View Full Version : Orien’s Master List of Guilds

01-06-2010, 11:02 AM
Orien’s Master List of Guilds

MOST UPDATING IS DONE, Some more guilds to still add and am sure some to change around.

Looking for a guild? Well look no more take a scroll on down and see what we got in store.

If you wish to have your guild listed here please post it in the following format.

- Current Number of Guilds 31~

TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group (1-6), Small (7-15), Medium (16-25), Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Min Level, Race, Class, P2P Adventures Ect.
PLAY TIME: Give a 5 hour block of time when the most people are on normally
CONTACTS: Guild Leader, Officer Ect.
__________________________________________________ _______________
TYPE: Casual, Mostly F2P, Some have P2P
SIZE: Small (7-15)
REQUIREMENTS: No Special requirements to join the Union all you need is a good attitude and the want to have some fun DDo style
PLAY TIME: Give a 5 hour block of time when the most people are on normally
CONTACTS: Guild Leader Morrigin/Verial, Officer Stenn, Braana
DESRIPTION: Small guild of friends that just like to play the game throughout the week. All of us have played other MMOs over the years.
WEB SITE: Site in progress

NAME: Aegis Knights
REQUIREMENTS: Any races or class, prefer level 5+
PLAY TIME: All hours
CONTACTS: Falthor and Ironwulf

NAME: Army of Death
TYPE: Semi-Casual, Raiding
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Level 10+, Must be able to hear voice chat, Active players only, We're mostly P2P/VIP(but we'll accept F2P), All new recruits must apply on the website first...after being accepted an officer will send you an invite.
PLAY TIME: All Hours
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Nimzaraka - Officers: Nimfu, Pugnos, Belladeena, Cryts, Crysys, Spiggot, Whitewind
DESRIPTION:Our main focus is getting our members to the higher levels, getting them geared, and Raiding. When we're not raiding, we're either helping others level up or get flagged for any and all of the raids we plan on doing.
WEB SITE: http://armyofdeath.guildportal.com

NAME: Brotherhood of Blood (Orien)
TYPE: Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P (I may do favor runs to help F2P players gain TP from time-to-time. Will post on site.)
SIZE: Medium
REQUIREMENTS: No restrictions. However, if you are under 21, please behave in a mature way. (Beer jokes accepted and anykind that are funny are allowed.)
PLAY TIME: Not sure yet. Will update in future. I will be on around 6 p.m. (GMT+10)
CONTACTS: Imuya (Leader), Dorae (Officer), Strifex (Officer).
DESRIPTION: A guild that is centered around more experienced members helping out new players. I do favor runs for F2P people from time to time. I ask that you do not abuse this. Rules will be posted on website. Also, join our website. Yes women are allowed to join. It may say Brotherhood but there's no gender discrimination.
WEB SITE: www.brotherhoodofblood.guildportal.com

NAME: Crusaders of Justice
TYPE: Friendly guild with mostly European players that are online on GMT times. Grouping and raiding and helping each other out.
SIZE: 40-50 members atm
REQUIREMENTS: Be nice and be a teamplayer
PLAY TIME: 4-11pm On GMT
CONTACTS: Contact any member to be directed to an officer
We are the friendly people you want to quest with and talk to in guild chat. We never leave a team member behind in a quest and we are too stupid to give up even when the odds are stacked against us.
We are a mixed bunch of like minded people, male and female, with a age range of 19-60
WEB SITE: http://justice.guildportal.com

NAME: CSI Stormreach
TYPE: Casual, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Medium/Large
REQUIREMENTS: Understanding English is a bonus, but not required. As long as you're not "unpleasant" to deal with, you're welcome to join up!
PLAY TIME: 7PM - Midnight, EST
CONTACTS: Guild Leader (Dairen) Officers (Beans, Jjasonn, Sindrow, Ruprect)
DESRIPTION: Always looking for fun people who enjoy questing together. Most members are Premium, though we accept F2P and VIPs as well. The goal is enjoying ourselves, and if that means PVP, Raiding or running Korthos quests on casual, we're up for it!
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-csi_stormreach/so an officer Nimfu....and a few other alts....Nimja, Nimvil, Nimrodd.

NAME: DDO Cast Build Guild
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large (26+)
PLAY TIME: Sundays noon est
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Mockduck
DESRIPTION: The DDOcast Build Guild was created by Innundel and DDOcast creator Jerry Snook (Mockduck) to serve as a place where people can get together and run unusual, "experimental", normal and never-before-played builds in a nonjudgemental and helpful environment. It's also a great way for people who listen to the podcast (and make the show) to have fun questing together. Our "official" meetup time is Sundays starting at Noon, Eastern Time, but the guild is growing to the point that folks are on throughout the week.
WEB SITE: http://ddocast.com/

NAME: Defenders
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: Very Large (~400)
CONTACTS: Kusto, Mordsith, Vianessa, Dayvian, Celinor, Brezren, Zimdar, Nutmeg, Isani, Badgerblayde
DESRIPTION: An open guild that pools buying power, quest tactics, and knowledge. Allied with other large guilds throughout Orien, the Defenders is a group that goes out of its way to invite new and lower level players, while offering vast incentives to players and officers of all levels.
WEB SITE: http://ddodefenders.com

NAME: Defenders of Orien
TYPE: Non RP, casual but moving towards guild group raiding
SIZE: 40 members
REQUIREMENTS: Must be active players
PLAY TIME: 9PM Eastern, members often online at other times
CONTACTS: Send PM or in-game mail to Therigar or send tell to any member
DESCRIPTION: Open to any build or build idea, focus on group success and not individual, strong emphasis on active play and guild groups
ALLIED GUILDS: Red Alert (an all warforged guild)
WEB SITE: http://defenders.guildportal.com

NAME: Epic Fail
TYPE: Premier Raiding Guild, Player -vs- Player
SIZE: Peak hours between 25 and 50 active members
REQUIREMENTS: Excellence in Character, Willingness to Help Others
PLAY TIME: Mostly evenings in the America's
CONTACTS: Guild Leader (Soul) - Contact any officer for recruiting requirements.
DESCRIPTION: This guild is commited to excellence in character. That means being excellent to each other and anyone we encounter in Orien. It also means that we try to make our characters the best they can be, play them to the best of our ability, and pass along our knowledge to those who seek to benefit from it. We are both casual and hard-core. We are both tolerant of new players and min-maxing power-gamers. We are serious about raiding and also favor and farming when necessary. As a foundation of the server it is our goal to progress through the content available in the most efficient manner possible using superior tactics and gamesmanship. We enjoy the challenge of a quest or the thrill of combat within the lobster or any other setting.
WEB SITE: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=342853

NAME: Forgotten Legion
TYPE: Casual, friendly, social based, but we also raid
SIZE: Medium
REQUIREMENTS: Having fun, be respectful, follow our forum rules
PLAY TIME: Evenings on weekdays, all times on the weekends
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Turtle, Officers - Betelgeuse, Dredre, Ceasar, Jimmy, Engelita
DESCRIPTION: We're a casual guild with a few simple rules that takes players of all types. We also run raids on a steady basis but that's not all we do. We just like to kick back and have fun running quests, socializing, dragon watching, or even just shooting the breeze on guild or voice chat.
WEB SITE: http://orienkotd.myfreeforum.org

