View Full Version : Static Charge...does not work...

02-03-2010, 04:57 PM
Has anyone else tested this out to confirm or contradict my findings?

I went to test out some Touch of death prereqs on my lvl 9 monk in ataraxia. I beat on a scrag for several minutes and looked at the numbers floating around. I used lighting burst handwraps of weighted. After a few seconds, the scrag goes down but since there is no fire or acid, he's not dying. I hit the static charge and nothing. no perceivable change in the damage numbers (1-6). I keep trying. I hit static charge and then the air attacks. No change. When I kept doing it, I got 1 (one) purple number and an elevated lightning damage score. ONE! for each static charge hit.

Does turbine beta test this ****?? ***!

This particular strike may be cool or may be useless in practical application but I'd at least like it to work as advertised first.

02-03-2010, 05:07 PM
prolly works only with spells

02-03-2010, 05:12 PM
You mean a monk ability is broken? Stop the presses! :)

02-03-2010, 05:28 PM
prolly works only with spells

If it only works with spells, then darkside is even more broken then it was before.

02-03-2010, 05:39 PM
I thought it was only desiged for spell damage. I used it on the black dragon today, and say in his descrption 'fire dmagage does an additional 1.1 times the normal damage' thing.

Assuming it works fine.

02-03-2010, 06:33 PM
If that was the case, I shouldn't have gotten the single purple number when i hit the Static charge button.

02-03-2010, 06:38 PM
Static Charge works for your melee Elemental (Lightning) strikes.

Does not work, that I have personally experienced, from ToD ring effects.

I have not personally verified added damage from Elemental effects from 'wraps.

Have not yet personally verified added damage from Spells.

02-03-2010, 07:18 PM
Static Charge works for your melee Elemental (Lightning) strikes.

Does not work, that I have personally experienced, from ToD ring effects.

I have not personally verified added damage from Elemental effects from 'wraps.

Have not yet personally verified added damage from Spells.

when u use your static change and then your elemental strike, do you get purple numbers or just elevated orange numbers?

02-04-2010, 08:44 AM
when u use your static change and then your elemental strike, do you get purple numbers or just elevated orange numbers?

Big fat purple numbers, just like you did.

Same I get with negative energy and Curse of Healing.

Verified last night NO extra damage from ToD rings and Curses, just to be double sure to post correct information.

Hope to verify spell damage and curses within the party at some point today - result will be shared here.

02-04-2010, 08:57 AM
When I kept doing it, I got 1 (one) purple number and an elevated lightning damage score. ONE! for each static charge hit.

And exactly how many numbers did you expect to see for EACH static charge hit?
Each means individual, which means one.
When that number gets elevated, you won't see a second number, you'll see a larger number. An empowered fireball doesn't show different numbers for base damage and empowered damage, it just shows damage.

The damage from your strike isn't going to be much more than an extra point or three most likely. The only times you'll see significantly larger numbers is from finishers and/or spells.

You'll only add 1 point of damage per strike until you do *at least* 15 points of *elemental* damage, and that's assuming fractions are rounded up.

02-04-2010, 10:52 AM
I kinda expected 1 purple number for each hit on the cursed target for the 30 second duration. I don't understand why i'd get 1 purple number on the static charge hit which is a curse but none on the air strike 1 second later.

I am going to have to find other targets to test that may be part of the problem. it was difficult finding other targets that stayed alive long enough.

Thanks for the feedback Hendrik

02-04-2010, 11:01 AM
Which tier air strike were you using?
As static charge adds 10% to the damage of electrical attacks, you'd first have to do enough electrical damage for the extra 10% to be noticeable.

I don't know whether the fractions round up or down.
If they round up:
Doing 1-4 points of electrical damage wouldn't net any gain at all.
You'd have to do 5-14 points of electrical damage to see a purple number that is only adding +1 damage.

If they round down:
Doing 1-9 points of electrical damage wouldn't net any gain at all.
You'd have to do 10-19 points of electrical damage to see a purple number that is only adding +1 damage.

Depending on whether they round up or down (and I suspect down), and on which strike you're using, and also depending on the damage roll for said strike, I could easily see how a lot of air strikes may not get any additional damage.

Again, these are much more useful to set up a caster or another finisher. Remember, the dark path is about debuffs. These debuffs aren't for the monk's sole benefit, but rather to set the mob up for anyone in the party to hurt it more than usual.

Seeing as most casters are fire spec'ed, I'd be using that finisher instead.

02-04-2010, 12:10 PM
tier3 air. buti t could have been my target choice. I worked with a firewall caster and he reported purple numbers on the rock ele in the Vale for the duration.

02-04-2010, 01:10 PM
Can try an Arena or Pit somelace to test out on a friend Arvess.

Be sure you are using the right curse for the right elemental strike and depending where you are in your attack chain you will see either one or two purple numbers.

I wonder if Static Charge would effect damage from Lightning Strike proc...

Going to look into that...


02-05-2010, 01:07 PM
The new curses a) don't land on things immune to curse, which is all the high level end bosses which is the only thing you'd actually want to land them on, and b) are on the same timer as touch of death... At an average of 600 per polar ray thats 9 polar rays in 30 seconds to make up for your lost touch of death damage. In other words you need a minimum of 2 sorcs spamming their brains out or a crit firewall on an undead mob... um, Sorjek, to even CONSIDER using the curses.

02-07-2010, 03:37 AM
its only 10% more damage, so 1-6 would at most become 1-7. (10% of 6 is 0.6 which i THINK would round to 7)

So would explain why so few 'increased' numbers.

(Keep in mind that even when attacking fire mobs with ice wraps u will get normal dmg numbers often, because u 'roll' a 1 and it becomes 2, but the game still sees it as 'normal' damage. Ive only noticed numbers being purple if they are 4 or higher, 2x2 = 4...)

But yes, with only 10% more not many will get 'more' dmg just because of rounding effect. Try with a mage nearby to cast something doing 10-20 dmg to see if it adds or not.