View Full Version : 2 quick questions

02-05-2010, 05:20 AM
How is critical damage calculated? Is it just the base damage that is multiplied or does all damage added to it get multiplied too? For example: a crit multiplier of 2X is it [(2Xbase)+other effects] or is it [2X(base+other effects)]?

What's the level requirement for the end game radiance, mineral etc. weapons I sometimes hear about?

Thank you for your replies they are greatly appreciated.

02-05-2010, 05:35 AM
basically all damage is added before the multiplication. the big exception are flaming, pure good and such. and sneak attacks
as a rule of thumb: if you attack your damage is displayed as x+y+z (with more or less + components), whatever is included in X is multiplied with the crit

those weapons have a min level of 11 iirc, but you can't buy or find them. you need to craft them with ingredients from The Shroud raid which is included in the Vale adventure pack, the raid itself has a lvl of 17. by the time you have enough ingredients to make a min II or radiance II you will be way past that level.

02-05-2010, 05:45 AM
Ok, I think I get what your saying with the crit, probably will understand it more when I get improved crit feat. Your saying the end game weapons have a base level requirement of only 11? So in other words if/when I TR I could use those weapons at lv 11 instead of lv17+, sounds nice.

02-05-2010, 06:14 AM
They're ml:12 unless you happen to have one of the really old ones (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=1556526&postcount=421).

02-05-2010, 06:17 AM
some important components that are added before multiplier:
str, +5 from the weapon, power attack, weapon specialisation, good hope and other buffs

look at your inventory, there you see your damage, say you are using a mace of pure good. it's like 1d8 (weapon base damage) + x + 1d6 good

the weapon base damage and x will be multiplied, the 1d6 good is not.

yes, when you TR you can use them way too early (imo)

02-05-2010, 06:18 AM
Basic rule of thumb when calculating crits is;

If it's a flat number addition ( ie +5 Str bonus ) then it gets multiplied by the crit range of the weapon on a cirtical hit.

If it's a die-roll addition ( ie 1d6 Flaming ) then it does not get mutiplied. It gets added on at the end.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, but it works for 90+% of damage modifiers in the game.