View Full Version : assassin PVP question

01-08-2010, 06:24 PM
i have some question about assassin classa about pvp.i just love assassin style of playing but last games what i have been playing,assassins are not that good like other classes.in aion they are unusefull,in rappelz are bugged.so..is it assassin class worth of play (my main reson for playing mmorps is PVP) or i pick some other class...sorcer mabye..
aion-50 lv assassin
rappelz-108 lv assassin

01-08-2010, 06:58 PM
is it assassin class worth of play (my main reson for playing mmorps is PVP) or i pick some other class...sorcer mabye..
PVP gameplay does not really work in DDO, and Assassin (Rogue) PVP works even less.

Sorcerer would be a more effective PVP character, but there isn't much to PVP in this game.