View Full Version : A new low in class discrimination
12-29-2009, 12:15 AM
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
12-29-2009, 12:18 AM
This is getting more common place as time goes on.
Probably because there are so many Rangers,omg so many Rangers/Ranger combos and they don't really serve any role that another class can't do better. <shrugs>
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
sounds like a group maybe better left avoided then anyways.
12-29-2009, 01:14 AM
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
By your own description, it's actually a new HIGH in discriminating factors.
12-29-2009, 01:34 AM
I don't know what is worse, groups that remove rangers and such from the list when they need DPS or the groups that have an LFM up showing all classes and then ignore your join request.
12-29-2009, 02:11 AM
Need to put those rangers in their place!
12-29-2009, 02:42 AM
Rangers aren't the only class missing. After all, who wants a Bard when you're fighting creatures with DR many of the melee won't be able to penetrate and beholders which strip away all magical buffs.
12-29-2009, 02:55 AM
Rangers aren't the only class missing. After all, who wants a Bard when you're fighting creatures with DR many of the melee won't be able to penetrate and beholders which strip away all magical buffs.
I always keep at least one slot open for bards in my group, if I can find one. Bards are always good in a party if there built well. The problem is the "built well" part. Bards are rare as it is and good ones are a down right endangered species.
12-29-2009, 03:11 AM
They don't really serve any role that another class can't do better. <shrugs>
Unfortunately true seriously lets take a look:
Rangers do great Melee DPS; So do fighters, pallys, barbarians, and (if built for it) Battle Clerics
Rangers also do Great ranged DPS; So do Sorcs and Wizards
Rangers can heal... sorta: Bard, fav soul, cleric all do it better.
Rangers can be stealthy and sneak around killing stuff; Rogue, nuf said.
Rangers have a few buff spells; bard, sorc, wiz, cleric take your pick there all better.
For most people this is a good party:
Caster (Wiz/Sorc)
x2 Tank (Barb, Pali, Ftr, Monk)
Rangers and to some extent bards get ignored allot. it's not there fault. Are rangers bad? Not at all, I have seen some really good ones, problem is I have also seen some really bad ones and when given a choice between a fighter, a barb, a pali and a ranger I am gonna take the fighter or barb over the ranger any day. It takes skill to be even a mediocre ranger but anyone who can swing a stick can be a good fighter or barbarian. Ranger's are a roll of the dice. fighter, barb, pali are just safer.
12-29-2009, 03:15 AM
Been noticing a lot of this stuff lately.
Groups that need a tank, but aren't accepting rangers or monks, yet are taking barbarians. Groups that are running quests many levels above the level of the quest on normal, but only accepting certain classes.
Groups that have a rogue, and thereby default dismiss all other rogues.
Groups running quests with no traps that are only taking a rogue.
Groups that need DPS, but aren't accepting rogues or rangers.
Groups for low level quests comprised of 4 paladins and a caster that are only accepting clerics.
Groups that are missing a caster and only taking a sorcerer.
Groups that are missing a caster and only taking a wizard.
I think part of it may be due to the influx of new players, many of whom may come from PnP, or have received advise about ideal party make-up and class roles, and have managed to go many levels without realizing how flexible and relatively easy this game can be.
12-29-2009, 05:36 AM
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
well if they dont want rangers its kinda dumb since they can many shot beholders and take em down without anyone losing any buffs.
sounds to me like there noobs and it was best to avoid that party
i would never exclude anyone for an easy quest like that
me and a couple of buddys did it 3 man elite wf barb a paly and a melee fs when i was lvl 13 and i had 2 lvl 14s not thats a big acomplishment since i had a sorc friend who would solo the quest on elite at lvl 10 when it first came out
12-29-2009, 07:17 AM
And we ran it last night four times in 50 minutes total, n/n/n/h with two level 14 rogues and a sorcerer. We added a ranger at the end. How dare we run without a full group and without paladin and a cleric!?!? The imputence! The audacity! The unmitigated gall!!!!