NAME- For Loot and Glory
TYPE- Fun !!!
SIZE- Large
REQUIREMENTS- We are a no worries guild. The only requirement is no drama. Have fun and loot,loot ,loot till your little hearts content.
PLAYTIME- Mostly someones on all the time
CONTACTS- Guild Leader- Starlissa, Successor- Sgtlaw or mostly anyone u see on can get in touch with one of us or an officer at anytime.
DESCRIPTION- We are semi big but dont recruit just to recruit. We run with our people and make sure they are of the no worries catagory. Our guild chat is lively and people will always lend a helping hand. We like Loot running rares and slayers and will run people through a place they dont know. But we make no demands on your time or character. We are who we wanna be, not who we are "surpose to be"

NAME: iosys
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P [All, Varies]
SIZE: 425+
REQUIREMENTS: A great personality.
CONTACTS: Deplecia/Deeplecia
DESRIPTION: iosys believes in not discriminating against any player unless they exhibit a nasty attitude. All are welcome and there is always someone online. Our levels currently vary from as low as 1 up to 12. Our median is 5.
WEB SITE: http://iosysguildddo.co.cc

NAME: Knights of Saturn
TYPE: Static
SIZE: 8 Currently, expanding to 12
PLAY TIME: 7-11AM EST Saturday Mornings
CONTACTS: Mickey2Toes, Crann
DESRIPTION: Static Groups for Saturday Morning DDo Fun
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-knights_of_saturn/

NAME: Knights of the Dinner Table
TYPE: Casual, freindship based. Make solid freinds while gaming together.
SIZE: I'll pick medium. We have enough members for large, but average the medium size for guildmembers active at one time.
REQUIREMENTS: Courtesy to fellow guildmembers, acceptance of guild rules posted in forum below.
PLAY TIME: We usually have people on most of the time. I don't think it's ever been empty.
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Yeager, Officers - Turtle, Betelgeuse, Dredre, Darvacet, Elavil, Vengyr
DESRIPTION: We are laid back group all about having fun together. We all work together, and we all gain together. There's room for both the casual player and power crazy player in here.
WEB SITE: orienkotd.myfreeforum.org You do not have to register to read the forum. Only to post on it.

TYPE: casual, friendly, mixed f2p/p2p
SIZE: Small
REQUIREMENTS: no crappy attitudes allowed
PLAY TIME: 7-12pm EST (but most of the day, really)
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Eustless. Officers - Glane, Pickt
DESRIPTION: a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. small friendly guild. tries to hunt together and help each other out whenever possible.

NAME:Masters of Dark Arts
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large 150+ members
PLAY TIME: All time zones
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Zanzum or any officer
DESRIPTION: A great guild that works together and are driven by greatness. Become a member of MDA and experience Greatness for yourself.
WEB SITE: mda.guildportal.com

NAME: Meeting of the Lost MInds
TYPE: We are a RP guild and eventually will be raiders.
SIZE: Small. We have a core group of about 8 players right now.
REQ: We ask that you be at least 18 years old.
PLAY TIME: 7pm - 12am EST.
CONTACTS: Rowson, Nonis, Thelakai, Kashaya, Buliwyff.
DESCRIPTION: We are a new guild with new players (noob alert). All of us have spent time in other MMO's. We are currently levels 3-10.
WEBSITE: www.mlm-guild.com

TYPE: Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group (1-6), Small for now working at getting more ppl
REQUIREMENTS: Min Lvl 10 must be active.
CONTACTS: Leader: Shelena, Officers: Llelandra, Dicer
DESRIPTION: We are a casual gaming group that enjoys raiding, questing, and favor farming.
WEB SITE: http://misfitsoforien.guildportal.co...&TabID=2956943 are getting a website soon.

NAME: Monty Pythons
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: To like Monty Pythons, a quiz m8 be presented to u
PLAY TIME: 19:00 - 24:00 (+2 GMT). members often online at other times.
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Yann, Officers - Arnon, Mangara, Ludvich.
DESRIPTION: You should read our Origin Story/script on our forum, though we cant but give some glimpses of our guild purpose and ideas.
“We are no longer the knights who say ni! We are now the knights who say ekki-ekki-ekki-pitang-zoom-boing!”
WEB SITE: http://ddo-monty-pythons.lefora.com

NAME: Naughty Desires
TYPE: Casual, F2P, P2P, VIP
SIZE: Small (but actively recruiting)
REQUIREMENTS: Be a mature player, and like to have fun.
PLAY TIME: Most active, Evenings EST
CONTACTS: Contact any member or visit website and an officer will be in touch.
WEB SITE: http://oriennd.guildportal.com

NAME:Phoenix Dynasty
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P, VIP
SIZE: Small Guild Looking to Expand
REQUIREMENTS: No Minimum Level Required
PLAY TIME: M-F 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST, SS Most of the Day
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: BrucePhoenix, Officer: RayvenEye
DESRIPTION: Guild Members have many years of experience with Pencil & Paper Dungeons & Dragons along with many years playing other MMORPGs
WEB SITE: Currently None

NAME: Red Alert
TYPE: Non RP - but we will flip out and put you fleshbags in your proper place once in awhile when we deem it neccessary. - Other then that, I'd say we are mostly raid/skilled player focused (including those who want to be!). We are also exclusively warforged.
SIZE: 150+, but only about 50 actives atm (not sure how many are alts tho)
REQUIREMENTS: Must be active players, must be of the superior race (WARFORGED? anyone?), must be mature and mellow and fun - sense of humor heavily reccommended.
PLAY TIME: All across the time zones from PST to GMT. Half of our members in the EU, the other half in the americas.
CONTACTS: Just go to who list and look for any Red Alert. Ask for an officer. We are a council-based guild where any and all active players = officers. We have no hierarchy or beauracracy.
DESCRIPTION: We started as a fully open guild to any warforged on orien, and after 2 weeks had 150+ members. Some even coming from other servers to join us, some even coming from DDO in the EU to join us! Since becoming somewhat established, we are now more focused on finding other mature, fun loving, nice players who want to enjoy the game and who of course, play the only race that matters - warforged. We have a partner guild - Defenders of Orien - that takes in any alts our members have that are fleshies. We seek active players. You dont have to be a vet, you dont have to be a newbie, but you do have to be interested in learning what you dont know and working together. We are doing alot of raiding currently as our members are leveling out, and we are spearheading an orien raid alliance between us and a handful of other guilds.
ALLIED GUILDS: Crusaders of Justice, Defenders of Orien, Epic Fail
WEB SITE: http://www.guildportal.com/guild/340157

NAME: Sabbath Day Slaughter
TYPE: Static
SIZE: Group (1-6)
REQUIREMENTS: Availability to play Sunday mornings,
PLAY TIME: Sundays, 8 am to 12 pm GMT -6
CONTACTS: Marooque
DESRIPTION: Static group, looking for members.
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-sabbath_day_slaughter

NAME: Silver Shield
TYPE: RP, Casual, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group 4 members at the moment - looking to expand
REQUIREMENTS: Be open minded and Rp your characters
PLAY TIME: 4pm-11pm Central Time
DESRIPTION: Currently a small semiRP guild, looking to get organized and grow.
WEB SITE: silvershield.guildportal.com

NAME: The Gutbuster Brigade
REQUIREMENTS: Everyone, everything, every race, every class
CONTACTS: Tactis Bronzebottom
New server, new guild. The Gutbuster Brigade is a group of adventuring players looking to have a good time in DDO, without somebody constantly grinding their backs because they're confused about something. We are completely open to everyone, both Veterans and Newbies (after all, Orien itself is new!), and are willing to teach/help you with anything you need. We do dungeons together, with plans to raid once the guild gets higher-up in the level chain.

