View Full Version : So basically nothing is working right except the nerfs?
02-03-2010, 10:28 PM
Gahhh. Turbine. I bet you the DDO store is working though . .
02-03-2010, 10:31 PM
*** else did you expect, the nerfs and ddo store get the REAL testing. Everything else is just an afterthought anymore.
02-03-2010, 10:32 PM
Welcome to DDO! For all those unfamiliar with Turbine's antics, they do this kind of thing very often. They love needlessly nerfing game mechanics, angering their customers, and providing poor support all while squeezing every last dollar out of you.
Thanks Turbine for never changing. I love the predictable.
Gahhh. Turbine. I bet you the DDO store is working though . .
02-03-2010, 10:42 PM
Sooo... none of the new quests are working?
Ohh thats right - they ARE!
Is Epic VoN not working - oh thats right - it IS!
Are the new documented enhancements in place - oh - THEY ARE TOO!
Can't we just have a generic whinge thread for these kind of "look at me" people?
Soooooo much whinging.
Go play DDO - if its not working for ya go fly a kite or take a run or catch a movie or find a new hamburer joint you like. Its not like the world at large and Turbine are OUT TO GET YOU! Well - except the OP maybe, now...
02-03-2010, 10:46 PM
Sooo... none of the new quests are working?
Ohh thats right - they ARE!
Is Epic VoN not working - oh thats right - it IS!
Are the new documented enhancements in place - oh - THEY ARE TOO!
Can't we just have a generic whinge thread for these kind of "look at me" people?
Soooooo much whinging.
Go play DDO - if its not working for ya go fly a kite or take a run or catch a movie or find a new hamburer joint you like. Its not like the world at large and Turbine are OUT TO GET YOU! Well - except the OP maybe, now...
I'll never understand what it is exactly about mmo's that attracts cry babies like moths to a flame.
02-03-2010, 10:50 PM
Is Epic VoN not working - oh thats right - it IS!
Can't we just have a generic whinge thread for these kind of "look at me" people?
Soooooo much whinging.
Epic VON isn't working for me.
And what the hell is whinging? Do people actually pronounce that like it's spelled?
02-03-2010, 10:51 PM
Sooo... none of the new quests are working?
Ohh thats right - they ARE!
Is Epic VoN not working - oh thats right - it IS!
Are the new documented enhancements in place - oh - THEY ARE TOO!
Can't we just have a generic whinge thread for these kind of "look at me" people?
Soooooo much whinging.
Go play DDO - if its not working for ya go fly a kite or take a run or catch a movie or find a new hamburer joint you like. Its not like the world at large and Turbine are OUT TO GET YOU! Well - except the OP maybe, now...
Is Gianthold Tor working No
Is TR working No
Is drop rate of larges, signets, war trophies and sovereign stone working as intended no
Is Casual mode that was bug reported from the start working no
The update is very flawed and people are venting (much like your post was).
Have a good day.
02-03-2010, 10:52 PM
Gahhh. Turbine. I bet you the DDO store is working though . .
Not really. Not even the store. Plain lesser hearts w/o +1 or +3 are not showing for my toons. Just saying. Lack of thorough QA/QC even on the store.
02-03-2010, 10:56 PM
Epic VON isn't working for me.
And what the hell is whinging? Do people actually pronounce that like it's spelled?
Actually Bobby he seems to be in a few forum posts sprinkling them with bad spelling and Turbine platitudes. Everyone who is negative needs to leave.
02-03-2010, 10:57 PM
Is Gianthold Tor working No
Is TR working No
Is drop rate of larges, signets, war trophies and sovereign stone working as intended no
Is Casual mode that was bug reported from the start working no
The update is very flawed and people are venting (much like your post was).
Have a good day.
Oh - I'm sorry yer majesty ;) ...did you see the thread title?
I'm responding to that. LOTS is working. I mean - if you want to sulk and focus on the things that aren't thats your perogative. You tried the new quests? Or are you too busy on the forums complaining again?
02-03-2010, 10:58 PM
Well if a nerf wasn't working right, we wouldn't know about it now would we? ;)
02-03-2010, 11:00 PM
Oh - I'm sorry yer majesty ;) ...did you see the thread title?
I'm responding to that. LOTS is working. I mean - if you want to sulk and focus on the things that aren't thats your perogative. You tried the new quests? Or are you too busy on the forums complaining again?
I am not sulking but thanks for the name calling.
And as for focusing on neg, I have a guy who was about to TR so yeah that would be a sore point for me.
02-03-2010, 11:00 PM
Actually Bobby he seems to be in a few forum posts sprinkling them with bad spelling and Turbine platitudes. Everyone who is negative needs to leave.
I'm more than happy to pop up in every forum post that happens to be about whingeing - its just that i cant be in all of them - I'm only human.
My point always has been - when whinge hyperbole>truth or whinge hyperbole>actual impact then tell people to get a grip.
BTW how has Epic VoN been completed if its not working?
02-03-2010, 11:01 PM
BTW how has Epic VoN been completed if its not working?
Uh.... I can't even get into it?
It's just broken for some people. Not all.
02-03-2010, 11:03 PM
Please for the rest of us who do not know what that means please explain. Is that even a word? Is it European? Slang? Just really bad misspelling of Whining? I need to know.
02-03-2010, 11:06 PM
Please for the rest of us who do not know what that means please explain. Is that even a word? Is it European? Slang? Just really bad misspelling of Whining? I need to know.
