View Full Version : New player looking for guild to level

12-21-2009, 06:27 PM
Hi all,

While I'm not new to DND (P&P), nor by any means to MMOs or gaming in general, I AM new to DDO. What I'm looking for is a guild to level my rogue. While end-game may become my focus at a later time, I'm looking more now for a guild that isn't concerned with getting to max level ASAP. I want to experience all those places that vets usually skip on their journey to 20 for one reason or another. In other words, I'd like to see as much of the game as possible, not just get to 20 and start raiding. A good guild is invaluable for accomplishing this, even with a good pick-up community like this game has so far.

If you think I may be a good fit based on the above info, feel free to respond here, PM me, or send me a tell in-game to Dolora (level 5 Rogue).

Thanks in advance for any and all responses.

01-10-2010, 09:21 PM
You sound like how I like to currently/want to currently play. We are a fairly active guild with those around the world, US, Australia, Canada ..

Check out our recruitment thread:
[RECRUIT] - Omega Syndicate on Khyber (http://www.os.rumbaar.net/index.php?topic=63.0)

Enjoy yourself.