NAME: The High Council
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: 45+
REQUIREMENTS: Stoner friendly
PLAY TIME: Almost always
CONTACTS: Greenmachine, Alythrae, Hammerhands, Wynnd, Wulften, Horded, or any member you see.
DESRIPTION: We're a very laid back guild that likes to have fun. We're friendly and always looking for new members. We have a vent and

NAME: The Holy Quail
TYPE: Casual, F2P and P2P, Raiding
SIZE: Medium
REQUIREMENTS: All players accepted
PLAY TIME: Varies - Members from US and Europe
CONTACTS: Guild Leader = Percieus. Contact any Officer or Member to join.
DESRIPTION: A fun, friendly and fairly casual guild, THQ is run for its member by its members, with anyone and everyone encouraged to initiate guild activities. We also have a special focus on helping and advising new players.
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-the-holy-quail/

NAME: The Legion
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Min Level 4, Race Any, Class Any
PLAY TIME: 19:00 to 00:00 EST
CONTACTS: Guild Leader Hailz, Officers Nishoba, Eodeem, Fodeem, Psiblade, Vycerous.
DESCRIPTION: A casual guild to DDO'ers who doesn't need to take things too serious and just want to have some fun playing DDO. Mostly mature players in our ranks. The guild was founded by the former "The Gutbusters Brigade" member Hailfire amount some other ex-members including myself (Deem), Vadoris and Takhisis. The name was initially inspired by the movie named The Legion. SITE: http://www.thelegion1.mmoguildsites.com/

NAME: The Order of the Millennium Star
TYPE: Light RP, Casual
SIZE: Currently Small (7-15 Players)
REQUIREMENTS: No requirements, New Recruits are asked to attend one of our Guild events so we can take down general info on you
PLAY TIME: Currently 7p - 11p Eastern Pacific
CONTACTS: * Guild Leader Quintilian * Officers - Alundra, Bhaator, Genocidal, Trespassers
DESRIPTION: We at the Order are relaxed players looking for freethinking, relaxed players like ourselves. Friendly staff are always on to help out if you have any questions about the world of Eberron. We are currently planning raids on the weekends, and a guild meeting every other Wednesday to map-out the general activity of new recruits, to better inform the DDO community.
WEB SITE: http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Order...illennium_Star

NAME: The Permadeath Guild
TYPE: Permadeath
CONTACTS: Contact any member to be directed to an officer
1. No P.U.G. (PickUp Group) outside ally permadeath guilds after Level 4
2. You can only be resurrected from spells, items & non DDO Store Cakes. No Rez Shrines or DDO Store Items.
3. You can only resurrected a total of 1/2 your level.
WEB SITE: http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/The_Permadeath_Guild

NAME: The Transcendent Order
TYPE: Casual, RP Friendly
REQUIREMENTS: All races/classes/levels welcome
CONTACTS: Eun (leader) or Zeskiira (officer)
This guild, formed December 2009, was made by Cipher fans, for Cipher fans. We recognize some people just want to join the guild for the name (and have). The Ciphers are a very laid-back group of folks so we're not going to set any big rules on you. You are free to go at your own pace; whether that pace is as fast as a Tiefling's trickery or as slow as a Bleaker's smile. We only ask that you are polite, self-sufficient, and stick to DDO's gaming rules.

NAME:United Dungeon Runners
TYPE: Casual P2p and F2p welcome
SIZE: Group getting Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS:Active** 2 month inactive kick!
PLAY TIME: Were from the U.S. Canada, International too :P We play all hours day and night
CONTACTS: NewVita Guild Leader, Tankie Officer, For faster response Search Who listing for any member or sign up threw the web..
DESRIPTION:Active Adult crowd with serious multiclass and Pure Unique builds and playstyle..Raid Alliances have been made. We have experienced knowledgeble friendly players looking to group and end this game....
WEB SITE:Http://Udr.guildportal.com Website is unique as our members please use it!@!

NAME:Wayward Lobster
TYPE: PvP optimist, RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: small~growing (20+)
REQUIREMENTS: PvP optimist, we will call on you to pawn. Willing to play with new players a must.
PLAY TIME: All time zones
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Shadowsaun or any officer
DESCRIPTION: A small and growing guild of new players and vets alike. We aim to play and level together and also have pvp events. There are no fees and all are welcome.
WEB SITE: Using this site currently. Contact us in game or PM me directly.

NAME: Weed Warriors
TYPE: Casual, Social
SIZE: Smallish Guild Looking to Expand
REQUIREMENTS: No Minimum Level Required
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Roachee Officers: Kronnik, Snikrdoodle, Thewillmccoy, Canni, Marleybob
DESRIPTION: We are a guild dedicated to having FUN. Always looking for laid back, "green" players to join us .

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Betrothal of Honor
Orien Raiders
The League of Extraordinary Ham
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01-06-2010, 12:25 PM
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NAME: Knights of Saturn
CONTACTS: Contact any member to be directed to an officer
We are the friendly people you want to quest with and talk to in guild chat. We never leave a team member behind in a quest and we are too stupid to give up even when the odds are stacked against us.
We are a mixed bunch of like minded people, male and female, with a age range of 19-60
WEB SITE: http://gw-crusadersofjustice.com/forums/index.php

__________________________________________________ _______________

Hi we are the Crusaders of justice not the knights of saturn :)
Play time is mostly after 6pm GMT but people are on in the day and all day weekends :)

01-06-2010, 01:01 PM

Opps Sry about that Lady Alhana. Copy and paste can be evil

01-07-2010, 11:19 AM
Glad to see that you have been watching us advertising, just got the guild Website up in the Compendium today, i'll give you the full load right here.

NAME: The Order of the Millennium Star
TYPE: Light RP, Casual
SIZE: Currently Small (7-16 Players)
REQUIREMENTS: No requirements, New Recruits are asked to attend one of our Guild events so we can take down general info on you
PLAY TIME: Currently 7p - 11p Eastern Pacific
CONTACTS: * Guild Leader Quintilian * Officers - Alundra, Bhaator, Genocidal, Trespassers
DESRIPTION: We at the Order are relaxed players looking for freethinking, relaxed players like ourselves. Friendly staff are always on to help out if you have any questions about the world of Eberron. We are currently planning raids on the weekends, and a guild meeting every other Wednesday to map-out the general activity of new recruits, to better inform the DDO community.
WEB SITE: http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Order_of_the_Millennium_Star

due to the website being urled, it was shortened, so the url address didnt paste over when you edited the master list, be sure to enter the website and copy and paste from there instead, as copy and pasting a shortened version of the actual url doesn't work


~ Trespassers Will and Yog Sothoth of the Orien Server

01-07-2010, 12:31 PM
Edit: Prior content no longer accurate.

