View Full Version : Observation

02-04-2010, 10:08 AM
Ok, so there have been a lot of vent posts here recently; Newb vs Vet, Zerg vs Flower-Sniffers, Casual Mode, Update 3 in almost its entirety, and well the list goes on. One of the things I noticed is that when a Vet (mostly someone from back in 2006) complains about something from the game or that Turbine does the first people to tell these people to quit whining are the people that have only been here since some time in 2009. One of the top replies always seems to be "I just don't get the mindset". Of course you don't get the mindset, you have not been around.

Personally, the only reason my join date says 2008 is because I had created an account before F2P and played with a 10 day free trial. Other than that I really have only been "playing" since last year. I am not going to try to tell a Founder or someone else that has been here for 3-4 years that I know better than they do what this game is about or the expectations to have. I would hope that newer players would have the same common courtesy. Then again, if they act like purist, elitist (insertt adjective/expletive here), then that's a different story, but I have not seen too many of those.

02-04-2010, 10:24 AM
Interesting dynamic though.... before DDO:EU there was a dynamic of Power Gamers as opposed to Casual Gamers. It was mostly a small, but vocal, core of power gamers complaining *a lot* about end game type stuff and Casual Gamers coming in and saying the Power Gamers they were playing the game wrong. From there it degenerated.

Upon release of DDO:EU it became vets vs f2pers. What I find interesting is with the release of Update 3, it is sliding back to Power Gamers vs Casual Gamers. Regardless of whether the Casual Gamers are f2p or VIP. (Even some fo the Power Gamers are f2p.)

I offer this up as an interesting (to me at least) observation only.