View Full Version : Mandragora uber FvS with a Confucius kicker.

12-27-2009, 10:41 PM
I jumped into a pug shroud on my sorc the other day and was relieved when we were making short work of the portals in part one, had good communication for part 2, all ran water in part three, and chewed through Harry in part 4. When we hit part 5 and I was pretty much going to mail it in when suddenly Harry hit 15%, and it all went wrong. The melees started dropping, the clerics started panicking, and that which was so seamless moments beforehand and became so much chaos. To my dismay the leader called it quits and told people to leave... With those words my “****-the-torpedoes” gene kicked in and I started chugging pots and did as much damage as I could before Harry ate my lunch. At that point only a favored soul (Mandragora) and someone that had dc'd was still in group. To my surprise the favored soul was still up and not only that, drinking pots like it was his last night of gaming and dropping crazy blade barriers. I happily switched rolls to cheerleader and kept my guild up to date on the action…
"Harry is at 10%. Probably 20+ pots"
"2. More than 30 pots."
The favored soul clicked the alter without much ado. Funny enough, the guy that had dc'd had come back to witness the end (which I'm sure he was mightily confused about) and offers pots to Mandragora WHICH HE TURNED DOWN!
This might be my favorite completion of the shroud ever… But it gets even better…
Afterwards I sent him mail with 15 pots attached saying “Please take these, that was so much fun to watch.”
Which Mandragora replied “All the things that are only data .just game.but ,ty:)”
If you see him hit your lfm, I suggest you take him.


12-28-2009, 12:36 AM
Lol Me and Ten ten(i think it was him on his caster) had a pt 4 like that once. Him and I were the only ones left, me on a wf'd melee and him on one of his casters. He chugged just enough pots to keep me up and then claim the kill for his own :D was a good time :P

Sounds like a fun run, wish i had been on at the time to read the play by play in gc.

12-28-2009, 12:40 AM
I love when people fight until the last man standing. Great story.

12-29-2009, 03:34 AM
Yeah i had a similar situation in VoD

Sully on 15% second orthon wave and everyone started to die after few seconds was only me (on Dramacharm, FvS), Orangebot (sully tank) and Kevlin (orthon tank)... oh yeah and 5-6 orthons runnin around with full hp :D

long story short, we killed sully having everyone ressed and full hp, was an epic fight trying to keep up everyone while ressing the dead and keeping up those that were alive

gooood times :)

12-29-2009, 04:15 AM
hehe, very nice, indeed!

12-29-2009, 11:53 AM
Yeah i had a similar situation in VoD

Sully on 15% second orthon wave and everyone started to die after few seconds was only me (on Dramacharm, FvS), Orangebot (sully tank) and Kevlin (orthon tank)... oh yeah and 5-6 orthons runnin around with full hp :D

long story short, we killed sully having everyone ressed and full hp, was an epic fight trying to keep up everyone while ressing the dead and keeping up those that were alive

gooood times :)

I don't see the situation as being similar at all.

In your raid people died and you rezzed them, in his people died and left and 2 people finished the raid.

GJ on the raid save though.

12-29-2009, 02:16 PM
thats awesome. I love his comment about everything only being data. Ive always felt the same, everything is fake except the people you play with.

12-30-2009, 12:58 AM
awesome job. he is the one who live up to the FVS class.