01-08-2010, 01:30 AM
Name : Betrothal of Honour

Type : RP

Size : small (so far)

Requirements : members should be keen RPers and prepared to contribute to guild actvities

Play Time : mostly after midnight GMT

Contacts : Leader - Shifu ; Officer : Dragonus

Description : general action, but we seek to promote roleplaying: see our detailed thread below

Web Site : www.guildportal.com/guild/341509

01-12-2010, 11:48 AM
NAME: Monty Pythons
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: To like Monty Pythons, a quiz m8 be presented to u ;)
PLAY TIME: 19:00 - 24:00 (+2 GMT). members often online at other times.
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Yann, Officers - Arnon, Mangara, Ludvich.
DESRIPTION: You should read our Origin Story/script on our forum, though we cant but give some glimpses of our guild purpose and ideas.
“We are no longer the knights who say ni! We are now the knights who say ekki-ekki-ekki-pitang-zoom-boing!”
WEB SITE: http://ddo-monty-pythons.lefora.com

01-12-2010, 01:34 PM
NAME: Knights of Saturn
TYPE: Static
SIZE: 8 Currently, expanding to 12
PLAY TIME: 7-11AM EST Saturday Mornings
CONTACTS: Mickey2Toes, Crann
DESRIPTION: Static Groups for Saturday Morning DDo Fun
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-knights_of_saturn/

01-13-2010, 02:18 PM
NAME:Phoenix Dynasty
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P, VIP
SIZE: Small Guild Looking to Expand
REQUIREMENTS: No Minimum Level Required
PLAY TIME: M-F 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST, SS Most of the Day
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: BrucePhoenix, Officer: RayvenEye
DESRIPTION: Guild Members have many years of experience with Pencil & Paper Dungeons & Dragons along with many years playing other MMORPGs
WEB SITE: Currently None

01-13-2010, 03:51 PM
NAME: The League of Extraordinary Ham

***Hamsters have joined up with Forgotten Legion. Please feel free to f/u with us at http://orienkotd.myfreeforum.org***



01-14-2010, 09:07 AM
Hi there

I added a little info to Crusaders of Justice - mainly because the time was off - we play on GMT times not EST or whatever. Since we are mostly European players its good that that is clarified so people know the odd hours.

So here it goes - feel free to copy and paste:

NAME: Crusaders of Justice
TYPE:Friendly guild with mostly European players that are online on GMT times. Grouping and raiding and helping each other out.
SIZE:40-50 members atm
REQUIREMENTS:Be nice and be a teamplayer
PLAY TIME: 4-11pm On GMT
CONTACTS: Contact any member to be directed to an officer
We are the friendly people you want to quest with and talk to in guild chat. We never leave a team member behind in a quest and we are too stupid to give up even when the odds are stacked against us.
We are a mixed bunch of like minded people, male and female, with a age range of 19-60
WEB SITE: http://gw-crusadersofjustice.com/forums/index.php

01-16-2010, 03:11 AM
NAME: Red Alert
TYPE: Non RP - but we will flip out and put you fleshbags in your proper place once in awhile when we deem it neccessary. ;) - Other then that, I'd say we are mostly raid/skilled player focused (including those who want to be!). We are also exclusively warforged.
SIZE: 150+, but only about 50 actives atm (not sure how many are alts tho)
REQUIREMENTS: Must be active players, must be of the superior race (WARFORGED? anyone?), must be mature and mellow and fun ;) - sense of humor heavily reccommended.
PLAY TIME: All across the time zones from PST to GMT. Half of our members in the EU, the other half in the americas.
CONTACTS: Just go to who list and look for any Red Alert. Ask for an officer. We are a council-based guild where any and all active players = officers. We have no hierarchy or beauracracy.
DESCRIPTION: We started as a fully open guild to any warforged on orien, and after 2 weeks had 150+ members. Some even coming from other servers to join us, some even coming from DDO in the EU to join us! Since becoming somewhat established, we are now more focused on finding other mature, fun loving, nice players who want to enjoy the game and who of course, play the only race that matters - warforged. We have a partner guild - Defenders of Orien - that takes in any alts our members have that are fleshies. We seek active players. You dont have to be a vet, you dont have to be a newbie, but you do have to be interested in learning what you dont know and working together. We are doing alot of raiding currently as our members are leveling out, and we are spearheading an orien raid alliance between us and a handful of other guilds.
ALLIED GUILDS: Crusaders of Justice, Defenders of Orien, Epic Fail
WEB SITE: http://www.guildportal.com/guild/340157

had to put some red in there...for namesake ;)

01-16-2010, 12:12 PM
NAME: Knights of the Dinner Table
TYPE: Casual, freindship based. Make solid freinds while gaming together.
SIZE: I'll pick medium. We have enough members for large, but average the medium size for guildmembers active at one time.
REQUIREMENTS: Courtesy to fellow guildmembers, acceptance of guild rules posted in forum below.
PLAY TIME: We usually have people on most of the time. I don't think it's ever been empty.
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Yeager, Officers - Turtle, Betelgeuse, Dredre, Darvacet, Elavil, Vengyr
DESRIPTION: We are laid back group all about having fun together. We all work together, and we all gain together. There's room for both the casual player and power crazy player in here.
WEB SITE: orienkotd.myfreeforum.org You do not have to register to read the forum. :) Only to post on it.

01-16-2010, 04:14 PM
NAME: iosys
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P [All, Varies]
SIZE: 425+
REQUIREMENTS: A great personality.
CONTACTS: Deplecia/Deeplecia
DESRIPTION: iosys believes in not discriminating against any player unless they exhibit a nasty attitude. All are welcome and there is always someone online. Our levels currently vary from as low as 1 up to 12. Our median is 5.
WEB SITE: http://iosysguildddo.co.cc

01-23-2010, 04:17 AM
NAME:United Dungeon Runners
TYPE: Casual P2p and F2p welcome
SIZE: Group getting Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS:Active** 2 month inactive kick!
PLAY TIME: Were from the U.S. Canada, International too :P We play all hours day and night
CONTACTS: NewVita Guild Leader, Tankie Officer, For faster response Search Who listing for any member or sign up threw the web..
DESRIPTION:Active Adult crowd with serious multiclass and Pure Unique builds and playstyle..Raid Alliances have been made. We have experienced knowledgeble friendly players looking to group and end this game....
WEB SITE:Http://Udr.guildportal.com Website is unique as our members please use it!@!

01-24-2010, 03:08 AM
NAME: Epic Fail
TYPE: Premier Raiding Guild, Player -vs- Player
SIZE: Peak hours between 25 and 50 active members
REQUIREMENTS: Excellence in Character, Willingness to Help Others
PLAY TIME: Mostly evenings in the America's
CONTACTS: Guild Leader (Soul) - Contact any officer for recruiting requirements.
DESCRIPTION: This guild is commited to excellence in character. That means being excellent to each other and anyone we encounter in Orien. It also means that we try to make our characters the best they can be, play them to the best of our ability, and pass along our knowledge to those who seek to benefit from it. We are both casual and hard-core. We are both tolerant of new players and min-maxing power-gamers. We are serious about raiding and also favor and farming when necessary. As a foundation of the server it is our goal to progress through the content available in the most efficient manner possible using superior tactics and gamesmanship. We enjoy the challenge of a quest or the thrill of combat within the lobster or any other setting.
WEB SITE: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=342853

01-25-2010, 11:23 AM
NAME: Quite a Character
TYPE: 24/7 RP guild (always IC)
SIZE: small at the time
REQUIREMENTS: We need some good tale spinners, not necessarilly old ones, but ones willing to try.
CONTACTS: Leader - Lorrey; Succesor - Druell
DESCRIPTION: We are a band of all misfits, loners, crusaders, tale spinners, and travellers devoted to making the most out of storys and bringing back the meaning of RPG. We log on and never break character while we're with guild mates but with private chat. We'll try anything you'd like, as long as you are quite a character.

