alignment, ap. List these out line by line. For feats note the level you plan on taking them, if multiclassing note the levels you plan on taking what class. It is customary to plan a build to 20, not to 10, so go ahead and make the plot to 20, chances are you will get more feedback.

If you want to offer a service of leveling builds for people so you can report to them how they play in game at various levels, make a specific post for that.

If you need supplies make a post in the marketplace forums that you are looking for XYZ and you have ABC to offer in trade.

If you come here and ask for handout chances are you wont be well recieved, but you might get some things regardless.

You can also try pm'ing posters when they have something for trade, but im guessing most that post a trade list are looking for something in return.

I am worried about making a Build Plan to 20. I haven't gone that far yet, as you can see with my prior discussion. I go day by day, lvl by lvl. Unless I reroll a Pally, I like to focus on the here and now. It makes it less confusing for me. I have rerolled my Trap Monkey, and my Ranger. The Ranger is the BEST he can be at his lvl, and I urge any other to prove me wrong. (Bow spec, though.)
My Trap Monkey has flaws, but those flaws make him better than almost any other Rogue out there at doing what he does. I know, I am sure there are others better, but, at his lvl, I know they are VERY far and in between.
I'm not asking for handouts. I have asked from group members, but never begged. It was often a spur of the moment thing. Because I find it hard to believe a lvl 20 can make 1mil gold in an hour (Swiftly becoming my comparison).
I am offering a service now. And the gold/items I am asking for is greatly understandable, or I would hope. Not to mention that what I consider god money, seems to be chump change. x.x

As well, I thank you, that is exactly what I was asking for.

02-09-2010, 08:30 PM
Thankyou. That is exactly what I need. And I appreciate that you kept my desire for AC in mind, as well as the DoS Prestige. I will diffinately do this now/as/when I can. I see many of your thoughts are the same as those I had been thinking.

A few questions/explanations for you, now.
-If I shouldn't use +5 MFP, what should I use until Dragon Touched?
-I was told 14 Wis is a need for the highest level spells, should I go back and make it lower so that I can simply use Stat Items for it?
-So far, Devine Might seems to do nothing to the over all Buff score. Do I simply not see it? Or is something overlapping it and not stacking. Will maxing it out make it stand out?
-I always wondered if False life was better then Con. Con helps the Fort saves, does it have any other use besides that?
-The goggles, yeah... I felt stupid for putting those in the description, just there to give SOMETHING to him, thinking about getting Blindness Ward for it.
-Seen the term SOOO often, but... it means like a hotkey, or a spot on the number bars below, right?
-ToD Rings? What is ToD?
-Pally spells, 11 wisdom for lvl one, 12 Wisdom for lvl 2? Right?
- Yes, to the "+3?" I mean +3 CHA.
-I worry about not boosting my CHA or having it high, because I do enjoy many of the abilities that are made better by Higher CHA

I am worried about making a Build Plan to 20. I haven't gone that far yet, as you can see with my prior discussion. I go day by day, lvl by lvl. Unless I reroll a Pally, I like to focus on the here and now. It makes it less confusing for me. I have rerolled my Trap Monkey, and my Ranger. The Ranger is the BEST he can be at his lvl, and I urge any other to prove me wrong. (Bow spec, though.)
My Trap Monkey has flaws, but those flaws make him better than almost any other Rogue out there at doing what he does. I know, I am sure there are others better, but, at his lvl, I know they are VERY far and in between.
I'm not asking for handouts. I have asked from group members, but never begged. It was often a spur of the moment thing. Because I find it hard to believe a lvl 20 can make 1mil gold in an hour (Swiftly becoming my comparison).
I am offering a service now. And the gold/items I am asking for is greatly understandable, or I would hope. Not to mention that what I consider god money, seems to be chump change. x.x

As well, I thank you, that is exactly what I was asking for.

DT FP will be better.
DM adds to your buffs, you are looking in the wrong place. Adds to damage.

Most players arent making 100k plat an hour

Break your posts into 3. A build, a looking for, and an offering X service post.

02-09-2010, 09:14 PM
DT, FP? Oi, with all the acronyms lad. T.T

02-09-2010, 10:14 PM
DT, FP? Oi, with all the acronyms lad. T.T

DragonTouched FullPlate lad.

Post the rest of your build if you want some real build tips, we are only working with half the picture.

02-09-2010, 10:40 PM
Tell me exactly what you need. And I will tell you exactly what I have...

02-09-2010, 10:51 PM
Wait, never mind. I found what you wanted. Now let me get to typing.

02-10-2010, 12:56 AM
-I was told 14 Wis is a need for the highest level spells, should I go back and make it lower so that I can simply use Stat Items for it?
Because you can put those build points into other, more important stats. Paladins usually have plenty of spell points and spell DC doesn't matter so there's no point in putting any more build points into wisdom than you actually need
-I always wondered if False life was better then Con. Con helps the Fort saves, does it have any other use besides that?
Con gives you extra hit points as well. For every even number over 10 you get an extra hp/level. Ideally you want both your max con item and (x)false life item on at the same time.
-The goggles, yeah... I felt stupid for putting those in the description, just there to give SOMETHING to him, thinking about getting Blindness Ward for it.
Pick up a pair of trapblast goggles from STK for the reflex save or the goggles of insight from Korthos
-ToD Rings? What is ToD?
Tower of Despair, high level raid
-I worry about not boosting my CHA or having it high, because I do enjoy many of the abilities that are made better by Higher CHA
I agree. I'm just saying that, in my opinion, strength is the most important stat for a paladin followed by charisma and constitution

I am worried about making a Build Plan to 20.
Those of us who've capped out characters learned a long time ago to build for end-game. You can usually blast through a level in a few days at most so planning for the future makes more sense. I realize you play in the here and now but until recently when reincarnation became an option there was really nothing more frustrating than realizing you screwed something up at 2nd level that impacts you negatively at cap. Even with reincarnation, it still makes more sense to plan for the character that you want to end up with.

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