12-29-2009, 07:22 AM
This is to be expected as froobs level up and the limiting viewpoint that one must have "X" class to complete a quest.
OP, your safer for not going...
12-29-2009, 07:31 AM
This is getting more common place as time goes on.
Probably because there are so many Rangers,omg so many Rangers/Ranger combos and they don't really serve any role that another class can't do better. <shrugs>
lol wut
12-29-2009, 07:52 AM
12-29-2009, 07:57 AM
Drow © Blizzard.
12-29-2009, 08:14 AM
12-29-2009, 08:25 AM
Unfortunately, there are still a number of rogues out there that cannot handle DPS if they have the attention of a mob. Add to this a lower hit point pool and its obvious why this happens. Now, there are a number of rogues out there that can handle this job, but people generally don't expect it and commonly believe that a tank is needed for a number of quests where it isn't.
12-29-2009, 08:26 AM
Trap monkeys are not neccessary...
12-29-2009, 08:28 AM
The deluge of ranged rangers that has come in with DDO:EU, which we had almost eliminated from the game when the cap was 16, has nearly ruined the ranger name.
I just send grps like this a tell "baddest twf tempest in game - you want dps and killing fast, I'm your man". Almost always get accepted. The claim isn't really ture, I'm sure there are lots of bigger badder dps rangers out there, but it gets the point across that I'm not going to sit back and plink away.
12-29-2009, 08:33 AM
The deluge of ranged rangers that has come in with DDO:EU, which we had almost eliminated from the game when the cap was 16, has nearly ruined the ranger name.
I just send grps like this a tell "baddest twf tempest in game - you want dps and killing fast, I'm your man". Almost always get accepted. The claim isn't really ture, I'm sure there are lots of bigger badder dps rangers out there, but it gets the point across that I'm not going to sit back and plink must be
12-29-2009, 08:41 AM
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
There really is only one thing to say. This group leader is really not in tune with various class attributes. With the classes you described in your OP it really was open season on any additional class. I may have purposely either recruited a ranger or another caster as this quest can be an SP drain.
12-29-2009, 08:42 AM
you must be
You must be... jealous? =)
my pure tempest ranger does some amazing dps, on par with the average beserker, your problem is the influx of players who think ranger means ranged combat...while yes, we do have bow skills, our 2wf/tempest ability coupled with decent strength makes for mean dps, save your manyshot for situational situations, then put your bow away
12-29-2009, 09:02 AM
my pure tempest ranger does some amazing dps, on par with the average beserker, your problem is the influx of players who think ranger means ranged combat...while yes, we do have bow skills, our 2wf/tempest ability coupled with decent strength makes for mean dps, save your manyshot for situational situations, then put your bow away
The new influx of players are discriminating kind of like the old veterans did towards rangers back in the day.
12-29-2009, 09:20 AM
And we ran it last night four times in 50 minutes total, n/n/n/h with two level 14 rogues and a sorcerer. We added a ranger at the end. How dare we run without a full group and without paladin and a cleric!?!? The imputence! The audacity! The unmitigated gall!!!!
so you didnt have a cleric but you had haste and web so there
and our fs was a melee fs and didnt do much healing anyhow :-P
12-29-2009, 09:22 AM
The new influx of players are discriminating kind of like the old veterans did towards rangers back in the day.
itwf was yucky and wasnt even faster then spam attack in fact alot slower also they sorta smelled like trees and squirrel droppings so
12-29-2009, 09:23 AM
Groups running quests with no traps that are only taking a rogue.
I noticed a group like this the other day that was only taking a rogue for Dreams of Insanity. I was on my wizard and wanted to go. I sent a tell to the leader of the group and said "You know there aren't any traps there right?" He was like "really?" My reply "Yup, so invite me ^_^" Smooth easy beholder warforge killing fun.
If you notice a group like that point out to them. Hey there aren't any traps and ask for an invite.
12-29-2009, 09:31 AM
Rangers aren't the only class missing. After all, who wants a Bard when you're fighting creatures with DR many of the melee won't be able to penetrate and beholders which strip away all magical buffs.
lol & soda up the nose, +1.