01-25-2010, 03:22 PM
So who is actually recruiting?

01-25-2010, 03:45 PM
all of them are To see what the guild is looking for look under REQUIREMENTS. Thiers all even more guilds then listed here that have not requested to have thier information imputed.

01-26-2010, 08:32 AM
all of them are To see what the guild is looking for look under REQUIREMENTS. Thiers all even more guilds then listed here that have not requested to have thier information imputed.

Bethrothal of Honor is dead. If any officer there cares to prove me wrong, please do.

This link:
says Gutbusters is dead. I have no personal knowledge whether that is true.

02-01-2010, 12:01 AM
The Dragons Tapestry is also dead. I joined for one day in December and found myself without a guild the next time I logged in a few days later.

02-03-2010, 09:46 PM
NAME:Masters of Dark Arts
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large 150+ members
PLAY TIME: All time zones
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Zanzum or any officer
DESRIPTION: A great guild that works together and are driven by greatness. Become a member of MDA and experience Greatness for yourself.
WEB SITE: mda.guildportal.com

02-21-2010, 03:29 PM
Crusaders of Justice has a new website


If u can change it for us please :)

02-23-2010, 02:30 PM
Please add our guid to the list

NAME: The Legion
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Min Level 4, Race Any, Class Any
PLAY TIME: 19:00 to 00:00 EST
CONTACTS: Guild Leader Hailz, Officers Nishoba, Eodeem, Fodeem, Psiblade, Vycerous.
DESCRIPTION: A casual guild to DDO'ers who doesn't need to take things too serious and just want to have some fun playing DDO. Mostly mature players in our ranks. The guild was founded by the former "The Gutbusters Brigade" member Hailfire amount some other ex-members including myself (Deem), Vadoris and Takhisis. The name was initially inspired by the movie named The Legion.
WEB SITE: http://www.thelegion1.mmoguildsites.com/

02-24-2010, 01:28 AM
TYPE: casual, friendly, mixed f2p/p2p
SIZE: Small
REQUIREMENTS: no crappy attitudes allowed
PLAY TIME: 7-12pm EST (but most of the day, really)
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Eustless. Officers - Glane, Pickt
DESRIPTION: a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. small friendly guild. tries to hunt together and help each other out whenever possible.

02-26-2010, 04:00 AM
Hi there

Crusaders of Justice have got a new shiny webpage so i hope u can change the old link in the master list.


02-26-2010, 05:28 PM
NAME: Silver Shield
TYPE: RP, Casual, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group 4 members at the moment - looking to expand
REQUIREMENTS: Be open minded and Rp your characters
PLAY TIME: 4pm-11pm Central Time
DESRIPTION: Currently a small semiRP guild, looking to get organized and grow.
WEB SITE: silvershield.guildportal.com

03-21-2010, 12:48 PM
NAME: Sabbath Day Slaughter
TYPE: Static
SIZE: Group (1-6)
REQUIREMENTS: Availability to play Sunday mornings,
PLAY TIME: Sundays, 8 am to 12 pm GMT -6
CONTACTS: Marooque
DESRIPTION: Static group, looking for members.
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-sabbath_day_slaughter

03-21-2010, 04:19 PM
NAME: Naughty Desires
TYPE: Casual, F2P, P2P, VIP
SIZE: Small (but actively recruiting)
REQUIREMENTS: Be a mature player, and like to have fun.
PLAY TIME: Most active, Evenings EST
CONTACTS: Contact any member or visit website and an officer will be in touch.
WEB SITE: http://oriennd.guildportal.com

03-22-2010, 06:25 AM
NAME: The High Council
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: 45+
REQUIREMENTS: Stoner friendly
PLAY TIME: Almost always
CONTACTS: Greenmachine, Alythrae, Hammerhands, Wynnd, Wulften, Horded, or any member you see.
DESRIPTION: We're a very laid back guild that likes to have fun. We're friendly and always looking for new members. We have a vent and are getting a website soon.

03-22-2010, 10:08 AM
NAME: Knights of the Dinner Table
TYPE: Casual, freindly, social based.
SIZE: Medium, to small affluence, depend on time of day.
REQUIREMENTS: Having fun and been respectfull
PLAY TIME: We usually have people on most of the time.
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Vengyr, Officers - Aedin, Elavil, Illiana, Redxrage, Selinniel, Yaegar, Dhon, Halena
DESRIPTION: A guild just to have a chance for player to come togheter and have a chance to play in this great game. No biggy rules and obligations. Power player abstain, you'll just be desapointed.
WEB SITE: None at the present moment.

03-28-2010, 02:11 AM

03-28-2010, 05:10 AM
TYPE: Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group (1-6), Small for now working at getting more ppl
REQUIREMENTS: Min Lvl 10 must be active.
CONTACTS: Leader: Shelena, Officers: Llelandra, Dicer
DESRIPTION: We are a casual gaming group that enjoys raiding, questing, and favor farming.
WEB SITE: http://misfitsoforien.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=353200&TabID=2956943

03-29-2010, 12:54 PM
NAME: DDO Cast Build Guild
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Large (26+)
PLAY TIME: Sundays noon est
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Mockduck
DESRIPTION: The DDOcast Build Guild was created by Innundel and DDOcast creator Jerry Snook (Mockduck) to serve as a place where people can get together and run unusual, "experimental", normal and never-before-played builds in a nonjudgemental and helpful environment. It's also a great way for people who listen to the podcast (and make the show) to have fun questing together. Our "official" meetup time is Sundays starting at Noon, Eastern Time, but the guild is growing to the point that folks are on throughout the week.
WEB SITE: http://ddocast.com/

03-30-2010, 07:50 AM
NAME: Epic Fail
TYPE: Premier Raiding Guild, Player -vs- Player
SIZE: Peak hours between 25 and 50 active members total 155 members
REQUIREMENTS: Excellence in Character, Willingness to Help Others
PLAY TIME: Mostly evenings in the America's
CONTACTS: Guild Leader (Spanken) - Contact spanken in game via mail for recruitment procedures
DESCRIPTION: This guild is commited to excellence in character. That means being excellent to each other and anyone we encounter in Orien. It also means that we try to make our characters the best they can be, play them to the best of our ability, and pass along our knowledge to those who seek to benefit from it. We are both casual and hard-core. We are both tolerant of new players and min-maxing power-gamers. We are serious about raiding and also favor and farming when necessary. As a foundation of the server it is our goal to progress through the content available in the most efficient manner possible using superior tactics and gamesmanship. We enjoy the challenge of a quest or the thrill of combat within the lobster or any other setting.
WEB SITE: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=342853

