View Full Version : Workaround for MyDDO ctrl+w keymap
02-04-2010, 01:36 PM
Background: 'ctrl+w' now opens MyDDO. Unfortunately, most use 'w' for "move forward", and many use the ctrl key for various uses (I use mine as a meta key, some use it as PTT). So, for example, last night I tried to use a heal scroll (ctrl+MMB) while running forward. Instead I opened MyDDO and stood in place while getting beat upon. To add insult to injury, Turbine neglected to add the option to the keymapping portion of the options panel (and even if they did, you know it would auto-remap upon client restart).
First off, TURBINE: STOP DOING THINGS LIKE THIS. It's a might bit ridiculous, don't you think? If you feel that you must set up a default shortcut:
1) Don't use keys commonly used by everyone: W, A, S, D, Space for starters.
2) Always ensure the keymap option is available
3) Always ensure that client restart does not overwrite user settings
Now, as for a workaround:
1) open up ddo.keymap in your DDO screenshots folder (found in "Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online" for most people).
2) Search for "Forward" and note the command name for it (I believe it is "MovementForward" or "MoveForward"). Copy that name.
3) Now search for "MYDDO" (there should only be one entry for this). Replace the "MYDDO" string with "MovementForward" (or whatever the command was that you found in step 2).
4) Replace the next word in the line - "Old" - with "User"
5) Save file, restart client.
Sorry I'm not more specific, I don't have the file to reference on hand right now. Here's more or less what things looked like before and after:
MYDDO_SHORTCUT_KEY [ Old [ 0 DIK_W] 0x00000002 ]
MovementForward [ User [ 0 DIK_W] 0x00000002 ]
Hopefully this helps someone. If anyone has the file handy for reference and wants to correct my naming mistakes in the above directions, I'll edit this post and give credit where it's due.
02-04-2010, 01:48 PM
One that might be a bit easier;
1. Backup ddo.keymap file!
2. Options > Kepmapping > Classic button.
3. Clear/Remap Store.
Works(ed) for me for all these key-mapping issues since MOD9 and not had any problems at all with them.
You may have to re-map all your hotkeys after selecting "Classic" but only this one time. Can use the backup keymap to replace/overwrite to go back to your original settings.
Background: 'ctrl+w' now opens MyDDO. Unfortunately, most use 'w' for "move forward", and many use the ctrl key for various uses (I use mine as a meta key, some use it as PTT). So, for example, last night I tried to use a heal scroll (ctrl+MMB) while running forward. Instead I opened MyDDO and stood in place while getting beat upon. To add insult to injury, Turbine neglected to add the option to the keymapping portion of the options panel (and even if they did, you know it would auto-remap upon client restart).
First off, TURBINE: STOP DOING THINGS LIKE THIS. It's a might bit ridiculous, don't you think? If you feel that you must set up a default shortcut:
1) Don't use keys commonly used by everyone: W, A, S, D, Space for starters.
2) Always ensure the keymap option is available
3) Always ensure that client restart does not overwrite user settings
Now, as for a workaround:
1) open up ddo.keymap in your DDO screenshots folder (found in "Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online" for most people).
2) Search for "Forward" and note the command name for it (I believe it is "MovementForward" or "MoveForward"). Copy that name.
3) Now search for "MYDDO" (there should only be one entry for this). Replace the "MYDDO" string with "MovementForward" (or whatever the command was that you found in step 2).
4) Replace the next word in the line - I believe it is "Off" - with "User"
5) Save file, restart client.
Sorry I'm not more specific, I don't have the file to reference on hand right now. Here's more or less what things looked like before and after:
MovementForward ( User | (DIK_W) ...)
Hopefully this helps someone. If anyone has the file handy for reference and wants to correct my naming mistakes in the above directions, I'll edit this post and give credit where it's due.
MYDDO_SHORTCUT_KEY [ Old [ 0 DIK_W ] 0x00000002 ]
i just moved it to cntrl minus key
02-04-2010, 01:58 PM
MYDDO_SHORTCUT_KEY [ Old [ 0 DIK_W ] 0x00000002 ]
i just moved it to cntrl minus key
What would be the code to unset a shortcut key? (leave it blank?)
02-04-2010, 02:03 PM
i push "v" for "voice" . . . just a habit, been using it for years.
i yap way too much to push TWO buttons everytime i wanna go "awwwww, i'm feared" or "awww i got held" or "awww, i suck"
plus, i can run forward and cast spells, change hotkey bars AND push to talk (usually w/my thumb) all at the same time. cool, huh?