12-29-2009, 05:24 PM
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
Pfft. And here I thought this was going to be about my halfling thrower build. ;)
12-29-2009, 05:33 PM
I noticed a group like this the other day that was only taking a rogue for Dreams of Insanity. I was on my wizard and wanted to go. I sent a tell to the leader of the group and said "You know there aren't any traps there right?" He was like "really?" My reply "Yup, so invite me ^_^" Smooth easy beholder warforge killing fun.
If you notice a group like that point out to them. Hey there aren't any traps and ask for an invite.
I tend to do that even if I'm not trying to get into the run. I frequently will send a tell to a group leader if I notice something amiss with his LFM. Like groups up for Devil Assault lvl 3-6. Or when the LFM says, "Need DPS," yet rogues are restricted.
Still, some people don't want to listen.
12-29-2009, 05:47 PM
Still, some people don't want to listen.
I hear you; at least we tried :(
12-29-2009, 05:51 PM
I hear you; at least we tried :(
Yeah. It's really silly, and sad how narrow-minded some people are about class roles and the flexibility of of the game. I just ran half of GH (most on elite), Chains of Flame and DQ 1 with 2 bards, a FvS, a cleric and my wizard, and they were some of the smoothest runs I've had in those quests (12-14 group).
One day people may learn...but I won't hold my breath.
12-29-2009, 05:55 PM
Yeah. It's really silly, and sad how narrow-minded some people are about class roles and the flexibility of of the game. I just ran half of GH (most on elite), Chains of Flame and DQ 1 with 2 bards, a FvS, a cleric and my wizard, and they were some of the smoothest runs I've had in those quests (12-14 group).
One day people may learn...but I won't hold my breath.
Because of course, everyone knows the only way to run the shroud is 1 healbot FvS, 1 warchanter, and 10 pure KotC Paladins dual wielding epic chaosblades with silver :)
12-29-2009, 06:16 PM
I think new players have bad runs with less optimal group setups and go for savity on the next runs. They choose for what they think is a optimal class setup. But in ddo you can have a good group with various classetups, because tactics are far more important than classsetup. Invaders can be a very hard quest if you don´t know what you are doing (and linger at the portals). Same goes for Taming the Flames (all you need is fire resistance). When these new players get more experienced they probably will be less selective in their group setups.
On the subject of rangers: Long ago I thougth rangers weren't that great, until I grouped with one that kicked a$$. I rolled one myself shortly after.
12-29-2009, 06:25 PM
or the groups that have an LFM up showing all classes and then ignore your join request.
This was always one of my peeves.
12-29-2009, 07:39 PM
Try getting into a group as an 8bard/6ranger/2fighter!! Not an easy task. And when ya do, they get all weird when you double there kill count :p
Some people just have no imagination :confused:
12-29-2009, 07:44 PM
Try getting into a group as an 8bard/6ranger/2fighter!! Not an easy task. And when ya do, they get all weird when you double there kill count :p
Some people just have no imagination :confused:
I am trying to imagine how you double anyone's kill count when there are a finite number of critters to kill and if there aren't, killing faster almost always means facing fewer due to a quicker win :).
12-29-2009, 07:48 PM
They didn't want druids either!?!?!?!
Worst LFM ever.
I hope they wiped.
12-29-2009, 07:56 PM
Invaders. Level range 15-20. Let me repeat. 15-20. The group has a sorc, cleric, fighter, two pali's. The group is only accepting fighter, pali, barbarian, monk. /cry.
a group at that lvl with sorc and cleric and they are looking for more :eek::eek::eek::eek:
heck at that lvl just the sorc or cleric could solo it. best avoid such a group if neither the sorc or cleric can solo it, lol
12-29-2009, 11:38 PM
I am trying to imagine how you double anyone's kill count when there are a finite number of critters to kill and if there aren't, killing faster almost always means facing fewer due to a quicker win :).