04-08-2010, 07:32 PM
NAME- For Loot and Glory
TYPE- Fun !!!
SIZE- Large
REQUIREMENTS- We are a no worries guild. The only requirement is no drama. Have fun and loot,loot ,loot till your little hearts content.
PLAYTIME- Mostly someones on all the time
CONTACTS- Guild Leader- Starlissa, Successor- Sgtlaw or mostly anyone u see on can get in touch with one of us or an officer at anytime.
DESCRIPTION- We are semi big but dont recruit just to recruit. We run with our people and make sure they are of the no worries catagory. Our guild chat is lively and people will always lend a helping hand. We like Loot running rares and slayers and will run people through a place they dont know. But we make no demands on your time or character. We are who we wanna be, not who we are "surpose to be"

04-12-2010, 07:32 AM
NAME: Defenders
TYPE: Casual
SIZE: Very Large (~400)
CONTACTS: Kusto, Mordsith, Vianessa, Dayvian, Celinor, Brezren, Zimdar, Nutmeg, Isani, Badgerblayde
DESRIPTION: An open guild that pools buying power, quest tactics, and knowledge. Allied with other large guilds throughout Orien, the Defenders is a group that goes out of its way to invite new and lower level players, while offering vast incentives to players and officers of all levels.
WEB SITE: http://ddodefenders.com

04-21-2010, 11:16 AM
NAME:Wayward Lobster
TYPE: PvP optimist, RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: small~growing (20+)
REQUIREMENTS: PvP optimist, we will call on you to pawn. Willing to play with new players a must.
PLAY TIME: All time zones
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Shadowsaun or any officer
DESCRIPTION: A small and growing guild of new players and vets alike. We aim to play and level together and also have pvp events. There are no fees and all are welcome.
WEB SITE: Using this site currently. Contact us in game or PM me directly.

04-21-2010, 11:18 PM
NAME: Forgotten Legion
TYPE: Casual, friendly, social based, but we also raid
SIZE: Medium
REQUIREMENTS: Having fun, be respectful, follow our forum rules
PLAY TIME: Evenings on weekdays, all times on the weekends
CONTACTS: Guild Leader - Turtle, Officers - Betelgeuse, Dredre, Ceasar, Jimmy, Engelita
DESCRIPTION: We're a casual guild with a few simple rules that takes players of all types. We also run raids on a steady basis but that's not all we do. We just like to kick back and have fun running quests, socializing, dragon watching, or even just shooting the breeze on guild or voice chat.
WEB SITE: http://orienkotd.myfreeforum.org

04-29-2010, 07:35 PM
NAME: Orien Raiders
TYPE: Casual to an extent, working on raiding and getting the guild geared/ready for raids
SIZE: Large, 30 + members and counting
REQUIREMENTS: Check your ego at the door, have some concept of what teamwork means, 18+ years of age
PLAY TIME: Most of us have no life and members are generally on at all hours of the day/night
CONTACTS: (GM) Boomstick, Boomster, Boominator
Officers: Mirkava, Raviage, Lusenut, Indiagie, Arabesque, Charlandra
DESCRIPTION: Orien Raiders is a TEAM oriented guild. We help each other out with a variety of things and do not hold a holier than thou attitude that some raiders do. Having said that let me explain that while we do not have a problem with helping you, we also expect you to help yourself. You should play what you enjoy, but also do the necessary research in order to play your best game. We don't do zerg fests unless it's a group of us that have done whatever quest/farming so much that we could run it in our sleep (Ex: Tapestry farming) but we will not run off and leave people behind.
WEB SITE: http://orienraiders.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=355145&TabID=2973413

05-14-2010, 08:11 AM
NAME: The Holy Quail
TYPE: Casual, F2P and P2P, Raiding
SIZE: Medium
REQUIREMENTS: All players accepted
PLAY TIME: Varies - Members from US and Europe
CONTACTS: Guild Leader = Percieus. Contact any Officer or Member to join.
DESRIPTION: A fun, friendly and fairly casual guild, THQ is run for its member by its members, with anyone and everyone encouraged to initiate guild activities. We also have a special focus on helping and advising new players.
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-the-holy-quail/

05-14-2010, 10:14 AM
NAME: Orien Raiders
TYPE: Casual to an extent, working on raiding and getting the guild geared/ready for raids
SIZE: Large, 30 + members and counting
REQUIREMENTS: Check your ego at the door, have some concept of what teamwork means, 18+ years of age
PLAY TIME: Most of us have no life and members are generally on at all hours of the day/night
CONTACTS: (GM) Boomstick, Boomster, Boominator
Officers: Mirkava, Raviage, Lusenut, Indiagie, Arabesque, Charlandra
DESCRIPTION: Orien Raiders is a TEAM oriented guild. We help each other out with a variety of things and do not hold a holier than thou attitude that some raiders do. Having said that let me explain that while we do not have a problem with helping you, we also expect you to help yourself. You should play what you enjoy, but also do the necessary research in order to play your best game. We don't do zerg fests unless it's a group of us that have done whatever quest/farming so much that we could run it in our sleep (Ex: Tapestry farming) but we will not run off and leave people behind.
WEB SITE: http://orienraiders.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=355145&TabID=2973413

Please disassociate Mirkava, Raviage, Indiagie and Arabesque from this guild.

05-19-2010, 06:22 PM
NAME: Meeting of the Lost MInds
TYPE: We are a RP guild and eventually will be raiders.
SIZE: Small. We have a core group of about 8 players right now.
REQ: We ask that you be at least 18 years old.
PLAY TIME: 7pm - 12am EST.
CONTACTS: Rowson, Nonis, Thelakai, Kashaya, Buliwyff.
DESCRIPTION: We are a new guild with new players (noob alert). All of us have spent time in other MMO's. We are currently levels 3-10.
WEBSITE: www.mlm-guild.com

05-21-2010, 02:21 PM
Over Raided isn't listed. Someone have a link to their website?

05-22-2010, 05:03 PM
A lot of guilds arent listed, and also a lot of the guilds that are listed have gone through a lot of changes, such as Epic Fail is no longer run by Soul, RA is no longer WF only. The OP might want to consider updating this list.

05-22-2010, 10:50 PM
Remove Orien Raiders from this list please, the GM and a couple of his buddies decided to secretively move to another server because they lacked the gestational fortitude to tell their fellow guildies.

05-27-2010, 04:21 PM
NAME: Aegis Knights
TYPE: RP, Non RP, Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Group (1-6), Small (7-15), Medium (16-25), Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Any races or class, prefer level 5+
PLAY TIME: All hours
CONTACTS: Falthor and Ironwulf

06-05-2010, 02:55 PM
NAME: The Weed Warriors
TYPE: Casual, Social
SIZE: Smallish Guild Looking to Expand
REQUIREMENTS: No Minimum Level Required
PLAY TIME: Random ;)
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Roachee Officers: Kronnik, Snikrdoodle, Thewillmccoy, Canni, Marleybob
DESRIPTION: We are a guild dedicated to having FUN. Always looking for laid back, "green" players to join us :).

