View Full Version : WTB Adherent's Pendant, WTS +1 DEX Tome

01-13-2010, 08:05 PM
Hi, I'm looking for:
Adherent's Pendant (Superior Devotion IV, Wizardry II (Paladin Ony, umd:12).
Holy GS of Pure good +2 or better. Can also be a 1hd weapon and a good shield.
CON +4 items
WIS +4 items
Wizardry II or more items.

Also a weapon that deals good damage to golems (iron, elemental, clay, etc) is welcome.

Contact me here or ingame: Setta or Khairanis.

WTS +5 DEX gloves
+1 DEX tome.

01-22-2010, 11:49 AM
If you're still looking for an adherants pendant look me up in game.