View Full Version : anyone notice substantial difference in last two harbor ice jumps?

02-06-2010, 04:03 PM
already said in in a different thread but the thread was not specific in this nature.

I gotta ask was something tweaked at these last two jumps? I have all the same boosts/buffs and gear on I did before when I had to take special precaution to not 'overjump' but now I am finding it extremely difficult to even hit the last ramp. I think the low gravity start point has been raised up or something. The same + to jump and everything, is not letting me get 25% of the elevation i was getting religiously when I was playing this festival game the past day or so.

By the way I noticed this change about 1 or two hours ago. Anyone else see a difference?

02-06-2010, 04:09 PM
The game won't suddenly change without the servers going down (well, unless its a live event). So its probably just you.

02-06-2010, 04:41 PM
I seem to be having more trouble than I was a couple days ago too, FWIW.

02-06-2010, 04:43 PM
You didn't get featherfall from somewhere did you? Featherfall makes that last jump **** near impossible.

02-06-2010, 05:04 PM
everything on me is the same , no featherall added.

Not just me either someone else I asked says something similar.

Maybe a relog would fix it but I really doubt thats it.

Seriously had to struggle to not over jump now over an hour (i gave up by the way) I actually made the last ramp twice.. Seems odd to say everything is the same when yesterday I litterally was overjumping more than half of the time yet I barely touch the wall now.

Same gear, same two basic buffs..

ill try again later.

02-06-2010, 05:06 PM
everything on me is the same , no featherall added.

Not just me either someone else I asked says something similar.

Maybe a relog would fix it but I really doubt thats it.

Seriously had to struggle to not over jump now over an hour (i gave up by the way) I actually made the last ramp twice.. Seems odd to say everything is the same when yesterday I litterally was overjumping more than half of the time yet I barely touch the wall now.

Same gear, same two basic buffs..

ill try again later.

Hmmm. I wonder if the light gravity changes to anti gravity when it gets dark. Did you notice if the time of day changed when it started acting weird?

02-06-2010, 06:18 PM
The game won't suddenly change without the servers going down (well, unless its a live event). So its probably just you.

Actually that is no longer quite true. Turbine has developed tech to dynamically change stuff in game without having to restart the servers, IF that kind of feature is built into something.

Notice how that can turn on an off EXP boosts without server boots. IF they have a parameter for Jump Boosts that could be set to a variable, that variable could be tweaked actively if desired.

02-06-2010, 08:19 PM
i dont know but considering how long it can take the average gamer to get somewhat fluent enough to get to the last ramp half the time, it doesnt make me entirely happy that its now changed that instead of controlling how high I jump I can barely even jump high enough anymore.

Its all good, I had my fun I guess, it was a temporary festivity anyways just a shame i took all the time to practice to come to this.

its not a positive thing, i am pretty sure but I still could be wrong. I find that if I actually stop myself on the flat part of the lighthouse ramp and jump onto theramp leading doown I escelate easier but I never had to do this before

fun times, was just wondering thanks

edit: maybe it was just me either way im sorry.. Was more just a question but somehow I managed to get back in the swing of things 3/4 tries just now got me purples

02-06-2010, 08:35 PM
I would expect it's simply an issue of server load/lag.

02-06-2010, 09:57 PM
I just tried jumping after doing it all day, and couldn't make it.... and then realized I didn't have my pendant of time buff on. Did you check all of your buffs?

02-08-2010, 08:57 AM
I went from hitting the last jump every time to maybe one in ten. And even on the ones I make, it's just barely. Are there really other people that didn't see any difference? At this point, it doesn't even seem worthwhile to try to get the purple unless you're a monk.

02-08-2010, 09:01 AM
I noticed that I had a hard time completeing the jump to the last pipe with the purple coin, So I jumped on the left side of the ice railing and used that :D

02-08-2010, 09:39 AM
I'm noticing a difference. I'm using the House P jump and time buffs. The day of release, I could barely make the first ramp. Now I'm sailing way too far past it if I'm not careful.

The last ramp I can barely get off of. I didn't even get off the end and slid to nearly a stop on it on my last try.

It could be me I suppose, but I don't think I'm doing anything different.

02-08-2010, 10:24 AM
I get a purple about 60% of runs with my Bard. I only use a House P jump buff, and Time Warp pendent. I do have enough STR to hit over 40 jump even without GH.

What I've learned:

The first jump is erratic for me. Most of my failed attempts happen here. It seems to be somewhat random according to how the lag is at the time of jump. Jumping directly from the walkway seems to work better than walking onto the ramp.

Second jump I occasionally overshoot. To avoid this, I try to land in the flat part of the U (not towards the back) leading up to it, and jump a little earlier than on the other jumps.

Third jump I had some trouble with for a while, until I figured out a technique that almost always works for me. I inch towards the start of the U, then jump. As I float down, I position myself over the very start of the ramp. I then go forward just before I hit the ice. Without doing this, I often bounce and stutter on the surface at the start of the ramp and don't gain enough speed.

To prepare for the final jump, make sure you don't drift too far forward on your third jump. Land as far back on the ramp as possible to get as much speed as possible. Don't slow yourself until you're actually over the last ramp though; I've sometimes unexpectedly dropped like a stone by slowing too early. Don't worry about having initial forward momentum from the previous jump. You'll often lose it all anyway when you make contact with the ice. I've been able to pretty reliably grab the purple coin after coming to a stop at the bottom of the U (say, after forgetting to switch instances...) by half-piping back and forth for momentum, jumping at the back of the U, making sure to land near the start.