06-05-2010, 09:17 PM
NAME: The League of Extraordinary Ham

***Hamsters have joined up with Forgotten Legion. Please feel free to f/u with us at http://orienkotd.myfreeforum.org***



06-06-2010, 12:06 AM
NAME: Army of Death
TYPE: Semi-Casual, Raiding
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Level 10+, Must be able to hear voice chat, Active players only, We're mostly P2P/VIP(but we'll accept F2P), All new recruits must apply on the website first...after being accepted an officer will send you an invite.
PLAY TIME: All Hours
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Nimzaraka - Officers: Nimfu, Pugnos, Belladeena, Cryts, Crysys, Spiggot, Whitewind
DESRIPTION:Our main focus is getting our members to the higher levels, getting them geared, and Raiding. When we're not raiding, we're either helping others level up or get flagged for any and all of the raids we plan on doing.
WEB SITE: http://armyofdeath.guildportal.com

I am the leader of this guild - Nimzaraka....also an officer Nimfu....and a few other alts....Nimja, Nimvil, Nimrodd.

06-06-2010, 02:46 PM
NAME: CSI Stormreach
TYPE: Casual, F2P, P2P
SIZE: Medium/Large
REQUIREMENTS: Understanding English is a bonus, but not required. As long as you're not "unpleasant" to deal with, you're welcome to join up!
PLAY TIME: 7PM - Midnight, EST
CONTACTS: Guild Leader (Dairen) Officers (Beans, Jjasonn, Sindrow, Ruprect)
DESRIPTION: Always looking for fun people who enjoy questing together. Most members are Premium, though we accept F2P and VIPs as well. The goal is enjoying ourselves, and if that means PVP, Raiding or running Korthos quests on casual, we're up for it!
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-csi_stormreach/

06-07-2010, 12:24 PM
I am working on updating it and I should have most changes that I can see throughout the post done by the end of today. The hardest part is the fact I took a month break from the game and am now trying to update this list well going through 2 pages of post.

As I said in the main post I’d prefer it if people would PM me instead of making a post but I also understand it’s just easier to post.

Some rule changes I will be making though is if the poster is not listed as an officer or Leader of the guild they are posting about then their post will be ignored so as to prevent false information from getting into the list.

06-08-2010, 01:26 AM
NAME: Brotherhood of Blood (Orien)
TYPE: Casual, Raiding, F2P, P2P (I may do favor runs to help F2P players gain TP from time-to-time. Will post on site.)
SIZE: Medium
REQUIREMENTS: No restrictions. However, if you are under 21, please behave in a mature way. (Beer jokes accepted and anykind that are funny are allowed.)
PLAY TIME: Not sure yet. Will update in future. I will be on around 6 p.m. (GMT+10)
CONTACTS: Imuya (Leader), Dorae (Officer), Strifex (Officer).
DESRIPTION: A guild that is centered around more experienced members helping out new players. I do favor runs for F2P people from time to time. I ask that you do not abuse this. Rules will be posted on website. Also, join our website. Yes women are allowed to join. It may say Brotherhood but there's no gender discrimination.
WEB SITE: www.brotherhoodofblood.guildportal.com

I'm the leader of this guild. Imuya = Ayumi

06-27-2010, 03:30 AM
NAME: Epic Fail
TYPE: Premier Raiding Guild
SIZE: Peak hours between 25 and 50 active members
REQUIREMENTS: Excellence in Character, Willingness to Help Others
PLAY TIME: Mostly evenings in the America's
CONTACTS: Guild Leader (Spanken) - Contact any officer for recruiting requirements.
DESCRIPTION: This guild is commited to excellence in character. That means being excellent to each other and anyone we encounter in Orien. It also means that we try to make our characters the best they can be, play them to the best of our ability, and pass along our knowledge to those who seek to benefit from it. We are both casual and hard-core. We are both tolerant of new players and min-maxing power-gamers. We are serious about raiding and also favor and farming when necessary. As a foundation of the server it is our goal to progress through the content available in the most efficient manner possible using superior tactics and gamesmanship. We enjoy the challenge of a quest or the thrill of combat within the lobster or any other setting.
WEB SITE: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=342853

06-27-2010, 01:05 PM
NAME: Little dogs
TYPE: Casual, F2P, P2P, Raiding, Social, Role-playing, PvP, Fun
SIZE: 67 and growing (well..in members..not height:))
REQUIREMENTS: Must be under 4 feet tall. (Halflings only)
CATEGORY: Noob friendly
CONTACTS: Razzinhellin (Leader), Molon, Kimosabe
DESCRIPTION: "Destroy all that which is evil so that all that is good may flourish." If you are a Halfling then this
is your Guild.
WEB SITE: Pending
MOTTO: "It's not the size of the Dog in the fight...It's the size of the fight in the Dog!"

07-21-2010, 03:05 PM
I'm loving this list....it's an awesome place to find a guild easily. I personally think it should be stickied.

07-23-2010, 03:54 PM
to get in none size around 400 whre just a fun guild

08-02-2010, 09:05 AM
NAME ArmyofDeath

TYPE pve some pvp

SIZE small guild of 8 or 9 of us mainly all of us live in alaska and are close frinds.

REQUIREMENTS willing to help others play level or just to bs its cool to hang out to we play at all time just maters if we are geting drunk or playing lol and happy 420. makeing all grinds good

CATEGORY fun guild

CONTACTS Windcharmer(Leader),cmahan,

we have a web site but it is for bfbc2 http://armyofdeath-clan.com/index.php

we are not the other army of death

Army of Death

NAME: Army of Death
TYPE: Semi-Casual, Raiding
SIZE: Large (26+)
REQUIREMENTS: Level 10+, Must be able to hear voice chat, Active players only, We're mostly P2P/VIP(but we'll accept F2P), All new recruits must apply on the website first...after being accepted an officer will send you an invite.
PLAY TIME: All Hours
CONTACTS: Guild Leader: Nimzaraka - Officers: Nimfu, Pugnos, Belladeena, Cryts, Crysys, Spiggot, Whitewind
DESRIPTION:Our main focus is getting our members to the higher levels, getting them geared, and Raiding. When we're not raiding, we're either helping others level up or get flagged for any and all of the raids we plan on doing.
WEB SITE: http://armyofdeath.guildportal.com

I am the leader of this guild - Nimzaraka....also an officer Nimfu....and a few other alts....Nimja, Nimvil, Nimrodd.

08-04-2010, 12:56 PM
NAME: Misfits and Malcontents
TYPE: Casual, F2P, Solo, Flexible
SIZE: Small
REQUIREMENTS: Login once a month, don't harass other members. Everything else is covered by Turbine's TOS.
PLAY TIME: Around 18:00 - 00:00GMT (10am, 3pm, 7pm PST)
CONTACTS: Sahrian (Leader), Jaisun (Officer), Hagworth (Treasurer)
DESCRIPTION: Misfits and Malcontents (m&m's), was created for the purpose of rogue players (not characters but you as a player) to benefit from the new guild leveling system. We offer an easy going atmosphere that is very solo friendly, but open to the occasional party of convenience. The guild only demands that you login once a month and do not harass other members. Generally the guild chat is Q&A about things that come up while playing DDO with the occasional curiosity about other members experiences. We do not rule on who you can party with, what you do with your loot/rewards or your style of play (go ahead and try that 6/2/6/6 build you've been dreaming of). With m&m's you play your game, not ours.
WEB SITE: http://my.ddo.com/guild-orien-misfits_and_malcontents/

08-11-2010, 12:36 AM
Update for United Dungeon Runners....

