View Full Version : Thanks for the Decline - no, really!
01-21-2010, 04:47 PM
I admit it, it was a mistake to send the party leader "Thanks for the decline" when they opted to actually press the Decline button when Stryde (11 Cler/5 Rang/1 Monk) requested to join a Gianthold Tor group with all classes selected.
The leader replied with "Thank yourself for gimping your toon" (or something similar), to which I simply laughed at. While this wasn't the first time Stryde has been declined (nor the last, I hope), it was the first time someone had actually clicked the button instead of just leaving me in Limbo until the group finally filled.
I was simply trying to let them know that I appreciated the courtesy of the decline, and in my naivety failed to anticipate that they would take it as anything other than a genuine appreciation for their courtesy.
So, if you ever hit the Decline button when a member of the Renderguard guild requests to join your party, please keep this in mind - my reply with "Thanks for the decline :D" is truly coming from the heart (I added the smiley to show no hard feelings).
01-21-2010, 05:26 PM
LOL, that's awesome, Precious!
I actually had a guy decline my reincarnate when they had ranger, monk and rogue selected for the group. I told him he should take them off his LFM if he didn't want those character types in his group and his response was that he just didn't want someone who was trying to be all three! He and I subsequently had a discussion about what the 'exploiter' build is and why it rocks. I don't think he believed me. <shrug> Takes all types.
edit) Woot! 1000 posts!
01-21-2010, 05:28 PM
I prefer people to decline. I hate waiting on the end of a limbo stick. Normally if people don't accept my request within 10-15 seconds, I log off and change characters.
I hate it when I'm soloing the same quest they had the LFM up for, and I'm right near the end, and they finally accept my invite and I end up in a party of pikers I can't leave, or even worse they make me wait for them to enter the quest before I can complete.
01-21-2010, 05:40 PM
I prefer people to decline. I hate waiting on the end of a limbo stick. Normally if people don't accept my request within 10-15 seconds, I log off and change characters.
I hate it when I'm soloing the same quest they had the LFM up for, and I'm right near the end, and they finally accept my invite and I end up in a party of pikers I can't leave, or even worse they make me wait for them to enter the quest before I can complete.
I wish we had an ability to retract a join group as occasionally I ask to join then change my mind about the quest or see someone accepted into the group that I'm not interested in running with.
01-21-2010, 06:16 PM
I wish we had an ability to retract a join group as occasionally I ask to join then change my mind about the quest or see someone accepted into the group that I'm not interested in running with.
Yet another reason to have 2 accts :p
BTW OP you are never welcome in any of my groups. We only accept real n00bs not wannabes like you :D
01-21-2010, 06:46 PM
I love when I'm left waiting in limbo, only to be accepted 5-10 minutes later when the group still hasn't filled, while I'm already solo'ing a different quest.
Now you have to wait for me to finish before I can drop your group.
01-21-2010, 06:55 PM
I wish we had an ability to retract a join group as occasionally I ask to join then change my mind about the quest or see someone accepted into the group that I'm not interested in running with.
01-21-2010, 08:02 PM
I've actually gotten in the habit of sending a /tell to people first before declining them when they try to join guild event LFM's.
I simply say we're waiting for more guild members to join the group and if we need more I'll open the LFM to the public. I usually try to invite the people that tried to join already though.
01-21-2010, 08:14 PM
I've actually gotten in the habit of sending a /tell to people first before declining them when they try to join guild event LFM's.
I simply say we're waiting for more guild members to join the group and if we need more I'll open the LFM to the public. I usually try to invite the people that tried to join already though.
Nice call. I try to do this, but often when my lfms get close to full i get bombarded with requests. Figure if im almost full and you dont get in that i ran out of room :)
02-18-2010, 01:09 AM
I love when I'm left waiting in limbo, only to be accepted 5-10 minutes later when the group still hasn't filled, while I'm already solo'ing a different quest.
Now you have to wait for me to finish before I can drop your group.
I second this, lol
02-18-2010, 09:04 AM
Never had problem with my axe-singer even if i think he's gimped.. Though he's fun to play..
@OP well at least that 'it-dude' did not start to call you an A-hole.. it happened to me last week. Random lv1, calling me that.. why on earth did i deserve that, i don't know. Only the druids know..
Ps : yes i feel better now.. :P
02-18-2010, 09:20 AM
They really do need a method to withdraw a character from the join list. When I'm left waiting for ages, I start to look into other things, and the last thing I want is to suddenly be in a party. The options seem to be: log onto another character, join a different group, or start a completely different quest. It would be simpler to have a retract button.
02-18-2010, 09:20 AM
I love when I'm left waiting in limbo, only to be accepted 5-10 minutes later when the group still hasn't filled, while I'm already solo'ing a different quest.
Now you have to wait for me to finish before I can drop your group.
Serves them right!
I appreciate the courtesy of declining instead of making the decision hanging.
I'm also glad to hear the feedback. Be it "Spot saved for a guildy" or "Your multiclass looks suspicios".
Last night I tried to join a New Invasion group. Neither accepted or declined, whatever. Over half an hour later when I'm in the shroud, they tried to accept. Bet that group went well.
