View Full Version : Monk Fist Attacks + Two Weapon Fighting

01-30-2010, 08:54 PM
Just wanted to know if there is an official statement that the TWF - Feats are granting the monk more attacks with his fist.

I would like to know how many attacks a monk has on level 20 (pure monk) and Greater Two Weapon Fighting while using Fists.

Thx a lot,


01-30-2010, 09:00 PM
this has been answered many times on the monk forums. Yes twf feats do work with fists. a lvl 20 gets 10 attacks with his fists just like any other gtwf melee class. now rangers do get more attack with tempest tier 3 though. but depending who's numbers you go by a monk at 20 with gtwf feat in windstance will get 4.3 to 4.4 attacks per second before haste.