02-04-2010, 02:24 PM
i push "v" for "voice" . . . just a habit, been using it for years.
i yap way too much to push TWO buttons everytime i wanna go "awwwww, i'm feared" or "awww i got held" or "awww, i suck"
plus, i can run forward and cast spells, change hotkey bars AND push to talk (usually w/my thumb) all at the same time. cool, huh?
Ahh yes, but can you chew gum at the same time?
02-04-2010, 02:28 PM
This shouldn't have been an issue in the first place.
MadFloyd ( I think? ) Is supposed to be coming up with a fix. Thank you Straklen and Hendrik, sincerely, but I'm not going out-of-my-way to work around sloppy coding that should have never been implemented in it's current form in the first place.
02-04-2010, 02:35 PM
This shouldn't have been an issue in the first place.
MadFloyd ( I think? ) Is supposed to be coming up with a fix. Thank you Straklen and Hendrik, sincerely, but I'm not going out-of-my-way to work around sloppy coding that should have never been implemented in it's current form in the first place.
Understandable pal....
Just trying to be of some help.
I stick with the Classic keymap so I don't have to deal with these annoying hotkey changes ever.
02-04-2010, 02:56 PM
This shouldn't have been an issue in the first place.
MadFloyd ( I think? ) Is supposed to be coming up with a fix. Thank you Straklen and Hendrik, sincerely, but I'm not going out-of-my-way to work around sloppy coding that should have never been implemented in it's current form in the first place.
Agreed all around.
I normally follow the same strategy, but this was so annoying that if I couldn't find a workaround, I was going to quit playing until they fixed it. The ctrl+s thing was annoying enough... but this problem, with no way to disable it via the UI... well, that just goes to show that Turbine can always kick things up a notch, I guess...
02-04-2010, 02:59 PM
Agreed all around.
I normally follow the same strategy, but this was so annoying that if I couldn't find a workaround, I was going to quit playing until they fixed it. The ctrl+s thing was annoying enough... but this problem, with no way to disable it via the UI... well, that just goes to show that Turbine can always kick things up a notch, I guess...
Yeah, I'm not playing ATM bro, because of this very issue.
Considering everything they broke with this mod, that's probably a good thing to be honest :D
What would be the code to unset a shortcut key? (leave it blank?)
i think this is hte command they use for blank DIK_GRAVE
02-04-2010, 05:37 PM
To unset the default keys set those keys on something you never use like the fifth hireling bar.
That way when you press them nothing will happen.
The workaround to avoid the keys resetting is to make the ddo.keymap file read-only in windows.
Do that while the game is running, if in fullscreen mode use alt-tab to minimize it.
You can do these things without editing the ddo.keymap file manually.
02-05-2010, 12:04 AM
To unset the default keys set those keys on something you never use like the fifth hireling bar.
That way when you press them nothing will happen.
Better yet, especially the case with ctrl+s and ctrl+w, set them to the functions you expect to have happen ('s' and 'w', respectively).
02-05-2010, 06:38 AM
This seems like a joke or prank; how would changing the key assigned to moving forward (in this case w) to be the key assigned to open myDDO do anything other than open the DDO myDDO every time you try to move?
Or are you suggesting that we completely remove the myDDO string entirely by replacing it with the movement-forward code; wouldn't that crash the system if the program needed to check and see what key it should assign for myDDO and instead saw two instructions for moving forward?
Correct me if I'm wrong on this one.
02-05-2010, 06:54 AM
Yeah, I'm not playing ATM bro, because of this very issue.
Considering everything they broke with this mod, that's probably a good thing to be honest :D
I play one handed and this new absolutely worthless function has pretty much destroyed my ability to play with the skill I was previously at when suddenly some big screen pops up and I have to move my hand from my control pad to my keyboard and .. oh nevermind .. the party is dead now.
It happened repeatedly on Epic today.
Nice one Turbine.
Over this issue alone I feel that long over due game break is upon me.
02-05-2010, 08:37 AM
ok, first thing firt, WHY would we ever need to have a shortkey for MyDDO...:eek:
Not like we need to open it fast...:D
02-05-2010, 09:04 AM
i dont know about editing config files or setting anything read only.
easiest way to do it is clear the move forward and back buttons, and set them to w and ctrl w each. same for s.
done, all from the key mapper.
02-05-2010, 10:32 AM
1) Don't use keys commonly used by everyone: W, A, S, D, Space for starters.