To me it sounds like a slang term for someone who drank too much Red Bull.
02-03-2010, 11:06 PM
Please for the rest of us who do not know what that means please explain. Is that even a word? Is it European? Slang? Just really bad misspelling of Whining? I need to know.
Apologies - whingeing: To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.
02-03-2010, 11:07 PM
Please for the rest of us who do not know what that means please explain. Is that even a word? Is it European? Slang? Just really bad misspelling of Whining? I need to know. says it's Australian for annoying protests... I'm guessing it's just an Aussie expression....
It still makes me cringe seeing it.
02-03-2010, 11:09 PM
That seems to work great, and less filling.
02-03-2010, 11:09 PM
Please for the rest of us who do not know what that means please explain. Is that even a word? Is it European? Slang? Just really bad misspelling of Whining? I need to know.
/ʰwɪndʒ, wɪndʒ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [hwinj, winj] Show IPA
–verb (used without object), whinged, whing⋅ing. British and Australian Informal.
to complain; whine.
from here (
Bah it seems they just wanted to get it over with and have no quality testing, if anyone here has a barb, they take now 10 damage(yay the nerfe works fine), they added a god awful sound effect(really check it yourself, you whirlwind, is over in one second and you can still hear the sound effect after 4 seconds =/), well the move is now almost as worthless as it was before(didn't used to work but it took 10dmg anyways), but now you have an annoying sound to go with it and a perfect reason to take it off your hotbar.
And I ask this again: How did this casual bug make it past testing? It is the first thing I noticed, and I know for a fact that if it was on the test server that a few people reported it too.
02-03-2010, 11:11 PM
Sooo... none of the new quests are working?
Ohh thats right - they ARE!
Is Epic VoN not working - oh thats right - it IS!
Are the new documented enhancements in place - oh - THEY ARE TOO!
Can't we just have a generic whinge thread for these kind of "look at me" people?
Soooooo much whinging.
Go play DDO - if its not working for ya go fly a kite or take a run or catch a movie or find a new hamburer joint you like. Its not like the world at large and Turbine are OUT TO GET YOU! Well - except the OP maybe, now...
Thanks for the tip pal. And you turbine fan-boi "you should be doing something rather than playing DDO" aren't a dime a dozen either? Get lost.
02-03-2010, 11:11 PM
Thanks to all for the definition. Now I know I am an annoying complainer. My girlfriend could have told y'all that.
02-03-2010, 11:15 PM
Is Epic VoN not working - oh thats right - it IS!
Actually it isn't. Did a 3 man Von 2 guild run, collected all 4 items and she wouldnt talk to us. Only to wait for a GM to answer back our ticket that it was a known issue and he couldn't help. That is lame, sir. Especially when you waste resources (ddo store bought or game earned) to get there.
02-03-2010, 11:17 PM
Thanks for the tip pal. And you turbine fan-boi "you should be doing something rather than playing DDO" aren't a dime a dozen either? Get lost.
Epic VON isn't working for me.
And what the hell is whinging? Do people actually pronounce that like it's spelled?
Is Gianthold Tor working No
Is TR working No
Is drop rate of larges, signets, war trophies and sovereign stone working as intended no
Is Casual mode that was bug reported from the start working no
The update is very flawed and people are venting (much like your post was).
Have a good day.
+++ to reps.
02-03-2010, 11:21 PM
Thanks for the tip pal. And you turbine fan-boi "you should be doing something rather than playing DDO" aren't a dime a dozen either? Get lost.
If by turbine fanboi you mean I enjoy playing the product they've made - then sure - sign me up.
I enjoy it more than I dont... do you?
02-03-2010, 11:21 PM
Well, the visual upgrades are pretty nice. They mostly come out at night. Mostly.
02-03-2010, 11:27 PM
Well, the visual upgrades are pretty nice. They mostly come out at night. Mostly.
Yeah but they get killed off at the VERY start of the next upgrade with no real explaination...
02-03-2010, 11:40 PM
I love watching the forums at the start of, practically, every mod and all of the posts telling the community team (T&T) that for some reason the bug reports have done Jack and **** once again. This same problem happened back when Risia existed and has continued over to Lamannia.
Look DDO team, I'm all for trying to take a conscious effort to help build the game, but if our testing time is just going to mean nothing when EVERY major update/mod gets released, we begin to ask the question, "What the hell is the point?" I'm pretty sure the problems posted on the forums here are all ones that were posted on lamannia or bug reported in some fashion or another. Seriously, what the hell is going on over there? You guys pick the wrong file or something?
02-04-2010, 12:09 AM
whenever a new update comes out and their are major issues like today, makes me wonder why there is a test server at all. ;)
02-04-2010, 12:33 AM
Nobody probably cares about this, but the Arcane Archer enhancements work very nicely!
02-04-2010, 12:37 AM
extremely upset about not pulling loot that should be guarenteed (larges in part 5, trophies, shavarath stones/crafting ingredients) honestly... ***? even with casual scaling, 100% drop loot should be 100% drop loot.
02-04-2010, 12:41 AM
Apologies - whingeing: To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.
Main Entry: whinge
Pronunciation: \ˈhwinj, ˈwinj\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): whinged; whing·ing or whinge·ing
Etymology: Middle English *whingen, from Old English hwinsian; akin to Old High German winsōn to moan
Date: 12th century
British : to complain fretfully : whine
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