If the bard/ranger/fighter has double the kill count, it means that everyone else was AFK. DUH! :rolleyes:
On the subject of rangers: Long ago I thougth rangers weren't that great, until I grouped with one that kicked a$$. I rolled one myself shortly after.
It's my belief that everyone should at least try a character of every class, if only for a little while.
I'll probably never try a bard, and my experience with a cleric (to lvl 6) will likely mean that I never try a FvS ever, either, but I have a greater understanding of what the game is like for others, and therefore understand better why I should be appreciative of my party mates, and what is reasonable to expect from people.
12-30-2009, 01:58 AM
I am trying to imagine how you double anyone's kill count when there are a finite number of critters to kill and if there aren't, killing faster almost always means facing fewer due to a quicker win :).
Lets play, look up Kyntari in game. Try to keep up :p
I will admit though that it is alot easier with parties made up of primarily new players.
12-30-2009, 08:14 AM
Try getting into a group as an 8bard/6ranger/2fighter!! Not an easy task. And when ya do, they get all weird when you double there kill count :p
Some people just have no imagination :confused:
haha nice,
I just rolled up 2 similar like that:
12 bard / 6 rgr / 2 rog and < tempest of course
16 bard / 2 rog / 2 ftr < warchanter still
both dual wielding khopesh.
01-01-2010, 11:04 AM
Seems ridiculous to me. Rarely ever see a gimped ranger at the higher levels. It happens, but far less frequently than low hp fighters, impossibly low dps palis, and poorly built rogues. Usually, a poorly built ranger is still not a drain on the party like other bad builds.
If you think rangers are poor dps, you should build an exploiter or a dwarf tempest etc. Very high dps and self-sustainability.
Honestly, I rarely see groups avoiding rangers, but when i do ... I switch to another toon or go to a different group. No worries, they will learn.
01-01-2010, 03:31 PM
The 1st toon I made (after some research) is a ranger. Yes, bows are fun and great for getting those spider eggs from a distance, but i look forward to charging forward, swinging 2 swords and taking foes down QUICK. 1st lvl was rogue, been taking ranger since, and in parties and solo i buff and heal with my handy umd skills and way to many clickies. At first it was a bit difficult, learning the quests, and figuring out what weapons and equipment were good, and which were ****/redundant.
Prahd is relatively low lvl at 9, but hes my explorer/ twink daddy to my newer toons. And does it well. A well built and well played ranger is a great addition to any party, and I cant wait to get him up to higher levels to make him a true killing machine.
Usually i run him with my buddies cleric, or solo. So far at level there are very few quests we cant run together.
I'd like to say that a badly used ranger is a waste of bandwidth, either they learn when to use the bows or they will
never stay in good groups for very long.
01-01-2010, 08:09 PM
I see lots of strange discrimination. And sometimes get turned down instantly from a LFM that has my class listed too.
Rgrs and Mnks and Rogs are most common for this.
Other clases if they already have one of that class.
Strange when they are so much higher lvl than the quest.
Makes me go...huh?! What are they thinking?
Whatever. You probably don't want to group with them anyhow.
01-01-2010, 08:38 PM
I see lots of strange discrimination. And sometimes get turned down instantly from a LFM that has my class listed too.
Rgrs and Mnks and Rogs are most common for this.
Other clases if they already have one of that class.
Strange when they are so much higher lvl than the quest.
Makes me go...huh?! What are they thinking?
Whatever. You probably don't want to group with them anyhow.
That is because it is you.;)
01-01-2010, 08:46 PM
I see lots of strange discrimination. And sometimes get turned down instantly from a LFM that has my class listed too.
Rgrs and Mnks and Rogs are most common for this.
Other clases if they already have one of that class.
Strange when they are so much higher lvl than the quest.
Makes me go...huh?! What are they thinking?
Whatever. You probably don't want to group with them anyhow.
Seen plenty of this lately.
Many groups advertising Need Tank (for your normal random quest) and Rangers are not included.
I've asked if they want a DPS melee ranger and was told NO, ok, better off not in this group.
Rogues are also excluded even though the LFM is for NEED DPS.
As someone else said, they will learn.
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