2) Always ensure the keymap option is available
3) Always ensure that client restart does not overwrite user settings
Who writes commands that are in anyway combined with key controls.. bad programmer bad....
No commands should ever be combined with W, A, S, D, Space in any variation.
Please correct that and ensure this rule it is in the programming procedures manual.
In the options keymapping once I set it to something do not change it back. It is just too frustrating to have the DDO client keep changing my kepmaps to some predefined settings I don't want.
02-05-2010, 10:34 AM
Dudes, you're making it too hard. Just do the following in Key Bindings:
Forward: W and Ctrl+W
Back: S and Ctrl+S
Left: A and Ctrl+A
Right: D and Ctrl+D
Problem solved.
02-05-2010, 10:52 AM
i dont know about editing config files or setting anything read only.
easiest way to do it is clear the move forward and back buttons, and set them to w and ctrl w each. same for s.
done, all from the key mapper.
Dudes, you're making it too hard. Just do the following in Key Bindings:
Forward: W and Ctrl+W
Back: S and Ctrl+S
Left: A and Ctrl+A
Right: D and Ctrl+D
Problem solved.
You guys are correct, I was so caught up with the fact that the myDDO keymap is unavailable that I hadn't considered that it isn't required to fix the problem.
02-05-2010, 11:49 AM
Dudes, you're making it too hard. Just do the following in Key Bindings:
Forward: W and Ctrl+W
Back: S and Ctrl+S
Left: A and Ctrl+A
Right: D and Ctrl+D
Problem solved.
The important part is to bind the key combination (Ctrl+W in this example) to an actual function.
Just removing the offending the key mapping will allow it to be reset to the DDO default every time you login.
02-05-2010, 11:53 AM
I use a one handed keyboard controller .. so no its not that easy. They basically F**ked me.
And yeah, who needs MyDDO at a moments notice?
Are they really encouraging us to deny a grouping request based on build?
02-05-2010, 12:05 PM
i see this as a game breaking issue for many people. this one is worth a downtime and a hot-fix. probably a good reason to get rid of a poor programmer too. I am having trouble deciding which part of the new mod is the biggest fail, but this one is right up there. i have already lost most of my regular group because of this and some other minor things, but this was the kicker. thank you turbine for such poor decision making, and then forcing you poor decision on everyone. it does make it a little better now that someone has a temporary fix but some poeple i have talked to wont be back until this is fixed. So get on it turbine and i hope this isn't something you do "SOON" we all know what that means to turbine.
should put a turbine trademark on "SOON"
02-05-2010, 12:32 PM
While you're remapping keys, you may want to consider ESDF as movement keys, instead of WASD. I like it better myself as it gives basically 3 more keys to play with on the left of your left hand. Might take a while to adapt though ;)
02-05-2010, 02:06 PM
Dudes, you're making it too hard. Just do the following in Key Bindings:
Forward: W and Ctrl+W
Back: S and Ctrl+S
Left: A and Ctrl+A
Right: D and Ctrl+D
Problem solved.
+1 REP for you Barongt.. this was the only thing that worked that i tried form this thread... not sure about messing with the DDO keymap files but i changed it multiple times and none of them seemed to work for me...
02-05-2010, 02:19 PM
+1 REP for you Barongt.. this was the only thing that worked that i tried form this thread... not sure about messing with the DDO keymap files but i changed it multiple times and none of them seemed to work for me...
Did you restart your client each time?
02-05-2010, 04:37 PM
Or are you suggesting that we completely remove the myDDO string entirely by replacing it with the movement-forward code; wouldn't that crash the system if the program needed to check and see what key it should assign for myDDO and instead saw two instructions for moving forward?
Only checks if the keys are not assigned, as commented above.
The important part is to bind the key combination (Ctrl+W in this example) to an actual function.
Just removing the offending the key mapping will allow it to be reset to the DDO default every time you login.
Indeed, once ctrl+w is set the program don't try to override it.
There's no crash but if edited manually and there's syntax errors the game will then skip the file and use the defaults.
+1 REP for you Barongt.. this was the only thing that worked that i tried form this thread... not sure about messing with the DDO keymap files but i changed it multiple times and none of them seemed to work for me...
Also remember to make the file read-only.
The long list of keymappings is sorted to have the newest modifications on top, so you can verify what was added before making it read-only.
While you're remapping keys, you may want to consider ESDF as movement keys, instead of WASD. I like it better myself as it gives basically 3 more keys to play with on the left of your left hand. Might take a while to adapt though ;)
Unfortunately some of us have the brain wired to awsd and will pass it to the next generation via DNA.
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