Leadership rotates among the senior officers. If you are looking for a guild, let any member know and we'll run with you a few times. If it's a fit on both ends, you're in!

08-12-2010, 02:38 PM
NAME: Unguilded
TYPE: Pseudo-guild
SIZE: Small/medium
CONTACTS: Xerii, Xerri, Polaris
DESRIPTION: Unguilded is not a "real" guild in the traditional sense. It is simply a collection of lone wolves who aren't really into guild play, but at the same time would like to enjoy the content benefits that guilded players receive (airship buffs, augment slots, discount vendors, etc). We have no shared goals or shared interests, and do not seek out each other for grouping/advice/community - if you are looking for this type of stuff that a real guild provides, then Unguilded is not for you.

08-17-2010, 04:12 PM
Guild: Myth Adventurers

Type: Casual, p2p, f2p

Size: Medium to Large (60+ with alts)

Requirements: We will be glad to see you in our Guild regardless if you are an old hardcore DDO veteran or a newbie. We use English as the main language to communicate but have players that speak Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Bulgarian as well.
Respect, commitment, and a willingness to help others are critical requirements. Expect an interview and a quest run before joining as we want to make sure we are a good fit for you and you are a good fit for us.

Play Time: all hours

Contacts: Guild leader: Conaann, Officers: Lylarcor, Shyren, Simralin, Thelinar, Valorean, Moment, MrTao, Vineco, Elberiel. To join contact one of our officers, or simply fill up the Join Myth Adventurers form in our website www.mythadventurers.webs.com.

Description: The Myth Adventurers is a mature Guild (with yet often silly players) on Orien server.
Our focus is building a guild with good relationships through teamwork, so we can all have fun playing DDO. Our focus is not on a guild airship (and yes, we already have one), but on the people in the guild. (The airship is a bonus)

Web Site: www.mythadventurers.webs.com

12-11-2010, 05:27 PM
Name: The Gray Wardens
Type: Casual, F2P
Size: Group working towards Small
Requirements: Just try and be friendly
Play Times: Usually between 11 am and 5 pm more on Sundays (central time)
Contacts: Leader- Mornalithe, Officers- Absoldrake, Fennaeus, LilMonster, Kraylos
Description: We're a small but active guild happily taking recruits we're also largely GLTB so be cool with that.
WebSite: None I wouldn't even know how to start.

Thanks for making this thread man.

12-11-2010, 05:39 PM
this tread is dead u know i remade but no one was interested

12-13-2010, 09:41 AM
Name: Eclipsia
Type: Casual/Social, F2P, P2P
Size: Very Small
Requirements: Group with an officer, friendly/positive attitude.
Play Time: Varies
Contacts: Nerr (Guild Leader) Agustin (Successor) Dremy
Description: Small guild set on growing. :)
Website: http://eclipsia.guildlaunch.com

12-15-2010, 12:12 AM
TYPE: everything there is
SIZE: Very Very large
REQUIREMENTS: Be yourself... and do what you can for us we do what we can for you
PLAY TIME: I am pretty sure people are on at all times... but mostly around 4-9pm eastern
CONTACTS: Guild Leader- I, Kayge, Officers- very many... some are Teldin, Kelgann, Kelthoz, Kelthoz Armana, Ahhh , Bloodsimple, Auristella, Elujin, Illujin, Elujinn... and many more
DESRIPTION: we are laid back, quest almost non stop, help everyone in the guild, quest mostly with each other and make donations of plat/ items to other guildies if needed
WEB SITE: http://whiteflame.mygamesonline.org/# ... to get to the forums hit the forum tab you will be logged as a guest if you have not made a forum account

12-15-2010, 12:13 AM
TYPE: everything there is
SIZE: Very Very large
REQUIREMENTS: Be yourself... and do what you can for us we do what we can for you
PLAY TIME: I am pretty sure people are on at all times... but mostly around 4-9pm eastern
CONTACTS: Guild Leader- I, Kayge, Officers- very many... some are Teldin, Kelgann, Kelthoz, Kelthoz Armana, Ahhh , Bloodsimple, Auristella, Elujin, Illujin, Elujinn... and many more
DESRIPTION: we are laid back, quest almost non stop, help everyone in the guild, quest mostly with each other and make donations of plat/ items to other guildies if needed
WEB SITE: http://whiteflame.mygamesonline.org/# ... to get to the forums hit the forum tab you will be logged as a guest if you have not made a forum account

i forgot to put eh name in the name part and put it in title instead... we are the Knights of the White Flame

12-17-2010, 03:40 PM
NAME: Forgotten League
TYPE: More on the Casual, side, but have TRs, F2P, VIP and major Altaholics among our number
SIZE: Medium (16-25)
PLAY TIME: Mostly Evening EST
CONTACTS: Kitkat (or one of his 29 alts) or Myself Sosrey (Hullabaloo)
DESRIPTION: See our website recruiting post for details here http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=3372010&postcount=1
WEB SITE: http://forgottenleague.guildportal.com/

12-17-2010, 08:33 PM
Listen This Tread Is Dead Theres No Point In Posting Here

12-20-2010, 07:17 AM
NAME: The Fallen Knights (65)(Empire)= Forever Knights(32), TFK Warrior Division, TFK Specialist Division, TFK Healers Division, TFK Mystic Knights
TYPE: Casual to Elite Raiding
SIZE: Huge (400+) to small (16+)
REQUIREMENTS: Depending on which guild you join the requirements will vary from having to maintain a level 20 at all times for raiding purposes (Forever Knights) to open enrollment for low-levels & beginners (TFK Mystic Knights).
PLAY TIME: All Hours
Guild: The Fallen Knights (65) Leader: IronWulf - Officers: Aiere, Blaylock, Clemeit
Guild: Forever Knights (32) Leader: KelticKing Officers: Vicnan,Agibbons,Wield,Triggerhappy
Guild: TFK Warrior Division(13) Leader: KelticFury Officers: Charlena, Reusaki
Guild: TFK Specialists Division(14) Leader: Olathural
Guild: TFK Healers Division(New) Leader: Raynen
Guild: TFK Mystic Knights(14) Leader: Bloodragon Officers: Cavite, Puffgoon

DESCRIPTION: The Fallen Knights Empire! We are one of six guilds. One very large guild surrounded by 5 smaller specialized satellite guilds all joined together under one umbrella. The bonus is that no matter which guild you are in we have a joint chat with all the sub guilds + the main guild + Forever Knights which allows for ease of groups to be formed + access to the level 65 flagship. All members are very friendly & accomodating to each other as well as others on Orien. The Fallen Knights is known server wide for its airship. We will also sponsor new guilds to fall under the TFK umbrella. If you wish to be apart of a guild where the advancement potential could possibly mean running your own guild than become apart of The Fallen Knights Empire today!

WEB SITE: http://tfkthefallenknights.guildportal.com

12-21-2010, 12:54 AM
o well if you cant beat them get a better weapon

12-21-2010, 09:37 AM
o well if you cant beat them get a better weapon

Or try a different approach

Please go here if you would like to add your guild to a list that will be updated.


12-21-2010, 10:40 PM
Or try a different approach

Please go here if you would like to add your guild to a list that will be updated.


did try that didnt work