View Full Version : Looking for Enjoyable Guild

12-24-2009, 02:17 PM
I'm a middle-aged, mature, experienced MMO player, relatively new to DDO (Premium account). I am a college student, which during terms interferes greatly with my time for play. I am seeking a mature, reasonable group of people with whom I will enjoy playing DDO.

I'm currently figuring out the builds I enjoy playing for Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard. I have started and re-rolled characters so many times since September I've lost count. I expect when I reach level 20 on my characters I'll be reincarnating to build better next time (as well as getting the height and extra build points).

First, the things I prefer to avoid in games I play for enjoyment:

Drama. The single most horrid destoyer of enjoyment for me

Illegal activities of any kind, especially illegal drugs. Go ahead if you want to do so, but don't involve me by reference in any kind of chat. Fair warning given

Pressure to level/raid. I'll get there when I get there, and will enjoy the travel as well as the destination

Pressure to PvP. Go ahead for yourself, but don't include me in such plans

Excessive swearing in chat (typed or voice)

Spoilers in open chat. I've learned to use tells for such things, I expect others to be considerate and do the same

Other playe..., er, immature behaviors to be named later :D

Now, the things I'm looking for in a guild:

People, with all the faults and foibles along with all the strengths and skills we have as individuals

Maturity, which from my experience seldom has anything to do with chronologic age




Commitment. My word is my bond. I have reasonable expectations of the same from other people

Which leads to... Life happens. The solid world is more important than an online game

Patience. The Roman Empire was neither built, nor fell, in a single day. I have the same perspective for building relationships, online or solid world

Humor, which to me does not mean laughing at vulgarity on its own. Innuendo and double-meanings can be entertaining for brief periods of time

Responses via PM, and will you include a contact character in game, please? I'll reply via PM with a conctact character name, and we can arrange a date and time to chat online.

Responses on this thread will be ignored.

Oh! I'm in no hurry. I'll be playing DDO for a while. I'll check back here every few days, as I remember to do so.

Now, I'm going to do something enjoyable in game, which is why I'm here in the first place.

Happy Hunting!

12-24-2009, 02:20 PM
Try permadeath.

12-24-2009, 02:22 PM
I'm a middle-aged, mature, experienced MMO player, relatively new to DDO (Premium account). I am a college student, which during terms interferes greatly with my time for play. I am seeking a mature, reasonable group of people with whom I will enjoy playing DDO.

I'm currently figuring out the builds I enjoy playing for Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, and Wizard. I have started and re-rolled characters so many times since September I've lost count. I expect when I reach level 20 on my characters I'll be reincarnating to build better next time (as well as getting the height and extra build points).

First, the things I prefer to avoid in games I play for enjoyment:

Drama. The single most horrid destoyer of enjoyment for me

Illegal activities of any kind, especially illegal drugs. Go ahead if you want to do so, but don't involve me by reference in any kind of chat. Fair warning given

Pressure to level/raid. I'll get there when I get there, and will enjoy the travel as well as the destination

Pressure to PvP. Go ahead for yourself, but don't include me in such plans

Excessive swearing in chat (typed or voice)

Spoilers in open chat. I've learned to use tells for such things, I expect others to be considerate and do the same

Other playe..., er, immature behaviors to be named later :D

Now, the things I'm looking for in a guild:

People, with all the faults and foibles along with all the strengths and skills we have as individuals

Maturity, which from my experience seldom has anything to do with chronologic age




Commitment. My word is my bond. I have reasonable expectations of the same from other people

Which leads to... Life happens. The solid world is more important than an online game

Patience. The Roman Empire was neither built, nor fell, in a single day. I have the same perspective for building relationships, online or solid world

Humor, which to me does not mean laughing at vulgarity on its own. Innuendo and double-meanings can be entertaining for brief periods of time

Responses via PM, and will you include a contact character in game, please? I'll reply via PM with a conctact character name, and we can arrange a date and time to chat online.

Responses on this thread will be ignored.

Oh! I'm in no hurry. I'll be playing DDO for a while. I'll check back here every few days, as I remember to do so.

Now, I'm going to do something enjoyable in game, which is why I'm here in the first place.

Happy Hunting!

Amen to that

Oh coincidently our guild name is Amen and we are Thelanis :)