02-18-2010, 09:42 AM
They really do need a method to withdraw a character from the join list. When I'm left waiting for ages, I start to look into other things, and the last thing I want is to suddenly be in a party. The options seem to be: log onto another character, join a different group, or start a completely different quest. It would be simpler to have a retract button.
yes definitely agree with this... or maybe the /retract option becomes available after 5 minutes or so without an accept or decline.. that way you can move on with your life :)
I admit it, it was a mistake to send the party leader "Thanks for the decline" when they opted to actually press the Decline button when Stryde (11 Cler/5 Rang/1 Monk) requested to join a Gianthold Tor group with all classes selected.
The leader replied with "Thank yourself for gimping your toon" (or something similar), to which I simply laughed at. While this wasn't the first time Stryde has been declined (nor the last, I hope), it was the first time someone had actually clicked the button instead of just leaving me in Limbo until the group finally filled.
I was simply trying to let them know that I appreciated the courtesy of the decline, and in my naivety failed to anticipate that they would take it as anything other than a genuine appreciation for their courtesy.
So, if you ever hit the Decline button when a member of the Renderguard guild requests to join your party, please keep this in mind - my reply with "Thanks for the decline :D" is truly coming from the heart (I added the smiley to show no hard feelings).
People who believe there are like 6 viable archtypes and the rest of all builds are cr@p need to just stop making groups / raids. It only serves to embarrAss themselves and provide entertainment for the rest of us.
Their reaction to what you said only shows what kind of mindset they were in when they were making the group.
02-18-2010, 02:11 PM
So, wait... if I request to join a LFM, and the group leader does not respond to my request.... nothing happens? The request just sits out there indefinitely? :confused:
02-18-2010, 02:16 PM
So, wait... if I request to join a LFM, and the group leader does not respond to my request.... nothing happens? The request just sits out there indefinitely? :confused:
Yup. Until the leader declines or the group fills.
02-18-2010, 02:17 PM
LMAO this reminds me last week on Khyber when I joined a LFM for the Shroud with my ranger 14/fighter 6 and then two other simular builds joined, and the leader said and I quote "One of you ranger multiclasses need to drop, we need some real dps like a paladin or a barbarian", he then kicked one of the rangers, the other one who was friends with him then quit.
Epic "we need more dps"....
02-18-2010, 02:26 PM
Yup. Until the leader declines or the group fills.
Thanks. That really is ridiculous. It should time out or something. I generally don't pug so I've never been exposed to this (and the few times I have, have been direct invites). Why would a party leader just let a request hang without responding in some way or another? That just baffles me.
02-18-2010, 02:35 PM
I wish we had an ability to retract a join group as occasionally I ask to join then change my mind about the quest or see someone accepted into the group that I'm not interested in running with.
There is actually a way to retract that join request. Just take a hireling into the quest that you almost finish. They can't hit [accept] and have you joined the party because you're already in a group with the hireling.
02-18-2010, 02:38 PM
I find it humurous that we get rejected for building non-typical multicalss builds and they are immediately assumed to be gimped. I love buildng multiclass toons, some were miserable failures some were surprisingly good fits.
I've seen some builds that rock that I have looked at and went huh???
Running a mid level quest with a epic specced build is not necessarially going to be of benefit for the quest you area about to run, may even be a detriment if that particular build is in a low spot because they haven't got the gear or feats they need for high level uberness.
Not everyone is building toons for epic endgame content and many of these builds are built to work around some weakness the player has recognized in their toon or their own playstyle. Recognizing ones own weaknesses and working on ways to improve it will lead to ultimate success.
02-18-2010, 02:39 PM
I wish we had an ability to retract a join group as occasionally I ask to join then change my mind about the quest or see someone accepted into the group that I'm not interested in running with.
Oh yeah I'm right there with ya on that one.
02-18-2010, 02:43 PM
Kind of goes back to the Rangers only use ranged weapons and don't know how to effectively kill mobs...remember that arguement back in 2006? :rolleyes:
I had a guy decline me because he said two rangers was two too many and we wouldn't kill anything...I LOL'd. Then 20 minutes later he had a LFM up and asked me if I was still interested...they had wiped...:D
02-19-2010, 07:32 AM
Kind of goes back to the Rangers only use ranged weapons and don't know how to effectively kill mobs...remember that arguement back in 2006? :rolleyes:
I had a guy decline me because he said two rangers was two too many and we wouldn't kill anything...I LOL'd. Then 20 minutes later he had a LFM up and asked me if I was still interested...they had wiped...:D
Well maybe its the first time i say it here and i'm sure some will agree and other will just hate me to say that but it is not everyone who knows how to play a video game. They might find it entertaining but they will always end to suck at it. It is even truer in ddo since the game play isn't just like other mmo and where character customization is surely the most limitless i've seen in multiplayer game. Some will stick to templates, other will explore.... And don't talk about character archetype... :rolleyes:
02-19-2010, 07:57 AM
I wait about one minute after requesting to join a group before sending the leader a tell detailing why my character would be a good addition to their group =)
If there is still no reply, I assume the leader is AFK.
02-19-2010, 08:11 AM
I prefer people to decline. I hate waiting on the end of a limbo stick. Normally if people don't accept my request within 10-15 seconds, I log off and change characters.
I hate it when I'm soloing the same quest they had the LFM up for, and I'm right near the end, and they finally accept my invite and I end up in a party of pikers I can't leave, or even worse they make me wait for them to enter the quest before I can complete.
Totally agree.
Gotten this a few times, they don't even bother to decline.
20 minutes later i usually get a "Your request to join <Insert name>'s group has been declined because the party is full"
I put them on my blacklist because they're annoying.
And do the same to them when they try to join my groups.
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